DECEPTION CASE #01: @nourin Photo Plagiarism on Steemit

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

Generally speaking this is not the first case we have caught plagiarists at @worldofxpilar community. Were few cases before and users were banned. However, following same idea posts by @stef1, decided to from now on to make all such cases visible for all community.

Hopefully this may prevent of some new generations of scammers to come to our community (and to steemit in general)


So lets go this the first case and what do we have here. Pretty new account created December, 2020 and started to post pretty decent writing and photography content. Declaring she is Nourin afrin Dipa - a pretty girl from Bangladesh mainly using Samsung Galaxy Note 9pro gear with further LightRoom retouch (as per descriptions given in posts).

So far everything sounds legit and looks fine. First posts contained experienced amateur level photography causing no any suspects in originality. Although from the time She started to participate in my photography contests the level of photography had risen a lot. And to the certain level that declaring those photos are made by a smartphone just become a nonsense

I'm not just a person who carries photography contests. Being pro photographer I do all of them on higher level, I know the gear and abilities and sometimes can easily understand what kind of focal length of the lens was used, how long was exposure, etc.

Unfortunately plagiarists are very smart and using some techniques like cropping stolen images or even making screenshots from videos, so it makes very hard to find clean matches in searching engines. It takes time and efforts, but having any particular user posting for while, sooner or later the truth comes out.

So looking through the blog of @nourin following clear matches found

Match #01


There are actually many sources for this particular photo, but main one suppose to be from wikipedia!


Author declared to be Mr. Deepak Sankat.

Well, this case makes me sad most, cause have paid award as a weekly winner. But s**t happens and we need to move on. Just to admit this is another trick to add own "Photography Logo" for photo to look much more legitimate. Such a shame! And yes, image was still cropped a bit too.

Matches #02 and #03

They are actually from the same post



Source (multiply matches)


and second one is (multiply matches as well)


Source (multiply matches as well)


Match #04



Pretty interesting one, since taken from an older steemit blog of @toukirahmed


@toukirahmed was (not posting anymore) a user from Bangladesh as well and at the last stage of posting was banned by steemcleaners for plagiarism too

At this point it arises a question if the profile on @nourin not a fake at all? Who knows, this is very hard to investigate...

Suppose those 4 clean matches are more than enough as a proof for banning @nourin from World of Xpilar. Regretfully we do not have any power to ban such abusers from steemit.

At this point @steemcurator01 is very welcome to continue support with fighting such plagiarists and make steemit cleaner place for everybody


Triste que existan personas que hasta para publicar un post roben imágenes, muy bien que compartas la información, es plagio y eso se debe conocer en la comunidad y así nos muestras a los usuarios que no se deben hacer esas cosas, gracias por compartir.

Excellent publication friend. It's time to make public the cases of plagiarism.

 4 years ago (edited)

Greetings friend @axeman.

It is unfortunate that some users apply plagiarism as a method of publication, without taking into account that the communities are made up of a team that reviews the content visited every day.

Good work.

Wow.. I started following this person and replied on the last post she made. Thanks for all the research @axeman and for your post.

Your competitions still rock!

 4 years ago 

Fighting such plagiarists and make steemit cleaner place for everybody we need all local community and steemit to get involved

You have to guide to make steemit a good place @axeman

Saludos amigo @axeman. tengo dos comentarios.
Todo aquel que hace plagio debería ser tomado como delincuente porque se roba una imagen y con ella logra ganar un premio que otra persona que hace un trabajo propio y excelente podría ganar. Estoy de acuerdo que hagas esto de mostrar todo aquel que hace trampa.

2do: Si te has fijado en mis fotos notaras que necesitan una ayuda profesional. Me gusta la fotografía y me gustaría aprender y mejorar mis fotos. Que me recomiendas y donde podria ver temas que me ayuden a mejorar.

Muchas gracias. Suerte en tus futuros trabajos.

 4 years ago 

My friend. Nowadays internet is full of free photography courses (e-books and youtube videos even). I would recommend just to search and start learning from those basic ones.
And then to stick to the genre (or even few) which you like most and try to further improve your skills there

 4 years ago 

I'm sorry. But there is no universal cure. Attention is needed. More attention. Especially for applications to win in the top.
IMHO you need to pay attention to weak works that also fall into the top. When the bad works win in the competition, the illusion of a “blind jury” is created. And if the “judges” are blind, then there is a hope that the fake will go unnoticed. This is what the crook thinks. When photos of cats, sloppy drawings, garbage win - it means "blind juror" - it means it is easy to cheat. This is what the crook thinks.
Raise the requirements for the quality of applications, select the winners more strictly. This will make it difficult to deceive. This will protect you against deception.
Thank you for warning about the danger.

 4 years ago 

Hah, but that's the point! In order to win they start to enter with extremely high quality images and then it becomes clear that something is really wrong :D I'm never "blind" lol

 4 years ago 

Plagiarism is a very difficult problem.

Wow now because they don't employ that great ingenuity in creating things of their own, that reminds me of when they accused me of plagiarism and proved that the photos were my property.

Many believe that they will not be discovered, but there is the proof and it was so daring that it was not once but several times.

Revisando su historial de transferencias, suele transferir sus saldos a varios usuarios, pero luegos estos transfieren a @ shohana1 . Quizas haya una relación. Revisa los movimientos de la cuenta

 4 years ago 

Thanks for info, my friend. Actually we aware of the fact and working further on this case

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