The process of setting up a Comic Convention in México

in #busy6 years ago (edited)
The Comic Convention Conque is the biggest and best organized one in my Country and as it turns out, we are the only Comic Boom Shop selling Vintage material - that is, Golden and Silver Age comic books.


Like the San Diego Comic-Con in the US, these Comic Conventions celebrated in Mexico are becoming more of a pop culture event rather than a Comic event.

Among the biggest and most renowned companies attending are: Netflix, Hasbro, Panini, Disney (Star Wars & Disney) and Time Warner.

In the past, these conventions used to host only pop and mom stores. Small business trying to make an extra buck and a name for themselves but now, as in every side of the world, big corporations are taking over. No problem there as Vintage Comics have a very specific niche and there are only a few stores selling that kind of material accross the country.

This Convention holds a Hobbie venue, an Otaku (Japanese culture) fandom venue, a video game venue and a Role play & board game venue, extending over 3 floors of the biggest Convention center in the city, pretty big huh?

Anyway, to not bore you more with introductions, I will show you a step by step of the process I could document through the setting up of the convention:

Setting up the bones

This is how the early steps of a Convention looks like

Some Stands are very simple and humble

Some others are made of painted wood and with hand made features

There are others that even look like custom made platforms specifically there to grab your attention

Some companies set up the stand by themselves - like me - with only two pairs of hands and some knowledge, some others hire tens of people to prepare it to look like a professional store in a high end avenue, it´s all about budgets but most stands require at least 10 hours of continuous work to set up perfectly.

Putting some meat on the bones

After some hours of work the Stands start to take shape and look like something appealing to the public

Some others look like a mess and it seems they are not going to be on time for opening day

There are stands that look like freaking houses - and to set them up companie pay what a house is worth - just for a few days of selling and promoting a brand

After a long day, the place smelling like a farm and some misunderstanding, the place starts looking like a proper convention.

Putting some clothes to the finished body

But that is not all... do you want to see the process of my Comic Book stand? It´s not that impressive but it is the family business :D

And we´re ready! The Opening day is tomorrow and I can´t wait to share it with you. I hope I can livestream tomorrow to show you how the inauguration goes :D


This is incredible @anomadsoul! I immediately resteemed this! I love any behind the scenes look at comic artists, inkers or writing, but I’ve never seen an under the hood perspective of a convention. Even cooler in Mexico! Best post I’ve come across all day!

Hey man thank you so much for the resteem and the big vote! It was a hell of a ride, this is actually the first time I take pictures of the process, I thought it would be cool to share it here :D
I wish id taken video but I was in a rush all the time. Hopefully tomorrow I can take some good videos and give more behind de curtains material.

Comics is fun! good luck on the opening.. may you have many customers ahead!

That's great! Meeting nerds LOL

wow luck with this, it's really great to be part of something as big as that.

and maybe you see the people of The Top Comics, I think they'll be there.

The top comics do comic reviews in Spanish and recommendations among other things.

Now this is my kind of convention:-)
After studying mechanics, robotics for so long and going to drone conventions, this is the one I look most forward to. Won't be able to come of course but a guy can dream, can't he?

This is kul, apart from comics there should be game and recreational activities on side for kids coming with their parents.

@anomadsoul professionally done. For sure, you can't wait for the opening tomorrow. I hope lots of people will check on the big event. Goodluck!

You have done a good job bro. I'm sure your stand will be one of the best.

Damn. I'm a jealous ass whore, I haven't been able to go to a convention in years. Your comic table doesn't look too bad at all, man. Hope it's a successful and fun event for you!

Comic convention is fun. I wish I was in Mexico to attend the event. I'm sure it will be a blast with your preparation

Really interesting processes here. In all, your look more like a store than others including the ones hundreds to thousands of dollars were wasted on. Nice efforts. Wishing you guys success.


That looks very exciting. Some day, I hope to be at a convention from the creators standpoint. Not sure when that will happen, but it will be very cool. In the meantime, I need to get to the local ones in Oregon just as a patron and to observe and ask questions.

Good luck. You should do well if you have any customers since you're the only Vintage shop there. :)

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