Angela's Steemmonsters Adventure - #8 - Hilarious Minutes On Leaderboard - Saturday, December 29, 2018 - ULOG #44

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Almost nine weeks ago on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, I played my very first Steemmonster battle. That was after I dropped all inhibitions and chose sweet, unadulterated, clean, playful, gift-that-keeps-giving fun. At last.

Welcome to my Steemmonsters world.


Hi everyone,

As I said in my Angela's Steemmonsters Adventure - #5 - FIRST Time On Leaderboard - Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - ULOG #41 post, it's so funny being on the leaderboard for a few short seconds, minutes or whatever.

Hilarious because I know the bump off of it is coming since the normal inhabitants of the Steemmonsters leaderboard all seem like battling gods to me.

They are sooooo good in figuring exactly what team to line up for all the different game rule sets. It's amazing. I LOVE to study both the battle details and watch their game replays.

I still haven't mastered even the basic understanding of a few of the different challenges and lose so many battles for every win.

Win or lose though, I LOVE battling Steemmonsters. I keep saying there is so much to learn and that's half the fun.

So I wanted to get an early start in Season 5.

That got delayed because I also had to see and combine the Season 4 reward cards just in case I got any of the ones I like playing so far.

Anyhoo, off I went, clicking that ranked battle button.

Over and over, trying as best as I could to remember the basics for each set of rules to come up with a good matching team.

Lose, win, lose, lose, lose.

It went on and on.

Then suddenly I thought of checking the leaderboard. As I scrolled to see the usernames I knew, down and down, there I saw.... me!!!


I burst out laughing and thought, 'yeah, everyone must still be sleeping, exhausted from battling right to the end of Season 4, for me to be on there!!'

So you KNOW I had to take a screen grab to commemorate the moment.... the one you saw at the top of this post.

Then back to battling some more.

And I checked again and to my surprise, everyone was still fast asleep, because I was still on there instead of being bumped off quick like last time.


So I grabbed another screen shot to be able to look at if I ever needed inspiration after a particularly bruising series of battles sometime in the future.

And another, further down this time... ;)


Season 5 promises to be even more fun than Season 4.

And Season 4 was a blast!!!

Out of all the Season 5 updates, I LOVE that gold cards will now appear automatically if they rank higher than the non-golden and that an opponent fleeing the battlefield during a daily quest battle gets logged as a win.

AND have you joined in on any of the many tournaments being hosted now with the new challenge feature?

I haven't yet. I'll probably join a small one first. The large ones feel a bit overwhelming.

Despite this, I'm looking forward to battling in tournaments.

2019 is going to be awesome with the start of automated tournaments in January and all the other implementation of developmental plans for Steemmonsters.

I feel so Blessed now to have this game to play every day.

That enjoyment got even better a few days ago.

I got to start dedicating each one to all the depressed, suicidal, overwhelmed, sad, sick, feeling unloved people in the world.

A kind of healing.

Battling while intentionally requesting that each person on the planet experiencing anything like the above and more, receives a real, practical, life changing breakthrough.

This has made the pushing of that battling button even more meaningful for me since I started doing this consistently in the past few days.

I still lose, lose, lose, lose, win.

But the energy and healing intention during the time the loss unfolds makes the loss lighter, irrelevant even.

Until next time....

Enjoy and squeeze out every drop of enjoyment in all the few remaining moments of 2018.

Blessings to you and wishing you, every family member and all your loved ones a Wonderful, Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2019 when it gets here.


PS Here's what I love about battling that's currently available RIGHT NOW via Steemmonsters:

  • extra joy and happiness
  • continuous, evolving daily quest and ranking goals with sweet matching, dependable, ongoing accomplishments and prizes
  • real immediate results
  • AMAZINGLY delicious, regular, hourly and daily heart smiles and fun, extra, happy jump-out-of-bed boost
  • list goes on and on....

If you aren't yet play battling on Steemmonsters, start playing and earning your DAILY GIFT Steemmonsters Booster Pack Prize.

Each daily quest pack prize will have at least one Rare or higher level card that you can either keep or sell on the Steemmonster's market.


You'll find full instructions on how to start battling under 'Battle' then 'How To Play' when you login to your STEEMMONSTERS account.

PPS I'm still practicing my 'not-limiting-to-30 Days' personal Ho'oponopono healing forgiveness and gratitude challenge. I just use the simple 4-line exercise on anything that triggers, saddens, upsets or calls to me for attention during my days, including horrible news and world events.

Here's the four line exercise:

“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.”

And here's my early, first post-HF20 Ho'oponopono inner detox five minute freewrite:

AND here's where you can get my help in cleaning up whatever aspect of your front burner life issues you choose to at this time so you can more quickly manifest the changes you want to:

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

Main graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise, via my Stencil account or personal info screen grabs. #Ulogger footer via @phantum04, page dividers via @kristyglas.



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