Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2: Impacts of Technology in kids lives by @b-naj

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Created by @b-naj using PixelLab app

10% Beneficiary - @steemkidss

Greetings to all in this great community, i hope everyone fairing alright throughout this week's challenge. I am here with my entry to this week's challenge. You can find the link to this challenge here.

Write an overview of how technology has impacted the world as a whole.


Technology as a whole has greatly influenced our society (be it in a good or bad way), and this depends solely on the purpose of its application at each point in time. The good effect of technological inventions are seen everywhere today, so much that its users forget to analyze its disadvantages and regulate it to its minimal impact. Every invention today has both the good and bad impacts on our society, and this is inevitable. What our society can do to help one another is to pin point these disadvantages and do our bit to bring them to a minimal. We all can collectively agree that technology now plays a massive role in our lives, and as such we can't do without. Our overall reliability rate on technology has increased over the years to a point wherein, we now experience it at every aspect of life.
Technology has greatly led to great development today!

Share with us some of the positivity and negativity of technology in kids' lives.

Positive Aspects


The introduction of technology has greatly improved kids' exposure to research and information. Today, many kids can learn from home via online classes, and can carry out research by themselves while working on assignments. This has greatly played a big role during the covid-19 outbreak period for instance.


Nowadays, it is quite difficult to keep up with the juvenile nature of kids always. As such, technology and its associated entertainments has greatly reduced the unnecessary boredom that creeps in daily. It helps keeps the kids grounded and safe indoors for a durable period while you attend to other stuff.

Negative Aspects

Parental Control Safety:

There is no perfect guarantee of safety with kids on technological appliances especially as they interact on the internet with other users. Some contents can be too explicit for their liking or age, and this can affect/influence them negatively.


Some kids get too glued to technological devices and this affects them negatively. Some effects of this could be loss of proper sleep, or lack of measurable socialization time with the real world.

How would you rate the impact of technology in kids' life? Highly positive or negative? Explain.

This question is not as difficult to answer as one would think. Like i said earlier during the brief introductory, ***the pros and cons of technology depends solely on the purpose of its application at each point in time. As such, i can confidently say that the classification/rating of technology solely depends on the purpose of the applicant. We as humans tend to abuse the good intent of technological inventions by equipping it to harm and cheat others.
Technology in kids' lives weighs more to the positive side than the negative, especially when kept in check by adult supervision.

Can you have control over the exposure of kids to certain technological products? How?

Yes i can. Here is how i'll perfect this control process:

  • Schedule hours during which kids can use technological devices. This should help reduce the adverse effects of spending too much time with technological appliances.

  • Spending time with technological devices would be used as a means of rewarding good behaviour. This would create a high level of responsiveness to work hard, especially for kids who like technology.

  • Provision of technological products would be done using a preferential scale, so as to regulate their exposure as they grow up.

Thank you Steemkids Community (@steemkidss) for this unique topic! For those who took out time to read my publication, i send a big hug to y'all! Continue to steem on💪🏻.


Your intervention in this contest topic is superb, I got a lot of ideas from here too, a lot of information in one piece.

There is a lot to this topic, I suggest a rental control program, this will overcome the use of the technological gadget inappropriately.

Thanks for sharing

Rental control was thought of, but appears to be costly. So supervision alongside schedules can do something similar.
Thank you for your wonderful comment.

Oh my, the subscription here is a bit reasonable, regardless, monitoring is good too
You are welcome

Today we see a lot of positive effects of technology for children, but in my personal opinion, if without parental supervision, technology or technology or cellphones What is in the hands of children is very dangerous, the amount of negative content such as pornography and violence is very dangerous for children's mentality, which I know parents cannot 100% be able to control Children of the content, Such content can be circulated in wa groups or other applications, I only suggest giving time and full control over technology products.

Well said @prilly, i am glad you took out time to visit my entry my good friend. I truly am glad, thank you!

same with my friend @b-naj

 2 years ago 

The use of technology in children is something that must be regulated so that the child becomes addicted to it and leaves aside outdoor games and live contact with people.

Thank you @luimer79 for making time to read my post, i am so glad.

Estamos de acuerdo en que la tecnología aporta sus beneficios y que solo asumiendo responsablemente el modo en que la usamos, evitaremos, por otra parte, sus innegables efectos perniciosos. Los niños necesitan de la regulación de sus padres para que la tecnología no se convierte en un agente indeseado... Éxitos...

Thank you so much for supporting my publication with kind review, i am grateful.

 2 years ago (edited)

You have great ideas and suggestions about technology's use for kids. Maybe one or two of them do not match with my own thoughts but you have certainly done a great job here. For instance I do not want kids to use them for unproductive purposes. Thanks ... have a nice time.

Thank you so much for creating time to visit my post, i am so glad.

From what you've written I'm sure that your kids won't experience any dangers caused by exposure to technology, though there's a lot of changes going on now, the tech of tommorow might be very difficult to control like the ones of today. Thanks for sharing anyways, it's educative.

With advancement in the technological world, we might face difficulties with supervision, but we must do our best no matter what.

Thank you for supporting my entry

 2 years ago 

Yes, @b-naj, keeping a child away from the internet is not a good idea. Children should be allowed to explore this new technology and broaden their knowledge. However, we have to guide the child in the appropriate direction.

Well said my friend. Thank you for reading this publication, i am glad.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Sometimes its beyond our control to refuse our kids to get involved with technological products but we got to try our best for the sake of our childrens lives.

Thanks you for the great suggestions.

All the best my friend!

Thank you for this great comment my friend, i appreciate.

 2 years ago 

Hola la tecnología como mencionas es absorbente, debemos estar pendientes de nuestros niños porque es cierto que instruye, pero en el caso de los juegos se puede convertir en un vicio para los niños...

That's very true, that's why adult supervision is highly advised for kids using technological products.

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