Hello from Me

Hallo Steemian…

Hello Steemian…

Sebagai member baru, ini adalah postingan pertama saya di Steemit. Tidak elok rasanya jika member baru ini tidak memperkenalkan diri lebih dulu.

As a new member, this is my very first post in Steemit. So I want to say hay to all of you guys.

Well, nama saya Aulia. Hanya seorang perempuan biasa yang berasal dari daerah tak biasa: Aceh, Indonesia. Menghabiskan lebih separuh umur di Aceh, membuat saya begitu mencintai tanah berjuluk Serambi Mekkah ini. Aceh memberikan saya banyak hal: cinta, kehangatan, keberanian dan perjuangan, juga tentang rindu.

Pantai Pasir Putih, Aceh Besar (Pasir Putih Beach, Great Aceh)

Well, my name is Aulia. An ordinary girl who came from special region: Aceh, Indonesia. Spending half of life in Aceh, make me really falling in love with this land called Serambi Mekkah. Aceh “give” me many things: love, warmth, brave and fight, also about missing.

Pertengahan tahun 2015 lalu saya hijrah ke Yogyakarta untuk melanjutkan studi pada jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi dan Media. Banyak hal yang saya dapati dari kota ini. Di Jogja saya belajar tentang kesederhanaan, tentang budaya, dan tentang bagaimana mencintai.

Candi Borobudur, Jawa Tengah (Borobudur Tample, Center Java)

In 2015, I moved to Jogja to pursue my study in Communication and Media studies. I got many lessons from this city. In Jogja I learn about simplicity, about calture, and about how to love someone.

Lalu akhir 2017 kemarin saya kembali hijrah, kali ini ke pulau dewata, Bali. Disini kembali saya harus belajar beradaptasi. Belajar tentang perbedaan, tentang tenggang rasa dan tentang saling menghargai.

Denpasar, Bali

Then, at the end of 2017, I moved and stay in Dewata Island, Bali. Once again, I should learn how to adaptate with this society. I learn about diversity and how to respect each other.

Saya mengenal Steemit dari seorang teman yang super baik: @fararizky. Melalui Steemit ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman dan pelajaran yang saya ambil dari tiga daerah ini: Aceh, Jogja dan Bali. Serta beberapa tempat lainnya yang pernah saya kunjungi. Karena bagi saya setiap tempat yang disinggahi, pasti ada banyak pelajaran yang bisa diambil dan sisi unik yang tak terpikirkan sebelumnya. Saya juga akan berbagi tentang berbagai hal lainnya, seperti kuliner dan resep, hobi dan kebiasaan, pengalaman saya bersama @singingland dan pemikiran-pemikiran “konyol” saya lainnya.

Btw, I know Steemit from my extra kind friend: @fararizky. In this community, I will share my experience and also the lesson that I got from the city that I have lived: Aceh, Jogja and Bali. Also another place that I have visited. Because I’m sure every place given me so many lessons and unique site that I never think before. Also I will share about other many things, like culinary and recipe, hobbies, my unique experience with @singingland, also about my “stupid” opinion about anything.

Jadi mari saling berbagi, saling belajar, berdaya dan berkarya melalui komunitas ini.

So guys, let know each other, we can share, learn, working and empowering together from this community. Cheers!

Follow me
Steemit : @auliaussakinah
Instagram : @auliaussakinah
Facebook : Uun Auliaus Sakinah Ibrahim


Welcome to Steemit @auliaussakinah!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Hallo.. Thank u for welcoming me and for your kind advice. As a beginner in this community, I'll try to understand about this pltaform. The article that you share really helpful.

Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! You are receiving this message as you have used the #introduceyourself tag! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


hello.. thank you for welcoming me. As a newcomer, Steemit still make me confused, but I'll try to understand it. Next I'll visit your blog and read your post that can guide me to understand this platform. cheers ^^

Welcome to steemit,a community for positive people just like you,trust me you'll enjoy every bit of it...Looking forward to reading your blog

Halo, thank you. wait for the next post.

Kerenn Bro, setelah panik, akhirnya bisa di posting juga. selamat yah.

Hahaha.. Belajar bareng ya. Jgn paniknya aja yg bareng😆

welcome to steemit... I hope you are comfortable here

Hi.. thank you.

Selamat datang dek.. Selamat bergabung dan berkarya

Terima kasih udah memperkenalkan platform keren ini kak @fararizky semoga bisa ngikutin jejak sukses kakak. Dibantu ya dibantu 😊

Amiinn.. InsyaAllah di bantu kok. Tenang aja

Assiiiikkk.. Klo ada kak fara yg bantuin,
udah tenang hati adek kak😆

Hallo.. Thank you. Masih pemula. Mohon bimbingannya ya 😊

InsyaAllah.. semampu saya

Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and welcome, and you are lovely.

Hallo Arnold. Thank you and glad to know

selamat datang Uun... semoga betah dan tetap konsisten di platform yang cerdas ini....
do one day one post...

Bang Booooyyy.. Ayoklah ajarin kami. Masih baru menetas kali ni, masih butuh bimbingan ^^

hahahaha,, saban hai, lon manteng tak teh cit,,,, nulis aja uun di sini, jika ada kemampuan lain juga bisa, fotografi, video, menggambar, meme, dan tutorial2 lainnya.... jangan lupa hastag yang sesuai...

makasih bang boy utk sarannya. Insya Allah akan berusaha untuk menulis terus dan menghadirkan konten-konten yang positif ^^

Eh udah maen Steemit juga @auliaussakinah, selamat bergabung , selamat unjuk bakat, selamat berkarya 😊👍

waaahhh.. bang @donirosayandi udah duluan rupanya. Bimbing kami yang ban ceh ini bang, haha.. Salam tabek untuk sesepuh rongsokan ^^

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