For you..
Accept my soul editing
The loyalty of a dove that never breaks a promise
Honesty charm of the moon orchid that never lie
The beauty of eidelwis flowers that never wilted
Noble noble love lasting everlasting
An area of ocean with blue waves and colors
A beautiful lazuardi with a golden moon and a brilliant star
In your heart in my heart is woven
Love of peace love for the life of others
White hospitality and the grace of the beautiful nature of the universe
Because of your love for you
The deep-rooted meat bores the marrow
So if your body hurt I feel pain
If your fever feels cold
If your heart hurt I felt the knife
Duhai my wife ..
Then for you to accept my soul editing
My heart, my soul, for eternity
Compassion is sincere
Together let's go
Along with the lights
Sail a wavy searus to his dock.