
Voted for

  • Yes.

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  • It's all just perception maaaaaaaaan.

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  • No.

Yes and no.
If you (not the real you) physically die, you don't really die, because only the physical, human body dies, in which you are currently in, but that body is not you. We existed before we born in a physical human body on planet Earth, and we will continue to exist after our physical human bodies die. We are not physical beings. Being in the physical human body is only temporarily. The Heaven and the Hell are both real, just like planet Earth and this universe/dimension. And there is an in-between place between planet Earth and Heaven/Hell. That is complete darkness (for most of the people at first), but you are completely conscious there for the whole time. Actually, much more conscious than on planet Earth. Many people, if they get out of their physical human body, and return to it for some reason, then being in the physical, human body is feel like a dream for them. They feel themselves restricted.
When they are out of their physical human bodies, they feel infinite love, wellbeing and freedom, and everything feels more real, even the colors are more vivid, and many people saw colors that they do not saw on planet Earth.
This topic is difficult. Or at least it sounds/seems to be difficult at first.
Check the "Near-Death Experiences". For example the Current NDEs on the website of NDERF (Near-Death Experience Research Foundation).

Voted for

  • Yes.
  • It's all just perception maaaaaaaaan.

Voted for

  • It's all just perception maaaaaaaaan.

Voted for

  • I do know (and i'm not telling).

( ‾ʖ̫‾)

Voted for

  • No.
  • It's all just perception maaaaaaaaan.

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