My Running Log 2018-11-03 < 25K Pace Running Resulted In Iliotibial Band Inflammation > ランニング記録2018-11-03 <25Kペース走で腸脛靭帯炎に>steemCreated with Sketch.

in #running6 years ago (edited)




This morning I went out for running. I decided to run 30km in order to make up for lost time caused by a cold.

The weather was fine and the temperature was just right for running, so I could run comfortably. But I felt a feeling of strangeness on the lateral side of the left knee at about 24km. The strangeness gradually turned a pain and I stopped running at about 25km. Because I identified the pain as iliotibial band inflammation.

Iliotibial band inflammation is otherwise known as “Runners’ knee”. Iliotibial band rubs against lateral epicondyle of thigh bone, and that causes inflammation. In general, its cause is said to be overwork of knee. I think that a runner has the disorder when he does a workout which exceeds his running ability. This time, I intended to run 30km although my running ability decreased because of a cold. That is the cause, I guess. If I had known this would happen, I would have finished today’s workout at 20 km.

While walking to home, I thought about the future. The only thing that I can do is to increase amount of my workout little by little as long as the workout doesn’t produce pain. But there is only one month before the day of a full marathon. I don’t know I make it in time…….

Why do bad things keep happening one after another ? I’m ready to give up now.

Today's running profile is as follows.

Distance(距離) : 25.8km
Time(タイム) : 2:01'27"43
Average Pace(平均ペース) : 4'42" /km
Speed(スピード) : 12.7 km/h
Calories-out(消費カロリー) : 1,383 kcal
Steps(歩数) : 21,561
Shoes(シューズ) : WAVE RIDER 20 (total distance : 1198.7km)
Temperature(気温): 14.6~16.7℃
Humidity(湿度): 52~61%
Lap time(ラップタイム) :
1km 4’39” /km
2km 4’31” /km
3km 4’38” /km
4km 4’34” /km
5km 4’36” /km
6km 4’41” /km
7km 4’40” /km
8km 4’39” /km
9km 4’39” /km
10km 4’36” /km
11km 4’39” /km
12km 4’40” /km
13km 4’39” /km
14km 4’53” /km
15km 4’32” /km
16km 4’42” /km
17km 4’50” /km
18km 4’42” /km
19km 4’42” /km
20km 4’45” /km
21km 4’47” /km
22km 4’47” /km
23km 4’42” /km
24km 4’44” /km
25km 4’52” /km

Thanks for your reading. Let's enjoy running & steemit together !


Full Marathon : 3:20'09" ( The 38th Sasayama ABC Marathon, 4th March 2018 )
Half Marathon : 1:28'09" ( The 2nd HAT Kobe Dream Run, 7th January 2018 )




No matter how high your peak is: what matters is to commit yourself to reach it?

Resteemed by @runningproject

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