Accept What People Offer

in #life7 years ago (edited)


No. I don't mean accept every nasty thing someone hands to you, a job you'd hate doing, a sweater way too hip, leftover chinese in exchange of your work. Let's talk about what us as human beings, if naked and barefeet could offer... Erm, no, it's not sex either.

During my therapy years, I struggled a lot to understand the kind of love my dad would give me. Our relationship it is strong and based on love and fraternity, but we don't have the kind of relationship I used to see my friends having with their parents. Why was it so hard to him just be a normal dad, comprehensive, friend, calm, chill, just the daddy from my early age. With lots of work I understood that, that was the kind of love he could offer me, because that was a better version of the kind of love he received.

A friend once said:

Love sometimes comes in a love letter, written in a toilet paper.

We tend to compare our reality to the life we expect to be perfect, and we don't realize it doesn't even exist.

I must addmit, I still have a lot of work to do in this department. Always when someone makes me a favor, or gives me something I tend to add few additional points on it. "It was too much", "could be better", "but what if it was smaller?", "I was expecting something else", "can you add more this or that?". Minutes later, I am full of regret for not just enjoying what was given to me.

Everytime we complain about things that were carely handed to us, we become ungrateful and feed ourselves with the feeling that we need perfection, otherwise, it's not for us.


I saw another a famous blogger saying she got from her kid's school the anual picture the children take, where the girl didn't look her best, messy hair, bad photo quality, too yellow, so she was willing to not purchase it. So many complaints. She was forgetting one massivly important thing: that was a sweet memory of her child first school year. Why are we letting flaws overstap?

How many friendships we are not making for judging people we don't dare to get to know? How many trips to our own country we are not enjoying, for wishing places we can't go right now? How long till we close doors at someone's face till we learn to hear what they say, and doesn't matter how they say, because they still care to?

This is definetly something I want to change in my life. I want to be able to focus on what really matters, see the best in people I love, enjoy their presence, their ugly photos, they dirty shoes in my home, the glasses we break together, the rice they burn, their hard words in their love letters even if it comes in harsh ways.

Thanks for reading,



Meaningful post my friend, I agree we should be happy what we have in our hands rather than wishing and trying to catch for more. A cup can store liquid according to its capacity, we can't store more in it out of its range, if we do instead of getting stored it will overflow and wasted.

Very wise words, thanks for sharing them and stopping by. Cheers!

Thank you for the compliments.. :))

It's nice to get along with people

For sure! :)

I love this post. I agree that there is no perfect way to love. Just be able to recognize what people give you and pick out the good parts. People love in different ways and a simple kiss on the cheek may be more valuable and meaningful than say a 100,000$ car ( depending on the meaning behind each). It's the simple things that count. Sending you Steemit hugs!

That's true, as they say, actions speak louder than words, right? Thanks!

very good post and very useful

Hey beautiful… that is your name, right?
Found your post interesting to read. I can't wait to see your post soon. Good Luck with the upcoming update.This article is really very interesting and effective.
Impressive!Thanks for the post @bkdbkd

So many inspiring words :)

Hi I'm tania your post is very good please upvot and follow me @steemitgirl11

That is a positive attitude that will give you peace inside

STUNNING post love! It's so true, we usually first look to interpret love from others in the way WE expect it because that's the way WE give it. My dad and I never shared the "best buddy" kind of relationship, but he has never once let me leave the driveway without air in my cars tires and he never goes to the shop without asking if I need anything.

There are so many diferent types of "love languages" the key is to be fluent in all of them so that we can give and recieve love in a way its accepted and understood.

Loving this series of posts youve been making about life lately, perfect time for the new year energy

<3 keep it up gorgeous!

There are so many diferent types of "love languages" the key is to be fluent in all of them so that we can give and recieve love in a way its accepted and understood.


that's it :)

Thank you so much, dear! <3

always! that's why I love steemit! Where else could we share such awesome ideas in a safe space of love and understanding <3

Another great post! 😘

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