The mask debate and how political it has become.

in #politics4 years ago

The news narrative in the United States has shifted away from Black Lives Matter and back on to Covid again. The doom and gloom an closures of things are all the rage again and BLM is starting to fizzle out, thank goodness.

Mostly I am looking forward to the stories you see in the news about populations that refuse to comply with any sort of order that the government reintroduces. In North Carolina (where I live) people are not going to lock down again. They just aren't. As far as masks are concerned, there are some people virtue signalling about that but for the most part nobody cares and even though it might be to their own detriment, people are refusing to do that as well and I think it is mostly out of spite.


The area i live in isn't really populated enough for any of this to be a factor and our law enforcement hasn't been enforcing any mandates since months ago. I don't know if he or his office got into any trouble because of this, but he also is not enforcing any sort of mask mandate that is passed down by the governor. I like that dude and so does the rest of the community. You have to keep in mind that Sheriffs are elected, not appointed, therefore they kind of need to bend to the will of the constituency or they get voted out.

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For me personally, if a place has a sign that asks people to be wearing a mask, I wear it. I'm not a troublemaker and I respect personal property rights. I kind of view it in the same light as those strange friends of mine that demand that I take my shoes off when entering their house. It's their property, and I can comply by their rules or I can refuse to enter. It really is as simple as that.

Does the mask work? Does it do nothing? Why are there so many conflicting reports about them? Why are the statistics lied about? Why did the CDC say to not wear a mask and now they are saying you should?

I do not know and I do not care but in the end it all boils down to property rights and if a place says that you have to wear one in order to enter, then you do it, or you go away... it's as simple as that.

I have a few friends that absolutely REFUSE to wear a mask ever and I know a few people that get overly upset if someone else isn't wearing a mask and the former is always a conservative, and the latter is always a liberal. Why do you think that is? I believe that the media has succeeded once again in convincing us that something is a political issue and everyone, whether or not they like to admit it has fallen in line.


This very unflattering picture of both of these guys solidifies were almost everyone stands on the mask issue. They will pretend that there is more to it than this but honestly, if you know a Democrat who is against shelter-in-place, mask wearing and social distancing they are definitely an anomaly. Likewise you would be hard-pressed to find a Republican that is on board the mask system. I don't know how this ended up becoming a political thing and honestly it kind of makes me a bit sad to see that it has because it kind of shows how easily the population is programmed by the information or misinformation that they receive.

Media, and to what I believe to be a much larger degree social media has got us all figured out and in my mind they are the real enemy. The political objectives of these organizations is the true evil in the world right now and it is the driving force behind why nothing is ever going to get done, particularly in the United States.


it's funny because depending on the political leanings of whatever "news source" you look at their mind was likely made up before they even looked at any data. There is "science" to back up whatever you want the truth to be and none of these organizations are at all concerned with what the truth is, they are merely interested in reaching a pre-determined conclusion - which is the opposite of what science actually is. I am sure you were already aware of this though because you seem like an intelligent person.

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I don't wear a mask. I don't patronize places that require masks. Well, I did have to put one on in order to get my tags a couple of weeks ago.

Karen behind the counter yelled at me for not having a mask. But then again, neither did she. She was wearing a face shield. How much protection was that?

and this is the way it should be handled by everyone. It is irritating to me and most sane people that there are people out there that seek to force everyone to bend to their will. It's not enough that people like you will respect the private property rights of businesses and make your choices with your own money in return.

The face shield thing is a strange one, i mean i could understand if there were covid juices flying all over the place...

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