You Might Want To Seriously Consider Joining WEKU (STEEM Clone)

in #weku6 years ago


The clone wars have begun! I knew it was a matter of time before several STEEM clones would get to market. WEKU is the latest!

Sign up through my link and you get 100 WEKU and I do too!

Right now it is an all out rush for people to hustle and scoop up coins! When I joined Steemit back in 2016 it had already went through the phase that WEKU is in. They had an alpha phase where the payouts were still pending and then suddenly when the payouts dropped the price shot way up to $4 / coin. We might have a similar situation over on WEKU!!! People are making some serious moves over there and you never know it something like this becomes way more popular in a different part of the world.

Several Steemians have joined already!!!! Here is what the interface looks like. Since you already know how Steemit works then there is little to no learning curve for you against the people who are finding out about that platform for the first time.


Right now it doesn't look like WEKU is trading on any exchanges. If it is it might be trading on some small Chinese exchanges.

At the end of the day a person really has nothing to lose by signing up and double posting over there.

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Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


Joined under you, brother. Although I'm Steem all the way, doesn't hurt to have a back up. Still have not received email confirmation, though ??

Hmmm, that is strange. They keep changing their signup processes. When I signed up there was no SMS confirmation or anything

They giving any airdop coins? ?

Well there is the referral system and then automatically by posting there you get upvotes from the weku-team account. It is hard saying how much all of it will be worth in the end but I figure I will double post there and see if anything happens with it in the future.

I personally think it's a poor clone with no future but I could be wrong. I joined just in case :0)

Me too - they don't appear to have a single new idea...

I feel you but as long as it can get on an exchange or two then people could possibly chase the carrot and trying to become powerful out there.

They could, I can't see what's different about it though. You know to help with issues here, is it just going to be a poorly implemented, more of the same?

Yeah I think the same thing will play out there at a faster rate than it happened on here since everything seems the same. The interesting caviate is the fact that they have the referral program so that could accelerate the signup process and also when we got on Steemit is was a minimal viable product so they have the benefit of 2 years of development on their side.

I think the governance still won't make a ton of sense in the end. I'm just look at it as a way to double post and hopefully extend my reach and snag some coins early encase it actually becomes something in the future. It could catch fire in some place like India or China or something where a ton of people get on and have never heard of Steemit.

So many competing social media platforms right now - I just cant keep up!

I'm on Steem primarily, because my feed is actually quite interesting, mainly decent photographers with a smattering of crypto analysis. Steem has a big advantage in the sheer amount of users, meaning that by law of averages there is bound to be some gems in there.

I'm also pretty happy with Dmunity, although its only been operational for a couple of weeks, its 'Curated' feed has some good Ethereum related news, which is primarily what i'm interested in when it comes to crypto. Its got a solid focus on a niche for the coming months, which is why is could do well.

Trybe has been disappointing, mainly due to clunky UX. Not spending much time here, but I see big potential for social media on EOS, mainly because it has a shit-ton of money to spend on the problem. No doubt Larimer will be pushing for this as an early example of what can be done on the platform.

That is the first I heard of Dmunity. I bookmarked it. I have only posted the one post on Trybe. I was mainly trying to get in before the airdrop.

I just saw a new social media example built on EOS but haven't been able to look into what the focus is and what they are trying to do.

Aha! So the @brianphobos on WEKU is the REAL @brianphobos! LOL - Nice to see you here, and there!

Luckily I didn't have to be @thereal-official-traditional-brianphobos

Well I joined up to see it - so hopefully you made a kickback - but it just looks like an exact copy of Steemit - Why?

I'm sure the reason why is to make themselves rich with the least amount of effort. LOL But yeah it would have made a little more sense to tweak a few things like did.

Are you on Trybe? - I just set up an account to have a look but I think it looks like another G+ vs fakebook - and I pick it to be the loser.

Yeah I got on Trybe. Right now they are just running the whole thing on the Wordpress engine but their goal is to eventually switch everything over to be running on EOS. But yeah that was my initial impression as well. I wasn't impressed at first but they made it so everyone was going to get an airdrop for the tokens dependent on how many tokens you had in the thing on Sept 11th. That was my main reason.

So they are basically bribing people to sign up but then trying to bore them to death :)

If the competition is trype and weka I'm not impressed - are there any others? is another one and Vice is lauching. People are having problems uploading. NSFW Warning!

LOL - I've never seen so much porn on one page :)

Well maybe I have, but not from a link on Steemit!

So let me get this Right we will all have like $100,000 worth of WEKU after the First Month and we Will be Like GODS on the WEKU Platform ? @brianphobos

OK I am there I will just Wait to be AIRDROP'd my $100K of WEKU............@papa-pepper that was easy.......

Hahhaha, that would be nice! To be honest if we can at least snag 1/3rd of what we are here for posting the same stuff that would be pretty nice!

I can barely use the site-it keeps forcing me to login in again and can't get any of the keys but in order to post it asks me for it.

That situation was happening to me on Whaleshares but it was because of the way they have the permissions set to even get on the wallet page.

So no way to fix it and just have to wait for them to change it?

Well I made a new account and it works much better. It @bitmaster on weku but oh well :P

I feel like all these "clones" popping up are annoying because they're not inventive...

yeah WEKU is mainly an exact clone. Whaleshares has a couple interesting twists and Vice is still trying to off the ground fully so we will see what happens there.

Looks identical to Steemit... joined a few days ago

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