Time for another haircut.. what should I look like

in #life7 years ago

Decided to get a haircut before my trip to Shanghai. Hopefully it makes me have a less punchable


Any recommendations? Short / long


wawo...cool looking i likes that style

Hhahahaha!! Funny guy man! but seriously regarding your haircut. Looks like you have receding hairline -

You give out quality content but not that you're getting more famous its time to become more presentable! Heads up to your meeting in China

My hair is now long, somethings I like about it and somethings I don't. I think it just take some getting used to you know.

bowlcut ftw!

look great, I need to get mine cut too. I think short is the best for now. could you please have a look on this amazing post: https://steemit.com/christian-trail/@pastorlea/unless-you-belong-you-can-t-be-lost

YO @boxmining get the Justin Bieber!

Whatever hair style hes rocking right now... just google it and get it.

It will probably suck, but it will be funny and you asked!

Shave it.

Your face isn't punchable.

Have fun in Shanghai.

According to YouTube comments it's super punchable lol

Justin Bieber haircut please. Oh... Less punch able? Never mind.

Stylists have you cut in their mind before you sit down, unless you have a plan.
I'll run it by a expert. Good luck. Maybe some layers and highlights.

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