Steemit M. A. C. - Aug. #27- 📸 ( Some more Photos from the sauerland trip / Noch ein paar Fotos aus der Sauerland Tour ) ​

Hello my dear Steemians! Today I have a few more impressions from the wonderful Sauerland for you. :-)

So follow me to a small sweet village, a beautiful lake and at the end there is local food :-)

Hallo meine lieben Steemians! Heute hab ich noch ein paar weitere Impressionen aus dem wunderschönen Sauerland für euch. :-)

Also folge mir zu einem kleinen süßen Dorf , einem wunderschönen See und am Ende gibt es landestypisches Essen :-)



Next we have made a pretty cool boat tour over the Hennesee.

Als nächstes haben wir eine ziemlich coole Bootstour über den Hennesee gemacht.




On the boat tour we could see clearly how much water is missing in this lake.

What surprised me here was the absolutely low water level.

Was mich hier überrascht hat, war der absolut tiefe Wasserstand.

Auf der Schiffstour konnten wir gut erkennen, wie viel Wasser in diesem See fehlt.


Since our tour was so exhausting, of course we needed a small refreshment.
So we ordered in the sweet alp restaurant delicious Schnitzel with fried potatoes, knuckle with sauerkraut and fried fish, these have the day perfectly rounded.

Da unsere Tour so anstrengend war, haben wir natürlich eine kleine Stärkung gebraucht ;-)
Also bestellten wir in der schnuckeligen Dorfalm Restaurant leckeres Schnitzel mit Bratkartoffeln, Haxe mit Sauerkraut und Backfisch, diese haben den Tag perfekt abgerundet.





Yes my lovely steemians, this was my little post for day 27 into the steemit #monthlyauthorchallenge​ by @future24. In the next 4 left days you get some more stories and photos related with my life.

Ja meine lieben Steemianer, das war mein kleiner Post für Tag 27 in der steemit #monthlyauthorchallenge von @future24. In den nächsten verbleibenden 4 Tagen bekommt ihr weitere Geschichten und Fotos aus meinem Leben.

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🌟 Greetings your @avizor 🌟


I love your photos that you took! The sunset was amazing!

Thank you snuffles 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Those are excellent pictures. And side note, the translation is impressive. I don't know if you wrote it in both English and Dutch, or if you used a translator, but my web browser automatically translated the Dutch and it was almost identical. Impressive!


Wow you are kidding me! 😬 my coworker are always laughing at me for my bad English 😅.... I give my best ✌️ thanks for your lovely comment !!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm not kidding at all. I love language and can usually spot non-native English speakers just by the way they put words together. With this post, I couldn't even tell.

Looks like a very nice place, I see what you mean about the water level!

Just like the lake in your place, frighteningly low, due to the little rain.

Knowing how messed up the weather is, we will end up with a months rainfall in a day!

Another really nice article with delicious food, thanks for sharing @avizor!

Thank you @future24 for stopping by :-) I’m glad you liked it. It an honor for me to take party in you fantastic challenge 👌😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

oooohhhh, what a beautiful place and that food... yumz 😊

Hey hey :-) cool that you stoped here and checked out my little post ✌️😀

Posted using Partiko iOS a lovley place spend entire life in the paradise....another goodbstuff the way you put efdort in writing both the language..👌

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh thank you, unfortunately my English is not sooooo god. Than I could Worte in both languages better some day ✌️😀.. thanks for your comment and stop by.

Posted using Partiko iOS

So you hsve translated those ?

Posted using Partiko Android

Jau vor allem das Fleisch der Haxe ist im Mund einfach nur genial zerlaufen ☺️

Posted using Partiko iOS

So beautiful, and the food, yums!!!

Thank you :-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

The place looks very nice! The food even looks delicious!

Hope you enjoyed your stay there! Thank you for sharing this!

Oh yes i loved this Place. I would like to stay longer and not go back to the fast and loud metropolis I live ... 😬

Posted using Partiko iOS

Omg! Hennesee is a mist see , hehehe
Beautiful sceneries @avizor!

Looking forward to see more

Oh yeah very beautiful location there. Glad you stoped by :-) and seen this. 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

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