the antennas of the soul - oil on canvas /// le antenne dell'anima - olio su tela -

in #ntopaz6 years ago (edited)


the antennas of the soul

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oil on canvas

separatore 2.jpg

The antennas of the soul

About creativity.

The search for an artist, mediated by his culture and sensitivity can lead to the development of landscape themes that are very different from one another.
Each artist, and in this case precise, each watercolorist deals with the theme of the landscape according to his vision, historical, scientific, and artistic.

The artistic vision of a landscape leaves out of pure and realistic representation, painting a scene with sea or clouds, looking at a photograph or worse, copying it, does not lead to anything constructive for the artist himself.

There is no process of creation!

A good painter can reproduce any photograph or image, but the copy, adding only pictorial technique.
It is the problem of hyperrealism, only technique and no soul.

Impress and amaze the subject with a painstaking work based only on what is already present in reality, therefore nothing interior!

The technique, without soul and heart, does not lead to a capital Art, it can arouse wonder for the high quality of the copy, for the true-likeness to the landscape of an image, but it is an end in itself.

The creative process is something else!

An artist makes extraordinary journeys with imagination and mind. He climbs high, questions himself deep in his soul, suffers and often fails.

Attempts to achieve creation pass through endless trials, as in music, a composer must have within himself the forms and instances of musical writing, correcting, trashing, rejoicing or crying bitter tears that stain the pentagram, but make it become a part of his soul ..

Creating is not an act of genius, it is a very long process of learning and studying, of observation and analysis: in primis of Nature, then of other artists.

Finally, looking at and drawing from interiority.

The genius is often in all of us, but it must be educated and freed, as happened for example in Leonardo Da Vinci, who was still a teenager when he was sent to Andrea Del Verrocchio or Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) and was sent to study art bySimone Peterzano's.

An education that has formed two of the greatest artists in history.

A free and creative hug.


separatore 2.jpg

Le antenne dell'anima

Intorno alla creatività.

La ricerca di un artista, mediata dalla sua cultura e sensibilità può portare a sviluppare temi paesaggistici molto differenti l'uno dall'altro.
Ogni artista, e in questo caso preciso, ogni acquarellista affronta il tema del paesaggio secondo la sua visione, storica, scientifica, e artistica.

La visione artistica di un paesaggio prescinde dalla rappresentazione pura e realistica, dipingere una scena con mare o nuvole, guardando una fotografia o peggio, copiandola, non conduce a nulla di costruttivo per l'artista stesso.

Non c'è il processo della creazione!

Un bravo pittore può riprodurre qualsiasi fotografia o immagine, ma la copia, aggiungendoci solo tecnica pittorica.
E' il problema dell'iperrealismo, solo tecnica e niente anima.

Stupire e sbalordire il riguardante con un lavoro certosino basato soltanto su ciò che è già presente nel reale, quindi nulla di interiore!

La tecnica, senza anima e cuore, non conduce ad un Arte maiuscola, può suscitare meraviglia per l'alta qualità della copia, per la vero-somiglianza al paesaggio di un'immagine, ma è fine a se stessa.

Il processo creativo è ben altro!

Un artista compie dei viaggi straordinari con la fantasia e con la mente. Sale in alto, si interroga nel profondo della sua anima, soffre e molte volte fallisce.

I tentativi per giungere alla creazione passano per infinite prove, come nella musica, un compositore deve avere dentro di sé le forme e le istanze della scrittura musicale, correggere, cestinare, gioire o piangere lacrime amare che macchiano il pentagramma, ma lo fanno diventare una parte della sua anima..

Creare non è un atto di genialità, è un lunghissimo processo di apprendimento e studio, di osservazione e di analisi: in primis della Natura, poi di altri artisti.

Infine, guardandosi e attingendo dall'interiorità.

Il genio è spesso in tutti noi, ma va educato e va liberato, come accadde per esempio in Leonardo Da Vinci che ancora adolescente venne mandato a bottega da Andrea Del Verrocchio o Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) fu inviato alla bottega di Simone Peterzano.

Un'educazione che ha formato due dei più grandi artisti della Storia.

Un abbraccio libero e creativo.

Armando go for a ride, for art lovers.

separatore 2.jpg


So Surreal 💫 reminds me of some wierd dreams I've had, great work Armando, also love the visible texture of the canvas

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thanks dear @melooo182 I'm glad you noticed the texture of the canvas.

Wow! I like to see your different style. I really like how you draw the wave. I am surprised that it looks good that you use red on the waves.


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thank you so much @catwomanteresa red waves like soul that suffers. A big hug to you

The first thing we loved was the name you gave to your work, it's precise and makes you think about the content in the painting. When you see it you can lose yourself in its soft and slightly opaque colors, and then begin to detail everything you have placed on the scene and manage to create a whole story. If we had that picture at home, we're sure that it would be a topic of conversation in meetings with friends or family.

Thank you, @armandosodano for leaving your impressive shine in the community. It's an honor to see your art here.

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Thanks to you for reading my post, this makes me very happy. An embrace of peace @cafeconleche

War of the Worlds.... :)

[nTopaz Curator]

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Wow amazing painting @armandosodano Love your great concept, beautiful color and all the refined details.
You may know the nTopaz rule that the artists who received the Daily Top10 vote will be systematically excluded from the Daily Top10 vote of the next day.

So curators can consult the previous Daily Top 10 for daily curation.

[nTopaz Curator]

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What a fantastic work, Armando. I was wondering what were those things in the drawing but you already answered in the post. They are the "antennas of the soul."

Very cool concept!

A wonderful and unique piece, @armandosodano :) I love how you capture the ideas that you want to convey here... Firstly, the thought of eyes as the antennas of the soul, extending high and deep into the sky, looking at everything, looking at the world, looking through the internets, looking and looking, and looking, like our sensors to the wide, wide world around us :) A beautiful interpretation and symbolic capture of our 'feelers' so to speak !

And then, of course, I love the accompanying text :) Sometimes when an artist is TOO invested in technical skills, they starve the creativity and courage that explore the creation of ideas without a base, but which springs from the soul's own inspiration and audacity. The soul's own voice! These aspects may not be 'anatomically' or 'proportionally' correct, but they carry with them part of the artist's soul with them. A message.... maybe, or an emotion.... Something that imbues the painting with more than just technical skill, something with its own "life".

Beautiful piece, Armando :) I love the colours that you worked with here, very much. Love how you kept the primary balance of the canvas in the pale and in the blue spectrum <3 It makes the red waves and lining of the eyes a lovely note, without losing the control of the painting's tonality :)

Gorgeous, gorgeous composition too. I find my gaze easily arrested by the towering eye antennas, and later, wandering freely and easily upon the landscape, first upon the copse of trees at the foreground, then over the undulating waves and then towards the great distance, the far away city.

Lovely work * ____ * I really enjoyed this one very much, @armandosodano :)

you are wonderful! thank you for this critical and analytical text. A hug full of positive energy

Creating is not an act of genius, it is a very long process of learning and studying, of observation and analysis: in primis of Nature, then of other artists.

So true @armandosodano. We can reproduce an image from another photograph or painting ~ But only when we bring something of our own 'Creative Essence' will it have that extra something that we can't always define ~ But it becomes our Art. And it simply doesn't matter if anyone likes or dislikes it ~ How can you possibly dislike your own 'baby.' ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

yes of course @allyinspirit I teach my students to look and release their imagination. It is more difficult than learning the technique. A big hug

Preziose e validissime considerazioni, caro Armando, grande divulgatore delle ragioni e motivazioni che l'arte pittorica nasconde

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grazie Marco un abbraccio e spero di leggerti prestissimo

I haven't enjoyed art in the past. It could be because I only saw paintings that were not appealing to me. Since I've been on Steemit I started to appreciate art because of the artists like you.

I like that you don't only paint but you also talk about art which makes me understand it better. I do agree with you in what you're saying. I think that it's not that difficult to copy an image. It is more difficult to give the image a soul. And this only can be done with your personal addition to it. Images should only inspire you and you should leave your creativity lead your brushes and create something amazing. Exactly like you do :)

Have a lovely day Armando!

thank you so much @delishtreats a big hug

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