Why do people still hold a grudge against Germans?

in #ww27 years ago

My grandpa’s father got shot by a Nazi in front of my grandpa when he was only a child. He didn't die immediately. He died a slow death because he couldn't make it to the hospital in time. My grandpa's father was part of the resistance in The Netherlands during the second world war.

My grandpa still tears up when he thinks about it, but even he said that there were good Germans and bad Germans. The good Germans played with him and gave food and blankets during the Hunger Winter in which thousands of people died of starvation and the cold. The bad Germans shot his father.

Even during the second world war my grandpa knew that not all Germans were bad, and now, 70 years later, he holds nothing against the Germans. The Germans now aren't the ones that shot his father. Their parents aren't either. Even their grandparents were only children themselves when it happened. The bad Germans he knew are all dead. So why would he still he mad?

If he can forgive the Germans, why can't you?


Your grandfather is a wise man. Or reasonable at the very least. A lot of people seem to actively look for something to hate, and it seems to most logical to say "Nazis are bad, and nazis were german, so germans are bad!" It's the kind of shallow thinking that runs deep in humanity.

Plus why should you be responsible for something your ancestors did

Im glad i love all race and when i say all i mean all we are just humans thats the way my farther brought me up we dont look at color or race we look at the way we are treated so that we may treat you with the same respect i teach my children the same thing there is no color or race we are all just human there are good humans and there are bad humans but its not based on your race color or Religion we are all brothers and sisters

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