The illuminati

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The Illuminati


With the word elite, most people think of a group of rich people who entertain themselves with nice parties and horse races. But it's something totally different.

The elite, at least the part of the elite which calls the illuminati ("the enlightenment"), is at the core of 13 stone-rich, Zionist families who are constantly in contact. Their names are probably Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Bruce, Cavendish, The Medici, Hanover, Habsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Romanov, Sinclair and Windsor. But this list is so harshly hidden from the outside world that some sources call a different name in some places .

They are supported by 300 other families, often with known names like Agnelli, Bush, Ford, Kuhn, Loeb, Montgomery, Morgan, Roosevelt and Schiff . There are still a lot of power-loving people like Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Gates, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffet, etc. Together, they control virtually all the power and money in the world.

"The price that good people pay for indifference about general affairs,
is that they are ruled by bad people. "- Plato

They manage countless organizations and orders like the Vatican, United Nations, World Bank, almost all central banks , CIA, NSA, NASA, Bilderberg, Thule, Skull & Bones and many others. The illuminati have been working on a secret agenda for hundreds of years, bringing them into small steps to a New World Order . This means that the world has only one government that controls everything and in which citizens have almost no right anymore. This can not be more than 7 billion citizens, like now, but up to 500 million. The rest should be eradicated.

The illuminati have lost all respect for human life and are corrupt to the bone. The bloodlines of the 13 families go back to Sumerian times and they keep these lines as pure as possible by marrying each other. They are also the top of the world's most powerful organization, the freemasonry . Above the illuminati, in the hierarchy is still the order of the Jesuits and their leader, the so-called "Black Pope." But they only have a religious and controlling function, while the illuminati as executive organ constitutes the real power block.

They laid down their plans in a "stonehenge" -like monument in Georgia, USA, called the "Georgia Guidestones" . On this monument, which they also use for their blood sacrifices , nothing is mentioned about their dark nature, but they keep them secretly secret.


Symbolic: Like the rest of the illuminati plans, the "Georgia Guidestones" suffer greatly from the growing awareness among the public

The root of all evil

The origin of the illuminati is not human but alien. Over 4,000 years ago, a group of reptiles landed with the plan to conquer the Earth (unseen). Because they understand the art of transformation, they acted as normal people, generating more power and money in generations. A reptile one is not bound to one human body. This breed can be thousands of years, so if one human body has become too old, he just goes on with a new body. For the outside world, this seems to be a new fool from the family.

Statue of "The Beast"

The 300 families around the 13 nuclear families almost always have bloodlines that are related to the main bloodlines of the Aryan because change in shape is harder with the blood of 'mixed mothers'. Their true shape shows them only where there is no chance of discovery, such as in the castles where the families live, special divisions of underground cities or with secret, satanic blood rituals and sex parties.
Only a few people have open and exposed contact with them. The "Pindar" ("Penis of the Devil") is the most prominent member of the main illuminati family, the Rothschild family . He reports to the super-reptile, who is somewhere deep underground, called "The Beast".

Reptiles are the most negative beings in the universe. To human standards, they are unimaginably bad and unscrupulous. Whoever studies the illuminati's actions over the years reaffirms the feeling that it can not really be human that is behind. From the creation of world wars and terrorist attacks such as September 11, the ill-treatment of the population via chemtrails, toxic drugs, cosmetics and harmful foods such as McDonald's and KFC, organizing occult meetings with satanic blood rituals, human hunting and child abuse parties , up to the killing of willing politicians, inventors and even pop artists . Almost all the bad things that have happened in world history are ultimately written on behalf of this group.

The system

The influence of these aliens can then be diminished by the Ascension process in which we are now, the power system they have put down on Earth is still there. It is maintained by millions of employees, from secret services to directors of multinationals. They do every effort to prevent the truth from coming out. They are terrified that the people discover what they all have in their conscience. As George Bush senior said, "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us."  ("If the people knew what we had done, they would come after us and line us").
Their fear of discovery by the people is the only reason they have not yet taken their final step into the New World Order. "We" are simply too much, they do not overlook it now.

So the eradication of the population is still the highest point on the agenda. But also that must happen, so their space is limited. Their plans have been delayed for many years. Too much of disaster, they are increasingly confronted with the fact that there are higher powers in the universe that do not want to go far beyond what it is now. The situation in which our rulers are located is thus out of sight: on the one hand, they hold all the power on Earth, but on the other hand, they can not do anything about it.

However, this elite clique does not stop keeping the eye valves on hold and still happy to proceed with making plans. Because also in the process to the NWO there is enough fun to do. They regularly look at orgies and deal with all kinds of secret societies and projects. These secret projects range from building subterranean cities, state-of-the-art space stations, flying dishes and bases on the Moon and Mars, to time travel, human yachts and all kinds of bizarre experiments like human cloning.


The main illuminati spend their summer vacation at the Bohemian Grove in America and the European branch sees each other at the Bilderberg Conference annually. Some of the guests on the guest list include the royal families of the Netherlands, England and Spain. The ministers for development cooperation are also often found here because most of the money for development aid is traditionally disappearing in the sacks of the illuminati. All secret operations cost a lot of money, and it is racked in all kinds of illegal ways. For example, taxes are levied which are not found in any law, the CIA checks global drug trafficking and allows the central banks to raise money without the opposite. Money out of nowhere!

They enjoy the fact that they have secrets to the people, this creates a connection with each other. And the people have been apathetic enough for many years to implement many sinister plans. There are only a few members in the illuminati who know everything because the pyramid-shaped structure of the system is set up so that only a handful of people can see the whole picture. The rest all work on the basis of "need to know", she is told no more than is necessary.


The Freemasonry

If a member of the elite performs well, he can rise in rank. This takes place via the Freemasonry . Those who have earned a higher degree get a much-embraced initiative in one of the many freemasonic battles that is rich in the world. These rooms are often of unprecedented splendor and are located in or under buildings that everybody knows, such as cathedrals, castles and government buildings.

In this initiation, the freemason in question is also initiated in a new secret. Today, most of these secrets are found on the Internet for a long time, yet they are still unknown to the public. They are about things like anti-gravity techniques, free energy, mind control techniques, the universe, stargates, alien life, how death can be "overcome" (reincarnate without going to heaven), and sound techniques that matter with matter or can be made weightless. The freemasons were actually masons who used these techniques. These are the same techniques used by aliens in the construction of the pyramids and other megalithic monuments.

As with other illuminati institutions such as corporations, banks, the media, pharmaceutical industry, judiciary and governments, the lower grades often have no idea what kind of system they actually work in the freemasonry. These are ordinary people like you and me. But everywhere applies: the higher, the more corrupt. This is also the power of this system, and the reason why so few people clap out of school. As soon as they see how the system actually works, they've been part of it for years and feel complicated. They are afraid of the consequences when they are going to talk. Within the order of illuminati, it is also not appreciated when spoken. As mentioned, a human life is worthless in these circles, so who becomes too tricky is just eliminated.

To work towards a world government, the illuminati has established all kinds of globally operating agencies. Examples include the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank, the IMF, the WHO , the IPCC, Unicef ​​and many others. These bodies act out as if they are best at the citizen, but the truth is exactly the opposite.


The Rockefellers

Anyone who does a bit of research into the founders of all these institutions once again meets one name: the Rockefeller family. Although the Rockefellers are not the richest illuminati family (that is, the Rothschilds with estimated capital of $ 500 billion -nee, no translation error) , they are the most active and aggressive family in their expansion business. The malady of their actions and the lack of respect for their fellow human beings is bouncing, although they present themselves as philanthropists. Their favorite way of destroying human life is to create armed conflicts and wars. They usually do this by financing and arming both camps in a conflict and spreading disinformation to put them together.

Because wars can not be created everywhere, they focus on weakening our health, especially through cancer. She's fine. In the past, where only 1 in 1,000 people were affected by cancer, this is already almost 1 in 2. Today, their AIDS campaign was a pervasive 'success'. This virus created them, like SARS, the avian flu and the Mexican flu in their secret laboratories. They spread it through the vaccines of their pharmaceutical companies, and then looked pleased how global homes, and sometimes entire generations wiped away, as in Africa. Meanwhile, they made sure that natural drugs against cancer, such as cannabinoids in marijuana, were banned worldwide.

But that did not help because chemistry, harmful radiation, food and clothing are also fighting our health.

How our health is undermined

All living organisms have a natural vibration. Electromagnetic radiation from outside can cause this vibration to be distorted. This results in people in all kinds of ailments, such as insomnia, headache, depression, negative central nervous system effects and brain function, and cancer . Especially in recent decades, illuminati has developed numerous methods to permanently contaminate our environment with all kinds of unhealthy radiation. The biggest offenders include mobile telephony, UMTS masts, WiFi and a worldwide network of highly powerful radiators, called H.A.A.R.P.

Our food is manipulated by the rulers as much as possible (genetically) by removing essential nutrients and adding harmful elements, such as aspartame and other chemical troops . Masonic companies who are guilty of this are often recognized by the fact that they seemingly conquered the world without any effort. Like McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Kellogg's and Starbucks. The logos of these companies are often spheres of symbolism, because the illuminati are fond of secret symbols, geometric values ​​and gestures.

Many fabrics are used in fabrication and clothing and after that they are often covered with the harmful gas formaldehyde to prevent creases. The containers in which they are subsequently transported are often "bug-free" made with the toxic gas benzene. Who purchases such a garment and attracts it without washing it first exposes its skin to all of these toxins.


The London Olympics in 2012 had to be a highlight in the existence of the illuminati. The entire architecture of the event was a symbol of Freemasonry Symbolism , and there was an "Event" on the program. What should have been exactly is not known to us, but if we could believe the mysterious Illuminati Card game from 1995 , the weather was not really festive. Fortunately, the Galactic Federation and other channeled entities had already announced before and during the Games that events on la 9/11 would no longer be allowed on Earth during this time of Ascension.

On the picture: Like many other illuminati, we see McDonald's CEOs making a "secret" illuminati hand gesture on the presentation for the Games

Where are the illuminati?

Everywhere. Their tentacles extend to all corners of our daily lives. They control the banking system, the media , news agencies, the pharmaceutical industry, the oil industry, governments, the stock exchange, the jurisprudence largely, secret services , armies and the arms industry. They influence science, school books, universities, journalism and Hollywood. Inventors who make inventions in the field of free energy or other things that may be threatening to the establishment, are being bought, threatened or killed. They own the largest mines, casinos, they control the CIA's complete drug world, sex slavery, and so on.

Simply put: as long as you lead your life well, pay tax and work well, leave them alone. However, as soon as you deviate from the paths and make difficult questions or do something that counteracts the plans of the rulers, your life can be overtaken in no time. Thousands of world-class loads, from JFK to Pim Fortuyn, from Nikola Tesla to Jan Sloot, and from Marten Luther King to Buddy Holly, can not talk about them.

Fear is the weapon with which they govern, with the media as their loyal messenger. They try to scare us everywhere. Because we are afraid of nature, the problems are just being met: terrorism, global warming, scary viruses, cold war, acid rain, mention it. Almost all the good news is kept for us, every newspaper and journal broadcast is booming of the frightening messages. You would almost be afraid of it;)

"The true purpose of propaganda is neither convincing nor persuading people, but just creating a uniform pattern in the media so that every unorthodox thought sounds like a dissonant." - Alan Bullock in his book "Hitler and Stalin, Parallel Lives"


The ultimate failure of the New World Order: Despite all their dark projects, the illuminati failed to resist the development and growth of the population

Repentance comes after sin

The illuminati are hardly developed spiritually, so do not believe that there is something like karma. They think it's a pain that they are doing others will remain without consequences. Unfortunately for them, karma always works in the universe. So at a certain moment, they will have to experience the consequences of their actions in this life or a subsequent one. In addition, every soul after his death will have to evaluate his own life in Heaven.

It has been remembered in channelings and by people with near-death experiences: as soon as you die and start your journey to the Light, everything that you have accomplished in terms of careers, power and wealth is all gone. You only feel how you treated others, how you loved what you meant to others. What were the consequences of your choices for everyone, and how did you grow through your experiences? These are the things that count for a soul, and you know immediately what you did right and wrong. This evolution is not without obligation, because you will also feel how your actions are felt by others. Every pain, every sadness, you will have to experience yourself.

Matthew Ward , the spirit of a deceased boy now being chanted by his mother, wrote that this is a long and tough process for people who have done widespread abuse. Therefore, in messages that come from higher dimensions to us, we are always encouraged not to feel hate emotions against illuminati. Because if the game here on Earth is out of time, they are not to envy.

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