A gift with a big red bow

in #love7 years ago

Have you got what it takes to turn your life around for the better? Was it a miracle or just hard work that made the difference?

The short story:

Jenny Baldwin was sitting on the veranda’s hanging rocking chair looking out into space. It was hard to get over the fact her husband had just died and left her with a little girl of six to look after. What was she going to do?

Just then her mother came out the house and sat down next to her. It was a few seconds before she took out a letter from her pocket and silently handed it over to Jenny. “Jenny, I’ve had this for some time and have been deciding what to do about it… Go on open it.” 

Jenny did what her mother said and opened it and began reading the letter. As she read she started frowning. After reading it, she turned to her mother, “What has this lawyer’s letter got to do with me? It’s for you!” 

“Yes, but I don’t need my mother’s old house. I’m happy here with your dad.” She smiled gently and said, “I have decided that you should take over your gran’s house. I will get the lawyers to transfer the deeds into your name.” 

“But Mom, I haven’t the money to fix the place. It isn’t livable as it is, you know that!” 

“Your Dad said that he would help you paint the place and fix the plumbing. He has time on his hands now that he has retired.” And knowing Jenny was an independent soul, continued hesitantly, “And… Jenny… over the years your Dad and I have saved a little money, enough that is, to pay for the paint and perhaps a little towards the plumbing."

Jenny shook her head, “Mom… that wouldn’t be fair to you and dad…”

“My girl, we know you are hard-working… and even though you haven’t a job at the moment, we know that you will put things to right. You are such a gifted soul.” And then pleadingly gripped Jenny’s hands, “Please take it… we love you and trust you… that you can do it Jenny!” 

Until now Jenny’s father had been standing just within the doorway listening. Now he came forward eagerly, “And I agree. You can have the house. And I will help you.” 

Jenny jumped up and gave her father a huge hug. At that, her mother jumped up too, to gather them both in her arms. Jenny’s parents were both smiling at her. 

And that is how Jenny moved into her grandmother’s old home on High Street. It was a quaint little house with small bay windows. The window stills took up the whole space within the bay recesses, just perfect for turning into shop windows. 

Jenny did work hard. She swept and cleaned out the whole house and worked with her dad painting the house. After that she started on making small gifts to put in the bay windows. She was a very talented woman and had a special eye for beauty. 

Her daughter Pam helped fetching and carrying. And when her Grandfather started working on the plumbing, she handed him his tools as he needed them. 

Jenny didn’t have much furniture. Just a few antiques of her gran’s, which she arranged in the front room, which was going to be the gift shop. 

When they were finished, Jenny opened her shop for business. 

All this time the village people had been watching Jenny working hard and were eager to see what she had achieved. So it wasn’t long before they turned up to check it out. 

Jenny had arranged the bright coloured items she had made, in the bay windows in a simple format. They looked fantastic against the white silk material draped over cardboard backdrops she had erected behind them. It was the freshness of Jenny’s style that impressed everyone. Her talent was ingenious and beautiful, so it wasn’t surprising that she didn’t have trouble selling her crafted items. 

Jenny had wanted to fix the front room’s carpet, so now she had enough money to do that. The chap who came to work on her carpet, did a stunning job. You couldn’t see where the hole in the carpet was. And he had added a platted edge that added to the little shop’s charm. 

During the time he had been working on the carpet, he fall in love with Jenny. Little Pam thought he was real cool and often made excuses to help him too. 

Some weeks after fixing the carpet, Mark at last found an excuse to see Jenny again. He turned up at the shop and took his time choosing a small gift to buy. While she wrapped up the gift, Mark suggested adding a red ribbon to play for time. 

As he took the ribbon parcel, after paying for it, he at last plucked up courage to ask Jenny if she would marry him! She was taken aback at first. Then slowly smiling, she quietly said she would think about it. And after a while, said that she would have consider how Pam feels about it... 

With the gift (with the big red bow on top) in his hands, Mark turned and left the shop. On his face was a broadening smile. He had hope in his heart. He was sure she would marry him. 

And he was right! Six months later they were married in the little chapel down High Street, with Pam as the flower girl. There was a red ribbon on the flower basket’s handle! 

The punchline: I repeat: “Was it a miracle or just hard work that made the difference?” 


happy ending, upvoted & followed :) , you chek my posts if you want ,you're always welcome;)

I'll will. We learn a lot from each other, don't we.

exactly bro ^^

Nice happy ending story!

Glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed thinking it up and writing it. When you start writing something , inspiration takes over and you follow its lead. And Walla, you have a story.

Hard work always pays off :)

Wow...what an interesting story line...keep it coming @artguru
For me its more of hardwork. Jenny is very talented....beautiful and homely...although misfortune struck her due to her hubbies death but because of a loving parent that sees the inert abilities in her she combined hard work to her favor and then comes miracle. We need more of such...keep it flowing

My niche is supposed to be about writing good website content. But every now and again a story comes to mind and I can't help it, just have to write it.

Yeah you are.we seem to be alike in this...was supposed to post on health and a story about marital infidelity captured my imagination and I wrote it on my last post...feel free to follow me @kenhudoy and check out this interesting short story of mine...

Wish I had a dog that would help me out with my blogging! Running a website and writing stuff for Steemit takes up a lot of my time, when I should be producing more works of art!

Very nice story of triumphing after loss.
In life, I think it's always a combination of hard work, faith, and determination that opens the door for miracles to come in!

Agree with you. The way I have succeeded, is to work at something, bit by bit, until it happens. You have to start with something, to get it going! And then don't give up. It is bound to happen sometime.

I am right there in this spot @artguru but, at 47, time is against me more than ever before at the same time I have lost more than ever before. The story is an inspiration as I move forward in fear, thank you

I'm 73 and still going strong. Its not about age, it's about attitude to life. Each day is exciting for me.

You have a great attitude about life ! Here's to many more years of enjoyment !

Self employed. I keep up with IT tech, to keep my mind functioning!

thank you for sharing

It is my pleasure. As the saying goes, "There is always a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!'

Nice love story

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