Mouse work....

in #teamaustralia6 years ago


A few nights ago, as I was doing the daily evening routine of Steeming whilst sitting on my toddler's floor waiting for her to fall asleep... I heard some weird scratching from the walls above me! Hearing noises from inside the walls is never a good thing... Normally, it probably means mice or even worse... RATS! In previous rental places, we've had the occasional mouse, but nothing longer than a few days when we would be able to trap them or get rid of them with ultrasonics. One time, we even managed to catch a live one in a plastic bag which we then threw out of a 2nd floor open window...

Somehow, this is our own house now, and so the fact that there is a mouse in there is really quite troubling! Seeing as my wife is terrified of mice... this is a job that falls to me. My daughters are currently too little to be able to be doing this, but soon...

So, I hunted down the poison and the trap (we only have one at the moment, one that we got in Australia and has been great at catching mice, we need to get more of them the next time I'm back...), which took a while seeing as we haven't seen a single mouse for over five years!

The Initial Plan

The initial plan was to do a bit of a reconnaissance in force.... which basically meant emptying out the rough area of the attic whilst making a huge amount of noise and hopefully trying to flush out any mice to see if there really was anything up here. We didn't find anything, but there were the tell tale droppings. Luckily, there were very little, so we might have been fortunate enough to have caught this problem before it developed too far.

So, for the first night... I moved the one of the ultrasonics up to the attic from the kitchen (the ultrasonics seem to dissuade new mice from moving in, but won't easily dislodge existing nests). I wasn't going to use the poison immediately, as it is pretty disgusting what it does to the mouse... plus, I don't want them dying in strange places. No, the poison would be reserved as a last ditch effort if things got out of hand.

So, the single trap was baited with Crunchy Peanut Butter (which we only have for this sort of thing... we don't normally eat it!) and placed over night for along one of the potential lines of entry. I had read that mice tend to stick close to objects, and not to run into the open, so the best placement for the trap was alongside some construction material that has lived in the attic since we moved in!

The Next Morning

... and as luck would have it, we got a mouse in the morning (I'm not photographing it...). Again, the body disposal was for me... I'm not particularly keen about it, but I guess if I have to...

... the next stage was to empty out these suitcases, which have various bags and sleeping material (pillows, duvets...) in them. I had left them partially open as I'm more terrified of mould than I am of mice! Which, at this point seems like it might have been a bad idea. So, opening them all, emptying them out... at any moment, expecting a mouse to jump out and rip my head off! (Well, Australian mice would do that, whilst poisoning you... European mice are a little tamer!).

Sadly, there was no excitement... other than a couple of droppings....

The Aftermath

Well... it is pretty anti-climatic, but after a couple of nights of trapping and close listening during the nights (remember, I'm on the ground in the room below for a couple of hours each night... if not the whole night!)... we have had no other hits and no sound detections.

Which means, it is time to plug up these holes that the pipes run though. This was likely the entry point for the mouse. We normally plug these holes with steel wool with the caustic pink soap on it. Apparently, the mice find it really irritating to be poked by the steel wool... and the caustic soap powder really irritates their eyes and nose. So, they will find a different place.

As an additional backup, we have now installed an new ultrasonic up in the attic.... I tried that out at human hearing level. OMG! That thing is painfully irritating! If I was a mouse, I would definitely be finding a new home. It is like screaming banshee equivalent of a sound strobe.

Plus, extra traps. We have a new pack of 12... so we are ready for the next onslaught!

However, for the moment at least, it appears that we are clear....


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We were having an issue with mice here in the apartment. I used a live trap and would put them in a "cage until i left the next morning, then i would release them. At one point, i swear a couple of the stood on their back legs, turned and waved at me! We got rid of 32 mice that month. The building we live in is over 100 years old.

Haha... I wonder how many came back because you were so nice to them! Hope you didn't let them go in the neighbour's yard!

No, down the road about 10 miles at a park. The snakes and hawks probably to them.

Hearing noises from inside the walls is never a good thing...

lololololol, no it is not and I can imagine what your face expression looked like when you heard it. The comparison between European and Australian mice was hilarious and made me laugh until I cried :D

Haha... it might be a touch overstated.... but I have to say that the European seagulls (or at least the ones here in Den Haag) are VISCIOUS! We only have little cute ones in Australia...

OMG! That first image looks EXACTLY like the first male hamster I ever had as a kid.

His name was "Solo" because the mother tried to "save" the rest of her kids from clumsy me by eating the rest of her children; basically, she was trying to "put them safely back inside her body, away from danger".

I discovered this and quickly separated Solo from his mother.

Also, I remember my father telling me that it was not the same reason why Cronus ate his children...

Enjoyed your post.

Namaste, JaiChai

I had a pet rat when I was a kid and she had babies and then one of them had babies. Those babies ate the grandmother. I wonder what that was about. It was super gross.

LOL... that is pretty disgusting!

Wow, learning about Cannibalism at an early age! It's pretty weird!

I hope for the sake of everybody currently living in Australia that your description of their mice was hyperbolic. That sounds terrifying! We have found mice easy to trap (and we have many, many of them), but the rats are a different story. We have tried every kind of trap and poison, and the only thing that has worked is the dog. We got her convinced it was her job to catch them and she has been doing it regularly. Luckily, the rats are not in the house. They live under the chicken coop. I don't really mind the mice as long as they're not in the kitchen.

Ha ha... Yes perhaps it was a little bit overblown! Rats... I don't know what to do if we had those! It looks like you know how to keep them at bay, so I'll check in with you if things get out of hand... But I think rats are off the radar at the moment!

My husband attached a dead rat to a fishing line and threw the rat out into the yard and reeled it in to make the dogs chase it. It was a little gross but super funny and sure got the message across!

Hmm.. I don't have a dog, but I have two children... Maybe I'll try it out!

Yuck! This would really bother me! I hope you win.

So far... yes... but I'm waiting for the retaliatory strike!

Mice can be a very annoying affair. I lived once 2 weeks in an apartment with a mouse, then she moved out.
I have hunted her almost every night sometime it was probably too stupid for her...

They can be tricky to dislodge or trap... they are pretty cunning little buggers! Lucky you got yours out eventually!

@bengy, Whenever i see Rat then it reminds me of cat because it always reminds me of Cartoon Battle. Stay blessed. 🙂

This comment was made from

Haha... you mean Tom and Jerry? If only we had the cat... on the other hand, the mouse always wins there...

Ha ha..... 🙂

Stay Blessed. 🙂

cat works wonders ...

24/7 with no added effort but a bit of love :p

no poison, no traps :D

came home with like 5 rats in seven days, almost the size of my hand, i think he cleared out the whole neighbourhood that week ... ain't no mice coming even close to the doorstep hahah, thanks to Defender of the Realm

best bio-solution ever, can hardly call this cruel, right, unless i am expected to just let the rats infest the place ? :p Cat feels five years younger doing it too
(and he can come in by himself, he's nothing like the dog ...)

I would love a cat! I'm a cat person... but my wife is a dog person and actually dislikes cats... so, I will have to go with the non-bio solutions....


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