My Life's Journey - Update on basketball season - Semi-finals series tied at 2-2. Deciding Game Tonight.🏀 ⛹️

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I apologize to all my amazing friends here on Steemit for not keeping you updated on my basketball part of life and the semi-final playoffs series. I just got way to busy, with too many things to do and too little time to catch up with everything. Plus we play a game every 3 days and I need as much rest as possible between the games. So I did try to stay away from the computer as much as possible, but I missed you guys so I failed miserably in that part. lol

1st GAME

So what has been happening with our semi-final playoffs series.? As you can see from the title we are tied with 2 games a peace, and it has been a very tough playoffs series. I wrote about how we surprised them the first game on their own court without anyone expecting us to win. We fought with heart and energy and we came out on top. I was incredibly proud of my guys as we may not have the same talent level as the other team but we sure do make it up with team chemistry. (20).gif

2nd GAME

The second game we started the game off great and took the early lead. But, we were missing that energy from the first game which got us the win last time. Got to give the credit to the other team as they had that energy we were missing today. That energy gave them 9 point lead at half-time. We tried our best to get back in the game in the second half, and we got down only to -6 in the last quarter. But, referees did give them a little push in the end. First, they called a foul on me for a clean block. I mean guys a very bad call. So they got 2 free-throws from it. But, our bench protested and we got a technical foul. So they had 2 free-throws from the foul, 1 more for the technical, and they get back the possession. Basically, the game was over after that. (21).gif

I don't blame refs for losing this game. We lost long before that bad call. We did not play with energy and we did not fight as the first game. And, we are not as talented so we can make up for not having the energy. If we don't fight and play harder than the other team we will lose against this team. It is really as simple as that. But, lack of energy was for playing two away games in 4 days. We were happy with 1-1 score after the first two games.

3rd GAME

So now we had two games at home. And if we win both we are through to the finals. This third game we came out on fire. Played with that same energy from the first game. Guys flying everywhere, playing good team defense, and outhustling this team at every aspect of the game. I was on fire guys. I could not miss a shot. I finished the half with 20points, 4-assists, and 7 rebounds. I mean it felt like the basket is wide and I am shooting with a tennis ball. Everything was going in. Just one of those amazing days. We went on half-time break with 11 point lead. (22).gif

But, the second half was a different story. We stopped playing as a team, and we did not move the ball well, and we started to play what we call "hero ball." And, the other team used it well. They cut our lead slowly, but surely. And, in the last couple of minutes of the game took the lead for the first time in the game, and "stole" a game for us. Well, to be honest, we had nobody to blame but us. We gave them the game for not being the team we are. To say at least I was very, very disappointed as I knew this game was a great opportunity for us to win this series and surprise everybody. We were down 1-2 now, with one more game in 3 days again on our home court.

4th GAME

In the meeting after the game where we watched the video of our game, I had a hard time even watching. It was incredible for me how we lost this game. I was pissed guys. I don't get mad often, but I was pissed. We gave these guys a win for being selfish and not playing as a team. Honestly, I was not going to say anything, but I could not keep it inside me. Things needed to be said, and everybody in the room knew what was the problem for losing the game, and everybody was beating around the bush with it. Some of you guys know me by now and you know I am a very direct, but fair person. So after watching this game, and confirming in the video what I knew already happened in the game, I spoke up. I flat out called some guys out. I felt as being one of the leaders, and the most experienced guys on the team it is my responsibility to do so. I watched this game 3 times after we lost, and I knew I was right. (23).gif

"Hard" Truth

We can't play 1vs5 basketball. We have to play as a team. If we don't play as a team we will lose this next game as well. We are not as talented as the other team and if we don't play for each other not caring who scores, we don't stand a chance.

I thought this was necessary to say, in order for us to win the next game. Some guys actually got mad at me. Which was fine by me actually. I knew by saying it some feeling might get hurt, but it needed to be said so we have a chance to win the next game. Honestly, some of the guys did not speak to me for 2 days. Don't get me, wrong guys, these are amazing guys really. Great people. One of the best personalities I played with in my basketball career.

I did this because I care. I don't mind losing a game, but not like this. Not like we lost the game. I want us to win this series because we have worked our butts off all season as a team. We deserve to win. But, we missed this opportunity, to get a closer the finals. And, we missed it not because the other team played better, but rather because we failed to play like we did all season long. And, that is as a TEAM. (24).gif

Game Time

So what happened in the 4th game? Well, let me tell you. We did not go "quietly into the night." We came out on that court-storming our opponent. I mean just outhustling them at both ends of the floor. Playing as a TEAM we are. Playing with that amazing chemistry we have on this team. Playing for each other, not caring who scores. Playing for the ultimate goal and that is to win the game. That is what basketball is all about. It is a TEAM sport. If you don't play as a team, you will lose 99% of the time. No doubt in my mind.

We ended up winning the game by 17 points(88-71). We deserved to win this game, and if we played like this the second half of the third game I have no doubt we would be in the finals now. But, we gave ourself a chance again. We are 2-2 now, and we play the last game today on their court. To say at least it will be an interesting game. And, I am sure my guys and I will give our best to win this game. (25).gif

After the game, I had a private chat with some of these guys, and they all apologized to me for getting mad at me after the meeting because they realized what I was saying in this game. The realized what I was talking about. And, being the great guys I knew the entire season they wanted me to know that. And, honestly, I was not surprised they did apologize because we are really a great group of guys. More like friends than teammates.

Final Words

So what to say guys really? Series is tied 2-2 and we are playing the last game on their own court. These are the games every athlete out there dreams of playing in his career. No matter the sport. This is what we live for, and I am blessed with the opportunity to play in a such a game tonight. And, I welcome the challenge with open arms, and I am sure my guys are ready for it as well. How will it turn out? Well, I guess you will have to wait for my next post to find out? :)

Thank you all for reading, wish us luck, have an amazing day all, much love,

dbjegovic 💕 💞 💓

This video is my motivation today:

"Life is game of inches.Those six inches in front of your face." :)

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Ah don't worry bro, just speak the truth! Truth gets people hurt at first, but almost everybody understands why it must be said.

In American football, we say ''NEXT PLAY''. What happened already happened, you must focus only on future. I hope you will win this one!

Good luck to your team, be strong 'cause only the strong will continue, I know you have it in you ;)

Speak you mind out always. When even we express ourself we take a risk to be offensive to others, till they realize it is their responsibility how they will take it and not yours.

Good luck with cultivating a real team spirit first and latter manifesting success.

I see you wrote this before the game!!! Clearly, you were prepared and you are a great team leader of awesome tea XOXO

This was like reading the script of a movie!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness! Hahahahaha it's so awesome!!!!!! I cannot wait to hear the final post!!!!

I think..... No
I KNOW how it will end already 😊

and you know what...even if someone was reading your post for the first time.... They could tell your fair character. Look how you described the games in the beginning!! Never blaming the other team or refs... Always seeing where you could improve.

So... You were right to speak your mind in truth and love to your teammates. In this situations HAVE to. Even if people are angry at you (temporarily OR permanently!!!) There are times when the truth just must be stated.

So BRAVO for you doing that!!!and BRAVO for your team members to see the truth and admit their anger and move forward as a team.

You are a great leader... But you already know this hehehehe

My friend!!!!! My enthusiastic twin!!!! Hahhahahahaa. EXCELLENT POST!!!! I can't wait for the final one! And.... It will be great no matter what!!! Because fabulous lessons were applied and people grew together to work as one!

You are already champions ♥️

P.s. tell everyone on your team.... I think they are already stars and champions!!!! Now they can show the world too!!! Teamwork and conquerors!!!!! I am cheering for them from California!!! 🏀🏆🎉

Good luck dear friend!! Hugs!😃

Hey @awakentolife! Rooting for you and your team! I hope you win!


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