Triplet 69-5 4/40

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago


Helios 40-2, Triplet-5, ... now the Triplet 69-5 4/40.
You ask me, what is this beast?
It's almost a mammoth or a dinosaur :)

Since the middle of the last century (approximately) this lens was equipped with a film camera "Vilija" (Vilija-auto). 4 aperture blades, exposure meter and shutter mechanism inside the lens. In principle it is the same triplet as on my mass "people's" camera "Smena-8M".

I was interested to get pictures "as before" and in black and white. I understand that digital is not film, but the peculiarity of these lenses is that they are quite sharp in the centre and quite blurred as you move away from the centre. But that's exactly how our vision works. Whatever's in the focus of attention is in the focus of vision. Then there's peripheral vision... but that's the blurred edges of the frame.)

The lens modification is quite simple, but you'll have to do a little bit of tinkering with the selection of the working length for focusing to infinity. If anyone is interested, I can describe it.

Yesterday I was out of town and took some shots with this lens.







Гелиос 40-2, Триплет-5, ... теперь на сцене Триплет 69-5 4/40.
Вы спросите меня, что это за зверь?
Это почти мамонт или динозавр :)

С середине прошлого века (примерно) этим объективом была оснащена плёночная камера "Вилия" (Вилия-авто). 4 лепестка диафрагмы, экспонометр и механизм затвора внутри объектива. Принципиально это такой же триплет, как и на маой массовой "народной" камере "Смена-8М".

Мне было интересно получить снимки "как раньше" и в чёрно-белом варианте. Я понимаю, что цифра это не плёнка, но особенность этих объективов заключается в том, что они достаточно резкие в центре и весьма нерезкие по мере удаления от центра. Но ведь точно так же работает наше зрение. Всё, что в фокусе внимания, то и в фокусе зрения. Есть ещё периферийное зрение ... но это уже размытые края "кадра" ))

Переделка объектива довольно простая, но с подбором рабочего отрезка для фокусировки на бесконечность придётся чуть-чуть поколдовать. Если кому интересно, могу описать.

Вчера я был вне города и сделал несколько снимков с этим объективом.

All photos are clickable, I recommend turning on night mode for viewing

Все фотографии кликабельны, для просмотра рекомендую включить ночной режим.

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright



Lovely shots @bambuka :)

I particularly like the first one with the old cottage and the one with the bench.

Happy Monday :)

 3 months ago 

Glad you liked it))
Thanks @jaynie

Pleasureeee :)

 3 months ago 

👌 🤗👍

 3 months ago 

I liked the second image from the end - Stalin's epoch sculpture of playing kids. The lens looks familiar indeed. I hardly can imagine myself riding this dinosaur again today!

 3 months ago 

Я понимаю ))
Это объектив не на каждый день, он для души :)

I understand )))
It's not an everyday lens, it's for the soul :)

 3 months ago 

Your pictures speak thousand stories...
And all those stories could only be interpreted by you and your camera. For the world they are some other versions of the same pictures.

Lovely shots specially the white Stalin's epoch sculpture of kids. (I looked at @jpegg's comment for the description 😉)

 3 months ago (edited)

It was a special genre, % art + a large percentage of ideology and propaganda - the people lived very poorly, they were fed dreams of a bright and good future, and in the current reality their enthusiasm was exploited heavily and used for free or very cheaply. Such paintings and sculptures around - at metro stations, in parks, stadiums - depicted the false happy life of ordinary workers and the rest of their children, their 'happy childhood'... I hope the author of the post will excuse my developed comment, and by the way it is possible that he will not agree with me.

Today these fragments of the former culture look... look like fragments of the former life!

 3 months ago 

The author of the post both agrees and disagrees. There is no only black or only white, thousands of shades of grey, that's real life. It's understandable that some people have more of a high key photo and some have a low key photo, but that's life and that's how it is at all times.

 3 months ago 

And here I think only we were being played! At least, this is some sophisticated way of exploitation—a somewhat humane way, I would say.

and by the way it is possible that he will not agree with me.

He is quite opinionated like you ;) and I, for sure, like this about him. Rather, I respect him for this.

Thank you for explaining the historical background of of this sculpture. Much appreciated.

 3 months ago 

That's right. Everyone's story will be different.
Especially if I get an abstract ))))

 3 months ago 

It's always exciting to explore different types of lenses and see the unique results they can reproduce. Regarding your comparison between this lens and your Smena-8M, I find it fascinating how even lenses from different eras can have similar characteristics. This really highlights the versatility of certain design elements that continue to be relevant today :)

 3 months ago 

Smena-8M and Vilia-auto film cameras belong to the same era. That said, they have almost identical lenses.

I have to explore their possibilities ))

 3 months ago 

Вот я люблю такое - куда смотрю, там и резко, а остальное размойте, пожалуйста, и сделайте не выдающимся, пожалуйста.

 3 months ago 

Да, так устроено наше зрение.
Так вот монокль в этом плане вообще огонь))
Кстати, можно сделать монокль из практически любого стекла. Даже из диапроектора)

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