Ways to Handle a Rude Customer

in Project HOPE4 years ago

At one point or the other you must have had to deal with a very rude customer that is if you are an entrepreneur or if you are working as a sales representative and you have to remember that you are not allowed to treat customers in a disrespectful manner irrespective of what they do, so how do we then handle this very set of annoying customers who are just hell bent on getting on our nerves?


How do you keep calm when handling a rude customer?

Give excuses for their attitude, you really might not know these customer personally and the best way to keep your cool despite their annoying behaviour, is to believe in your heart that they may have had a very long and frustrating day, just give an excuse for them that they are not usually like that and they are just mad at something, this will prompt you to want to help them feel better rather than adding more to their sorrow.

Remember you have no other option than to remain calm, it might be difficult to do at that point but look at the bigger picture, your boss might get you fired if you try to disrespect a customer and you are going to lose your job and stay hungry or you may lose that customer as a business owner which is one thing you do not want to do, then just look at the big picture and remain calm while dealing with such customers.


Just in case the customer tries to get extremely aggressive, you only need to call someone who is in the position of a manager or security to hep handle the situation. Some customers may want to get to the point of even pocking your nose, you just need to tell someone who can help you handle a customer like that.
Try to speak positive words when there is a customer before you, when you are faced with a rude customer it might be even more difficult to do that but it is certainly the most appropriate way to keep calm and strong.

Some customers are really bullies, they believe that they have the right to speak in any way to any one they want and if you have not meet any one like them before you are surely going to meet them while you grow in your business or maybe as a sales representative, some of these bullies have the mind that they can get away with just disrespecting anyone but we need to get security agencies to handle the situation whenever it is above us.


Hello @ben-edom
This is what I identify with.
I deal with many people every day, with many clients, and it's usually a bit complicated, you have to handle yourself intelligently, so that you don't also hit them on the nose ha ha. Emotional intelligence has a direct impact on the treatment, and in those cases the best thing is to let the person calm down, because everything can end up worse.

We just need to gain a lot of personal experience truly thank you so much for reading.

Hello friend, hehehe the truth is something very common, I deal with customers and sometimes you want to run away or rather shut up, but you have to endure many things and have patience. Unfortunately, by necessity, many people put up with bad treatment and rudeness. I think that working with the public teaches us to be better people.

I think that working with the public teaches us to be better people.

We truly can become better people by working with different people that posses different characters and learning to keep our cool at all time.

This is a fascinating topic and I agree with you: in customer facing roles it is necessary to handle these situations. Customers are not "always right", but business rules (and common sense) suggest it's appropriate to take the higher ground and give them some leeway, if nothing else for a matter of opportunity. Business is nothing personal and a rude customer should never bruise anybody's ego, while the effort spent to handle it will usually pay back.

It goes without saying that a customer expressing direct threat or, worse, getting physical, is not acceptable and shall be handled more appropriately by security personnel.

You have said it all... Thanks a lot for reading.

I once experience this issues with one of my boss client that I nearly receive a hit from the customer.
But to me my understanding of the phrase ''Customer is always right" is just a signal that a customer were special, not that when they are wrong we should compliment them that they are right, losing aggressive or violent customer is part of business and reliable and responsible customer will show up.

Really true, so how did you handle the situation back then?

Since is not my personal business and I don't want a bad name for my boss I have to be patient just that there won't be a next time 😊.

I have to deal with rude customers a couple of times and it was not a funny experience at all these points you shared will really help us in keeping ourself calm when faced with a situation like that.

Rude customers are really fraustrating, thanks for reading.

Dale Carnegie in his book and course recommends "not criticizing" people, but instead try to highlight things positive, in his first chapter he gives us important examples I really think that helps in life and in business in general We must try to make our clients feel comfortable friends and people in general, because this will give us a better life,better sales, better customers, (happier), and more joy for everyone

Try work in the gym where everybody thinks they are a tough guy. You wouldn't think of it but the worst I came across was drunkards who had children at pools that I lifeguarded at.

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