My 2020: Just a normal day: I love Saturdays

in OCD4 years ago


The Weekend. A lovely time to get away from work and all the seriousness to just kick it with friends. Saturdays are my favourite day of the week and for good reason too. Despite spending most of my days at home, I wake up on Saturday morning with a certain sense of ease and on this very Saturday that we just past, it pretty much felt the same. It was a lovely day that ended with me having a couple of drinks with my friend but here's how the whole day went.

Every day starts in pretty much the same way; in bed with the mosquito net down, a text from my girlfriend and bowels ready to let all hell loose in the toilet. After responding to messages and doing rounds on all my social media channels, I got out of bed to drink a sachet of water.
Drinking pure water

We call it pure water but it is anything but pure. It is however sealed and very cheap, plus it is a lot better than tap or well water, depending on where you live. I drank one sachet of pure water and hit the toilet to take a dump and meditate simultaneously. Talk about zen, am I right? nudge nudge

After meditation and handling official duties in the toilet, I do some light exercises with a special appearance from my dumbbell I call Bilbo. I made it out of scrap metal I found in a junkyard through a process that @steemmatt would be really proud of. It's just basically pushups, situps, squats, and some other Bilbo-based stuff for the shoulder. Nothing fancy but totally worth it


The first serious activity for the day is sorting out my room. My room is an unglamorous small corner somewhere in Kaduna State, Nigeria and it is usually a mess in the morning, as you can see below.


Cleaning up is pretty easy and takes only a few minutes but to make things fun, I throw in a few dance moves along the way. Ladies and gentlemen, the MOVES.

The dancing and cleaning are complete, and now we have a clean room and @tamaralovelace won't ground me.


Next up, is breakfast and it is pretty much the same procedure every morning to get akara and akamu(pap). It's really popular, and easy to make, for those who can. I prefer buying it because I'm genetically incapable of making pap.

Breakfast has been sorted out, and now comes the pain, laundry. Luckily, I've been indoors for most of the week and only have a few clothes to wash. I like to wash in my toilet because I get to sit and stay warm while washing, as opposed to going outside and suffering from the damn cold. Washing is done the old fashioned way, with my hands. It's pretty efficient and well, it's all I've got for now.

I wash the toilet after laundry. It basically requires using a sponge and detergent(and bleach) to clean the tiles, sink, and shitter. The kitchen, on the other hand, will be left alone for today because let's face it, I don't feel like doing it, plus, electricity is on now and I have to make use of it before I head out.

Dirty kitchen, I'm sorry mum, you raised me better

In my area, we get electricity 6 hours a day; 3 hours between 11 am-2 pm and then another 3hours from 9pm-midnight. When electricity comes on, I like to enjoy it by spending a couple of hours with my laptop. I watched a couple of episodes of Narcos and then proceeded to work on a Steem article that usually lasts hours.

I prefer @steempeak text editor

All good things must come to an end and with it, my special time with my laptop. It usually takes me around 3hours to compose a post that I already have all the information, and when the post was completed, it was time to step out for a couple of drinks with my friend.


All dressed up and ready to go in a space of 30 minutes and yes, this included brushing my teeth. I called up my homie and headed over to his place, where I intended to eat lunch, drink beer and generally be a freelodear for the rest of the day.

mission accomplished

I actually intended to go back home that day but after a few drinks, I lost track of time and it suddenly went dark. The Sun betrayed me but what the hell, free beer!!


I crashed at my friend's fancy apartment that had more electricity and one of those fancy things they call a Television with Satelite connection. I watched top gear on BBC and then some sports highlight until I fell asleep and woke up in the morning to do more freeloading(breakfast) before heading home on Sunday morning.

So that's what the Saturday of an unemployed bachelor and fulltime steemian living in Nigeria looks like. Not very glamorous but it's the life I have now and I try to to be happy and live it to the fullest. I'm a student of Aerospace engineering and also doing a PGD in Education, my family pays for the fees but I am left to cater for my day to day needs and Steem has really helped me with that.

Big shout out to @anomadsoul and @blocktrades and everyone involved for putting this together and giving us an opportunity to showcase what a typical day in our lives feels like. You can showcase yours too while it's still running, check here to learn about it

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