Yoga and Me - Health & LongevitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


Many, many years ago when I was just around 19 years or so, I was at a course where we were being taught meditation and yoga, I met this one guy who was probably around 30 or so and he could get into the more difficult postures very easily.

So one day I mentioned it to him and he shared something with me…

He told me that it had not always been so easy for him and that just a few years ago he had been in an accident in which just about every bone in his body had been broken…

He credited yoga practice with helping him to make such a remarkable recovery. That story stayed with me and I have shared it with many people over the years…


There have been times when I have maintained a regular yoga practice. Once upon a time I would even meditate and do something like an hour long yoga practice twice a day…

When I was a kid I didn’t really notice too much in the way of physical benefits from the practice, except that I thought it was pretty cool that I was always able to scratch my own back very easily. :-)

But now that so many years have passed and I have fallen out of regular yoga practice for so long…

Well I noticed about a year ago, that when I was sitting too long, as in doing a meditation during lunch break at work, that moving was becoming more and more noticeably stiff and painful, when I first started again to animate my body…


So I began a daily practice of Yin yoga and the 5-Tibetan Rites which probably lasted for about 3 months…

Yeah then I stopped again… But here’s the thing… While at first it was really challenging to hold or even get into some of the poses, I found to my delight that I very quickly moved past that point and it all just became easy…


Probably within the first 8 or 9 days (or less) I began noticing definite improvement in how I felt physically…


Yup it really started helping THAT quickly! And the results lasted quite a while even after I stopped…

But now… Seriously I need to begin again and this time STAY WITH IT.

So the other day I assumed a few poses to photograph, so I could share all this here at Steemit and thus use this posting as a tool to help me stay motivated.

Because my health just isn’t as healthy as I would like it to be and so I had better start making better choices.
I'm over weight, and out of shape, eyesight sucks and etc., etc...


Knowing what to do and doing it, or not doing it, is where we’re at right now…

I pretty much know where not making the best choices will get me and it’s not pretty.

Diet. Aerobic Exercise. Yoga. Meditation...

Getting started and staying started… That’s the thing…

So the key words for these specific postings will be “life, success, health, longevity, exercise” with the words “Health & Longevity” in the main title.


I will be giving updates as to how it’s all going, along with what I’m actually doing to extend my life in a “Quality” kinda way. After all if I’m gonna live longer I want to feel good, and be in excellent health, with good cognitive function. Right? Right!

I’m thinking it should be interesting. But right now it’s getting late and so if I really wanna begin in the morning I’d better go to sleep.

Feel free to share whatever tips and tricks you may have too! :-)

Okay folks that's it! Thank you and good night! :-)

Thanks for checking out my post! :-)
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Excellent post...Yoga is really great with many benefits.Recently I saw an 83 year old lady on youtube,a yoga teacher who can do stuff that most teenagers can only dream of. Am wishing you all the best with your yoga,from the pics I think you have not fallen too far off. You are still in great shape, you just have to form a habit :)Goodnight,it's good morning for me :)

Thank you! I always appreciate and enjoy your sincere and thoughtful comments!
Wishing you a happy night and day! :-)

Thank you very much for sharing your story with us! I would love to start doing Yoga, too as I meditate for over 10 years now and I benefit so much from it that words can not describe it :) I heard that you shouldn't start practising Yoga without an expert as you can do a lot of things wrong and get hurt, which scared me a bit hahaha :D Is that true? Or would you say I can just start and get healthier? :) I really love you use Steemit as a help to stay motivated and share your process with us! I am sure you'll feel amazing!
Best wishes and Namasté <3

Thank you for your excellent comments and question!

It's okay to just do yoga without an instructor. There are many good books on the subject as well as some good instructional videos.

Of course not all instructional videos will be very good, but not all real live yoga teachers will be very good either.

I prefer yoga that includes the spiritual aspect.

To me, if it doesn't include an obvious relationship to growing spiritually them it just isn't really yoga.

E.g. if I saw (and I'm just inventing a title here) a DVD entitled something like "Buns Of Steel Yoga", I would probably think it was just some kinda synthetic crap designed to sell DVD's.

You wanna begin yoga? Then begin just begin it. Just be gentle with yourself.

One part you should be careful with is specialized breathing, called pranayama. That one should from learned someone who is trained because practicing certain types of pranayama incorrectly can be potentially harmful.

Namasté dear @as-i-see-it! :)

Thank you from all my heart for your detailed and loevly answer!! Your words made me smile and very grateful :) I am very happy I can start doing yoga by myself. I'll look for a good instructor who can teach me pranayama <3

I can imagine how many DVDs and Videos exist out there which are only made for profit reasons :(
To me, yoga has to be connected to spirituality, too! Yoga is an active meditation and you let the divine flow through your body and soul. I could not imagine doing just some movements without feeling the vibes and love of yoga! I really appreciate your answer and help! Thank you very much!! :)

You and your yoga journey are very inspiring to me :) <3

Big hug,


Wow this is really such a GREAT reply! Thank you so much.
It's very wonderful to know that you have gained from our interaction.

I really like the way you said, "Yoga is an active meditation and you let the divine flow through your body and soul." Well said and Beautiful! :-)

Thank you so very much for such excellent remarks. You also inspire me! :-)

~ Namasté ~

Aaaaw thank you SO much for all these nice words!! :) Made my day, dear @as-i-see-it :) I am very happy to be connected to such an inspiring soul :)

Namasté and a lot of good vibes to you :)

great experience! i'd like to study yoga too.
early i thought it's just fun without sence but now I feel it's deeper and it magnets me)

Thank you for your great comment! :-)

Yes yoga can be quite magical. If you're feeling an attraction then you should check it out. :-)

Wonderful. I ´m starting a yoga course.
The last year, I did a Massaje Thai course. Do you know about it?

Thank you for your comment!

Yes I LOVE Thai massage!

I hope you enjoy your yoga course! :-)

wow excellent photos, yoga is great , you look very nice, I invite you to take a look at my recent post, my best wishes to you, have a nice day, Cheers!

Thank you for your comment and compliment! :-)

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