🔵 #ColorChallenge-Friday Blue🔵

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

Today i am feeling a little bit like like hits. Happy and crazy at the same time because of little sleep i have recently.

People that are trying to make a change know how scarce the time can be at certain points of life, and you have a fixed amount of it a day and that's it! No matter how rich or how smart you are you have just the same 24 hours a day just like everybody else does.

We are developing hard on BeScouted to connect it to STEEM blockchain and all that extra time come at the account of less sleep. You all probably know that strange feeling of a limbo you are when you sleep few hours a night for a week straight and i in a sense like it. It's like being on drugs without the drugs, in a fuzzy thought elevated state where everything seems to be muddy but clear at the same time.

We are a few weeks ETA rolling out an update and will be laughing out loud when we launch it!!! Just like this bodybuilder i took an image of after a long preparation for the competition knowing that his odds of winning are great

We all know how hard and difficult content discovery sometimes gets if you want to follow certain people or a certain type of content on Steemit, and Steemit Inc themselves is encouraging the community to build applications that make this task more user friendly and enjoyable experience. SO WE DO.

BeScouted is an active and great photography community already and we will be offering our members to merge their accounts with steemit to be rewarded for the content they share the same way we all are right now on this legacy platform.

Without many empty talks further i am getting back at a task in question and thank you all for your great support even thought i myself am little bit less active with comments recently. But hey! I finally got my Voting Power back to 100% first time since i have joined this amazing community almost two month ago :)

Stronger upvotes are coming from me, better payouts you guys will get lol

group vover mobile and other.jpg

Have a great Friday!

David aka BeScouted


It's so great, to be involved in a favorite business! I believe what you're doing pays off. 😘😗😙😚🤗🤗

Yes it does indeed. And it pays off only in one case. That is if we build something that you guys love and use :-)

Haha... talk about getting by with less sleep! :D Me the expert!! Lol... Anyway, what you have hinted at sounds intriguing... All the best ~ am sure it's bound to be a success!! :)

What is the reason of your insomnia @ackhoo?


Insomnia? Nooo, I can sleep any time... :) I stay up because I want to - that's when there's most traffic here online, steemit and elsewhere!! Somehow, I get this feeling I'm wasting my time sleeping... Don't worry, I get my sleep later... ;)

I get this feeling that i am wasting my time when sleeping so i am trying to get just enough to stay fit and energetic :)

If it works for you... :) I get by with little sleep, have been for ages, since school days. Then I crash for a good long sleep which makes up for all the lesser days... Bet the sleep docs or scientists have a lot of negative stuff to say about this... lol

Yeah... like the scientist knew it better lol

Talk about sleeping... I suffer from insomnia :(((

So sorry to hear, so you know the feeling...

I want to become a professional photographer as well. Looks like fun

Czech is beautiful because of the greens and also the building. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful photo with us.

I do not know why you hid me
I do not want anyone to comment on me
On your publications

Because you comment has nothing to do with the image you are commenting on mate. That's it.

التعليق اعبر فيه عن شعوري وراي صحيح صديقي

Comment I express my feelings and see my true friend

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