Comedy Open Mic Round #41 ~ The Legend of ShittyfingerssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Our shop Conquest Comics has been it’s current location for about 7 years, but for the first 2 plus we were just next door in our original smaller spot. This story takes place in the original shop around 2011 and is true.

I remember that day well. I was working by myself and it was a nice spring day. The door was open to allow a sweet breeze to dance throughout the shop to waft away the smell of unwashed virgins. I had some customers trickling in like normal, when a regular kid named Christian and his grandfather popped on in.

Christian had to be around 10 or 11 at this point and boy...was he a pain in the shitter. A nice kid, but he blurted out a million annoying questions each and every time he popped in. I always smiled and answered him as best I could while secretly wishing for him to have a aneurysm or die on the spot of Ankle Cancer.

Christian’s grandpappy always brought him in and this guy was a no nonsense, loveless son of a bitch. His fuse was the shortest I had ever seen and he was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode on his grandson. Every. Single. Time.

Ya see, Christian would not only ask me a million stupid questions but he would take 13 & 1/2 years to make up his mind on which overpriced toy he wanted to get on each visit. Grandpappy was having none of that and would yell within minutes of being there, ”CHRISTIAN...LET’S GO!!!” That phrase was uttered at least 15 times when they came in and I was filled with pure glee every time his decaying yapper would scream at his disappointing grandson.

He sounded like the old Grandfather in Christmas Vacation. “They want you to say Grace...The Blessssss-iiiing”. Yeah...that guy. You can feel the years of displeasure emanating through his groggily cracking voice.

I should preface this by adding in that Christian would always reply back to Black Heart Gramps, “But Grandpa, you know it’s hard for me to choose because I have Aspergers”. I don’t know if he did or not but if I were a betting man, I’d say he did. It just made sense.

So on this particular day, I see him bouncing around and practically dancing. Then out came the question. “Can I use your bathroom?” We try to refrain from letting the public use the restrooms. We have a stupid amount of inventory and it’s always a messy tight squeeze to get the the back there but in this day I felt his pain. I have Crohn’s disease so I know what it’s like to be panicked to find a restroom. I said sure and I led him to it and walked back out front to make sure gramps wasn’t dead.

A few minutes later Christian comes out and decided on a toy quickly which I found somewhat odd. Gramps paid for it and they left to go ruin someone else’s day I imagine.

So a few hours pass and because I don’t care about living either and I already downed 44 ounces of tasty delicious Coca-Cola, I find myself having to go drain the main vein. That is when I saw the images that still haunt me to this day.

I opened the bathroom door as my disappointing dick was about to explode with cola piss, when I see just about the most horrific thing imaginable. Poop smears covered everything. On the toilet tank lid. On the handle. Shit is on the damn mirror. It’s on the toilet paper roll. The countertop? You bet. Covered in smeared turd. It’s on the walls in multiple places. The doorknob...doo doo central. Poop is everywhere in my bathroom...except in the fuckin toilet.

This kid was like the Banksy of shit smearing. It also smelled like fresh nugz as well as it had been fermenting for hours. I was truly horrified. I went immediately and called my business partner to let him know the shitty news. Of course, he immediately laughed hysterically...knowing that he was not in today and it would be me to scrub the scat clean.

I remember taking pics and sending it to him to which he told me to fuck off as he wasn’t going to look at them. I still have all my old phones and one day when I go through them, I’ll find the images and post an update with photo evidence to back this shit up.

Long story short...I had to scrub young boy dookie off of everything. There were perfect chocolatey thumb prints that would make CSI’s Gil Grissom proud. I felt like I was destroying evidence. I had to get extra cleaners from my house to get the job done, but I powered through it.

To this day, I have no idea what happened. The only thing I could come up with was that he had an accident in his pants and then pretended he was a blind Bob Ross who wanted to paint happy little trees all over my bathroom, but happened to be fresh out of paint yet was stocked to the max on mushy watery shitlogs in his knickers. That has to be it...nothing else makes sense.

He never ever uttered a peep about it. He comes in a few times a year. Not super often but I’ve probably seen him 20 times since The Poopening and it’s never been mentioned but we both know what happened that sweet Spring afternoon. Blind Bob Ross....

Now Christian has a dirty crustache, emo hair, and his worthless balls definitely dropped as his voice isn’t as high pitched and mind numbing. He has never asked to use my bathroom again which is a good thing as if he would be hard for me to NOT say something about his poop painting session at that point.

Every Spring since, there’s a beautiful day that mimics that fateful afternoon when Christian and his no doubt about it...soon to be dead grandpappy, waltzed into my store to wreak havoc and chaos. It reminds me of a bright day...darkened not by clouds, but by poop. Like the sick kind. The kind that hurts. Mostly runny and if we are being honest with each other, fairly impressive. I’ll always remember The Legend of Shittyfingers...


The following above is true. From the poop story to my my disappointing manhood. I nominate @redrica & @meno to make us laugh...or cry...just do something guys.

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Hi blewitt,

Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here

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Thank you to @matytan for the great banner

Thanks so much. You guys do a great job over there.


I feel for you, this one still hurts I can tell.

Please call him out one day and record it!

Lol. I have audio on my old phone of an insane customer who when he’s off his’s a scary thing. He was telling me how I was a prince, and how he ordered a human skull off of eBay. Then he brought me s cigar box decorated with seashells that he made for me. Totally bat shot insane. He loves zombies so we call him Zombie Guy.

When he’s on his meds, he’s a strange guy but conducts himself normal. Of them and you never know what the fuck he’s talking about. That’s also something I should dig up one day and pop on here.

As for shitty fingers...That kid totally gets his lunch money taken from him at school. No doubt about it so I’ll let him live in some semblence of peace. Lol

Oh gawd dude... just.. no.. just no. Your descriptive writing was almost too much for me..

Who does that!?!?

Oh man.. well, I laughed.. and almost lost my dinner.. good work 😉

Who does that?!? I know one person who fingerprints with soft turds. Christian.

If I had a dollar for every time a beautiful woman laughed at me and then almost threw up...usually it’s when I take my pants off consider yourself lucky.

Thx for reading my dear.


You dumb bastard... if you’d marketed the whole thing right you could’ve sold the work of the Banksy of shit smearing and been retired already! 💩

I got shit for brains....

$rewarding upvote 100%

Hahaha soooo I finally got around to reading this. (Blame yourself for posting so much that when I go to your blog to try and find this post to catch up on it, I kept getting distracted by newer posts)

The Banksy of shit smearing - my favourite phrase in this post

And this is golden

To this day, I have no idea what happened. The only thing I could come up with was that he had an accident in his pants and then pretended he was a blind Bob Ross who wanted to paint happy little trees all over my bathroom, but happened to be fresh out of paint yet was stocked to the max on mushy watery shitlogs in his knickers. That has to be it...nothing else makes sense.

So as much as I'd love to try my hand in this @comedyopenmic business, I need to understand it a bit more before I can.. What can I talk about? Anything? I'm assuming I can do a video, but does it matter how long it is? Teach meeeee

Ok. First things first. I’m truly honored that you come back to my page to read stuff you missed. You are amazing and...I guess you are kinda sorta cool. Maybe.

Lol @ Banksy. I laughed writing it so...good. Glad someone else found it funny.

As for can literally be about anything. Just try to make it humorous. I know you are a dullard in life and aren’t super funny but I’m sure you could muster up something that’ll make a couple humans chuckle.

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$rewarding 100% 15min

The reward of this comment goes 100 % to the author blewitt. This is done by setting the beneficiaries of this comment to 100 %.

The reward of this comment goes 100 % to the author blewitt. This is done by setting the beneficiaries of this comment to 100 %.

Wdf @blewitt for real that is disgusting! Honestly what is wrong with people! You poor guy omg.

I was horrified at the time it happened. Not only because it was so odd and awful but I honestly tried to solve what had happened. Lol

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oh good lord no please do not add photographic evidence at some later date. Why would you do that?!?


Blockchain is forever. That’s why!!!

You could have made the story more genuine by adding some shitty photographs... boom boom!!


I have them somewhere. Looks straight out of a horror movie. One day I’ll go through my old phones and find the shitty images.

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