SEC-S18W4 - My tools to shine

in Shine with Steem14 days ago


The day you'll stay a second without holding your phone, I'll shoot gun. This was said by one of my neighbour who has been seeing me on a constant moves with my phone as brothers. This my phone is my tool. My academics, finances, Social life and others are embedded in this small device of mine called Redmi.

Anywhere this phone is found with me, I'll be the talk of the town meaning my phone actually makes me shine without even doing anything worth it. How does my phone make me shine wherever the phone is found with me? This challenge has series of questions that would explain in details how an inanimate thing makes me shine. I'll be talking more about one tool which is my phone and the only tool I have for now.

What technological tools do you use in your daily life? (Computers, cell phones, tablets, drones, smartwatches, etc.)

The technological tool I use in my daily life is my Smart Phone- Redmi Note 12 Pro. This is a tool that I do much cherish even more than food. When I'm with this tool, I sometimes forget to eat and some things. Since I purchased it, it has become my tight friend. I go anywhere with it. There's no other person or thing I can give such preferential treatment. This tool has helped changed my life for the better. Sometimes I sit and wonder how life was like without phone.


This tool has been beneficial to me financially, academically, health wise, information based, socially, spiritually and physically. Part of my life is connected to this tool and I can be broken if anything happens to the phone. It's very surprising to see how an inanimate object can be responsible for various aspects of one's life, reasons why it's always used daily.

IMG_20230917_144811.jpgPXL_20240417_093457851.PORTRAIT.jpg Redmi Note 12 Pro

I wonder how people survive without being with their phone for a day. I bet I don't know how I would react if my phone is not by my side. Without this tool, a lot wouldn't be known or done in life. We are the in the digital era where people use this tool to;

  • earn a living
  • study in school and even
  • raise a family. This is the only technological tool I enjoy using on a daily basis though I have others but they don't really impact my life the way this phone does.
In what situations do you use them?

I use this phone for every life situations that are demanding. Is it making money by writing? Is it using it to research projects for my academics? Is it learning how to be social and relieving myself using songs? Is it communication? Is it digital transactions?These are such a few of the situations I use this tool for. The major is photography. My life has been embedded with photographs and it's only this tool that can deliver my style of photographs


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I use this tool in capturing people, events, and scenes that are worthwhile. With this phone, I've been given lot of contracts on photography and edits and I've been popular because of this tool. I can remember going for a convention in my City. When It was the intermission session, my phone received lots of calls of my whereabouts just to give out clean shots. These are some of the photos I use this tool to capture.

Why do these tools make your life easier?

These tool makes my life easier in the sense that I don't have to write letters to people manually and then post these letters in the post office. Through phones, I've been able to reach people far and wide without distortion in connection.

In school, this tool has made my life easier in terms of curtailing expenses for me. The money I would have used in purchasing textbooks for use is saved as tis tools captures these textbooks and embed it in a pdf format. I've also been able to make researches academically without needing to search for books. Everything one needs to know is on the net.

As a mentor, I've been able to mentor steemians easily without stress using the WhatsApp app embedded in this tool. Physical mentorship would have been much more stressful and inconvenient in terms of transportation and the likes. So this tool has done wonders.


On your computer, cell phone, tablet or any device: What applications do you usually use and how do they help you? (Including chat applications, social networks, office packages, games, etc.)

I'll start with the app I usually use to make academic projects. This tool has really been of help as it has an app where you have to type things and contain it in a pdf file for printing. You don't have to pay for typing as you can do that with this app called.. Word Document app


When It comes to communication, this tool contains apps that can make this possible. You can store people's contacts on the app and then reach out to them in that same app. Technology is gradually taking over the whole world.

The camera apps, search engines and some social media apps are of great benefits to me and has impacted my life and has helped me enhancing my knowledge of certain things even in school work.



Imagine that you cannot use any of your technological or manual tools for a week... How much would it affect your productivity?

Like I have said at the onset, I can't stay a second without my phone. Even if it's down, it must be by my side or I must charge it in a place I'll use my own eyes to see it. So id my phone is taken away from me for a week, I'll become depressed which can lead to me kicking the bucket. That's how serious I am with my phone, reasons why you'll always see me with this object. When I sleep, lie down, do house chores or even walking on the streets, I find myself using this tool.

In summary, if you have a technological tool that's stilling functionally well and you're not making the best use of it, you are wasting resources. Your phone must be useful to you as you purchased it for that reason. It's not by being addictive to your phone but have something what you paid for can be doing for you daily. I invite @yancar @okere-blessing @whizzbro4eva

All pictures from my phone apps and WhatsApp account.

 14 days ago 

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 14 days ago 

Saludos amigo, buena herramienta con la cual llevas adelante tu trabajo, además como sabemos nos podemos comunicar con familiares y amigos.

Suerte, feliz y bendecido día.

 14 days ago 

Appreciated Boss. I hope you also participated so I can check up your own blog and see your own working tools

Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @mvchacin

 13 days ago 

Hola amigo
El teléfono es una herramienta muy completa con ella hacemos de todo un poco desde hacer una llamada hasta realizar trabajos con el .
Es todo en uno jajaja
Te deseo éxito en la participación

 12 days ago 

Appreciated. Looking forward to reading your own entry as well

 13 days ago 

Hello @bossj23 hope you are having a good day I enjoyed reading about how important your phone is in your daily life amazing your Redmi Note 12 Pro helps you with everything from academics and finances to social life and photography. Your phone is a powerful tool that keeps you productive and connected. Thanks for sharing your experience,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐.

 12 days ago 

I really appreciate. This Redmi device has proven useful and effective to me in school and my photographing as well. He who has a good phone has a good thing. Thanks for the comment

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