A Look Through The GlasssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pets5 years ago (edited)

A Look Through The Glass

I Never Gave It Much Thought Before Today ..

But I would imagine that I spend a lot of time looking out windows or viewing the world through glass. Most of the time I don’t give it any thought at all; It’s just part of life. As an example, I figured out that my commute to and from work lasts about 40 minutes a day. Multiply this by 5 days a week (my work week) and you have 200 minutes a week. Multiply that by 52 work weeks a year, and we have a staggering 10,400 minutes of windshield time just on my commute. Add in my daily work travel, recreation/weekend travel, etc., and I bet that figure triples if not more. I don’t want to get too silly with this or drive myself into depression, so I am NOT going to try and add up anymore time I spend behind a pane of glass. I should be looking at the world with nothing in my way but the air I breathe, but we all know that’s not the reality for most of us living in the modern, convenient world. It’s also a reality for those of us who want to keep bugs out of our teeth, otherwise I would commute on a motorcycle or bike.

Let Me Focus On Something Not So Depressing ..

And look at the bright side and the real reason I started this post today. I realized the other day that I am not the only one who likes to look out the window, into the great beyond. I captured a photo of Pepper with his paws up on the window sill, looking out into the world on the other side of the glass. In his mind, he was probably thinking about all sorts of things that could be intentionally or unintentionally moving around within his territory. He may have been considering whether or not to whine for a walk. Either way, the weather on this day sucked, and in my mind Pepper was depressed about it. As he slowly removed his paws and dropped them to the floor, he let out a faint but distinguishable sigh of disgust. What he didn’t realize, was that I was standing behind him entranced in his cuteness and lovability. I was thinking that he has been an AWESOME puppy. He is a huge part of our lives and he is deeply loved.

Photo by B D Miller ~ “I don’t mind the rain, but does it have to rain today?” ~ Pepper

The Rain Continued To Fall ..

As we left the room to go snuggle on the couch with my wife and his sister Molly. It is here that I quietly scrolled through countless pictures, marking a select few, or a few too many (Never!) to share with you below. These shots go to show that I am not alone, and that Pepper is truly too cute not to take photos of, especially when he is looking out a window! It will remain one of his favorite pastimes, and one that will most likely continue to be documented.

The Additional Photo’s ..

If Pepper can not be outdoors, he prefers a good window; preferably open!

The last view of the day before the sun sets.

“You gonna open this door or what? It smells absolutely wonderful out there!”

Pepper and his little sidekick Molly, enjoying their sibling time together. Peas and Carrots.

To cold for the window to be open. Here we have one very dissatisfied and disappointed pup.

“Are the here yet?!” Nope. Not yet Pepper boy. You keep looking and let me know when they arrive.

Simply Loving the sun.

“Where did mom go? I miss her, but more than that, I hope she brings back something to eat.”

He’s so comfortable in this moment. He would lay there all day if I let him.

Quite possibly Peppers favorite activity, maybe second to walks. LOVES being in the car with his head out the window. Maximum enjoyment being had!!

Watching the horses and chickens at my cousins house in Lancaster County area of Pennsylvania. If your going to put something in front of the window, he will eventually use it to his advantage and to feed his addiction.

Peaceful sun drenched morning, while I enjoy my coffee(s) nearby.

There is always something moving on or near the canal at my parents house. Windows everywhere!!

This may be as close to yoga as Pepper gets. His favorite pose. I believe he is also yelling at me to open the window. Sorry sir, too cold out to do that.

Waiting for company (trick-or-treater’s) at the front door. Molly taking the back-up position; until food presents itself. At that point all bets are off.

Even though it is an awkward position for me, having him perch on my shoulder for a good view out the window, it so enjoyable. I feel close to him and can share in the comfort of a good view with a good friend. :-)

Thank you for stopping by! As always, I appreciate your support. Have a super great day/night :-)

All Photos by B D Miller


Lovely. Great shots. I love to see your dogggos happy. one another note I think the views outside of your windows are exceptionally good. Those dogs don't know how good they have it!

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They don’t even know, that’s for sure. We are all very lucky to have such lovely views. Thanks for the support!! Glad you enjoyed all the photos. I was thinking that I put too many in, then a small @gooddream voice was heard in my head. It said no! Never too many. Hahahahaha. 😆

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Aww cute doggo pics. They are great emotional support beings. Give 'em a snuggle for me :)

Hi Carl! Thanks 😊 I will pass along some snuggles for sure. You’re absolutely right, we have found much comfort and peace over the many years with them. We are blessed to have them in our lives.

Cool pup! It looks like he does this looking out the window at a professional level. He deserves treats for performance.

“Professional level”, hahahahaha very good! And that he does. He gets plenty of treats and goodies for his hard work. He can’t deny that.

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