SEC S17W3: Tribute to the Book

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago

Tribute to the Book

Since morning I had been in my room reading a book I got on my birthday. I was so caught up, I didn't realize my mom called me until she picked up the book. At that point she didn't know if to regret buying the book or be happy that her daughter loves reading...
Books. I've always had an extraordinary love for books since I was little and good enough my mom noticed it on time and started gifting me books on my birthday and may I add, those were the best gifts ever. My love for reading is what helped me build my vocabulary to what it is today, if you don't read books, you are really missing out.
In my own words, Reading is the act of breaking down words and symbols for better understanding and taking in of the mind. This act goes a long way in building a person both mentally and emotionally.


screenshot of the pdf on my phone

The book that I must say changed my life is "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. This book gives a whole new perspective to our behavior and habits and it teaches us that, we can start building a habit little by little. Honestly, it's a good book and I'm pretty sure a lot of people have read this already.


I don't have a specific genre I would call favorite. For me, as long as the book is educative, interesting, in fact I look for a lot of things in books that's why I read all kinds of books without having a favorite genre. As for my favorite author, it remains and will always be Chimamanda Ngozi. You can agree with me that her books are captivating and unpredictable. What I love the most about her is her ability to stand out in the midst of challenges. She is an inspiration to many girls out there who wish to matter in life, she never allowed being a woman be a limitation and I just love her.


If I had the opportunity to write a book, I would most definitely write out my life story. Not exactly everything that happened of course, but with a little spice. I'd chose to write about myself because I believe the things I have had to go through as a child, there are people out there who would go through the same and they would need advice on how to navigate such problems. As much as I can't be there physically to advice such a person, if the person comes across the book it would go a long way in helping out.

I would love to use this opportunity to recommended that you should read this book "Stolen Focus" by Johann Hari. It centers on how our attention has been drawn away from what's important. You'll definitely not regret reading it.

screenshot of the pdf on my phone

I would also love to dedicate this write-up to every writer and reader out there. I pay a tribute to every author and everyone part of the academic community as we celebrate our upcoming Book Day.

Thank you for reading my write-up and I look forward to hearing from you via the comments section. I also specially invite @goodybest, @zekanem and @pandora2010 to participate in this engagement challenge.


Hello dear friend!!
It happened to me like it did because my mother, seeing my interest in reading, started giving me books on my birthday and Christmas.
Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings..🙏🏻

😳 wow that's beautiful, our mothers are great right. She always gave me the best books and this helped me to develop my writing and comprehension skills. Whenever I shine in class people think it's because I'm intelligent but it's because I imbibed a reading culture from childhood

This is what happens to me, when they ask a question they think I'm very intelligent and reading and studying anyone is intelligent 😅😅

It was very nice to read your post and got a lot of information. The day is great. The presentation you gave is the way you expressed about the books. It's nice to know that you are really passionate about reading. Studying is really something in the world that improves our lives and we get to learn something new. Yes that book is recommended by you I would like to read it too and thank you so much for the information you have shared with us God bless you.

Hello Mona01 I am glad you could stop by to read my post and that you also found it very informative, I am happy you want to read the book I recommended. Do well to drop feedback on how your reading went after you are done reading it. Cheers

It is said that "man is the slave of habit", which is really a completely baseless and absurd statement. We can get rid of our bad habits and replace them with better and more effective ones. "Atomic Habits" helps us to develop such great habits.

All of our lives are full of happy and sad stories. And we all spend our youth in the middle of a huge struggle. So I think a good book can be written very easily with this struggling life. Keep the good work.

• Regards

Thank you @nasir04 for your review of my post. Atomic habit is a wonder book. Have you read it, if you have I'll love to know what you learnt from that awesome book. Yes life is full of struggles. Thanks for stopping by again

I learned from the book not to waste too much time in bad habits and to always develop good habits in myself.

 3 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

El año pasado tuve la grata oportunidad de leer el libro de Los hábitos atómicos y, te confieso que sentí vergüenza conmigo misma porque, me di cuenta que aún tengo muchas cosas que mejorar en mi y, aunque me asustó, fue encantador leerlo porque, aprendí muchas cosas interesantes y, esto es lo maravilloso de los libros de autoayuda ya que, a través de ellos podemos alcanzar el crecimiento personal.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

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Thank you @goodybest.
I appreciate

The book Atomic Habit has created many good habits among us. Which help us to improve in life. By reading this book, not only good habits are created in us but also bad habits are gradually eliminated.

What a coincidence... atomic habits is my favorite book also . I have read it and those have read can only understand the amount of fascination it provides through its content. Your way of describing your favorite genre to be "favorite" is interesting. Also your description of chimamanda ngozi made me pretty excited. I now want to read her .
Thanks for such content.
God bless you

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