Masonic Influence in Colonial America: The founding fathers and their mystical beliefs

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Happy July 4th! 

There is more to the founding of the United States then meets the eye!

Throughout my discoveries on the internet you come across many conspiracy theories. Many  "mystical"  groups have been recorded in Europe's history, and they were similar to political "secret" societies of today.Each "secret society"  has it's own agenda; whether political or spiritual. The word “cabal”, means a group of  conspirators. The one cabal I will discuss here was a key player in  the  development of western civilization. It started in and around the 18th century.  

Masons, or the Freemasons.

Masonic  legend  claims  their  origins  go  back  to  the  Temple  of  King  Solomon. While this  cannot  be confirmed  or  denied, they certainly played a key role in the founding father's vision for the United States. The Freemasons are known today as a charitable organization. There are chapters  in  every  city, and many towns. I have even seen them in Canada. This means there are MANY people who are part of this organization; which could number in the millions.  

The Mason's have many symbols and rituals. These symbols are represented all over America; including it's currency.There are some accusations that the Mason's are “in league  with  the  devil.” Regardless of the controversy about the Mason's, what is known about them doesn't seem to be threatening at all. In fact they are in-line with many of the moralistic teachings from the bible. Thomas  Jefferson who was a signer of the  Declaration  of  Independence  and  served  as  the  third   President   of   the   United   States, was a well known Mason. 

Far from being "secret" at this juncture in history, A book was penned “The History of  Freemasonry” by
Albert  Mackey. According to Mackey, there have been Masonic  writers  as  early  as  1723. In this book it is elucidated that the  first  obligation  is  that  all people shall  sincerely  honor  G-d, obey  the  laws inside the good book because they  are  divine. 

The Masonic influence can been seen clearly on  the  back  side  of  every  United  States  $1.00  bill. The bill is full  of  Masonic  symbolism. The Great Seal of the United States; also has sets of thirteen in number.  Now the number 13 is not happenstance. There were thirteen original colonies that originally formed the United  States. The original Mason's were numerologists.  The numerology in ancient hebrew equals "heart".

Examining the seal we see that the right wing of the eagle has thirty-two  feathers. In ancient kabbalah, this states that  G-d  created the  universe  using  32  wondrous  paths  of  wisdom. On  the  left  wing  of  the  eagle,  there  are  thirty-three   feathers. According to masonic hierarchy; Thirty-three is the highest ranking member. If we add all feathers   together we  have the number 65.  This number again according to ancient numerology is a name of G-d.

Looking at the head of the eagle is another group of thirteen; stars. Examining the words, “E  Pluribus  Unum”
is  spelled with thirteen letters.  Although the founding  fathers of the United States professed the highest values for  freedom and  equality, history paints a much different story. It took at least 100 years for quality to come to women, black freedom, and equal rites to other minorities. Whatever masonry is today; it cannot be refutted that it plays significance in history and modern day. What the motives of the highest thirty-third ranking member is? 

There are even wilder conspiracies involving the $20 Bill. According to some, folding the bill told the future of the United States. Whether this was divinely inspired, or even more nefariously planned, it would seem there is more to the story to come.

Hope you enjoyed.

Some source material was taken from here:


I hate the word cabal for the confusion it causes...

Also, minor correction, (unless I read you wrong.) The value of heart (lev) in hebrew is 32, not 13. Love (ahavah) however, (and oneness/echad) = 13, so there is a connection... Lev is also most likely the origin of the word for love in english.

I made a post about love in hebrew around Chanukah.

Hope this is okay...

my friend you are yashar and I don't need to worry about anything you post EVER!

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