A Kingdom of Ends

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

Hey, there Steemit truth lovers. I’ve come across the philosopher Rick Roderick and it’s frankly uncanny how close my philosophies are to his! Imagine a world where humans didn’t use each other for any means whatsoever! Of course, what Mr. Roderick misses is that approximately 20% of the people on earth are prone to sociopathy and psychopathy; which is why Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a long way off. My own take on this issue is that near fail proof lie detecter technology would be needed to minimize pathology on the larger social scale. 

My Golden Rule as applied to economics is Kant’s Categorical Imperative which is also consistent with Marx’s exploitation of labour theory called surplus value, or, primitive accumulation--this is thievery of ones labor and it’s the foundation of our toxic capitalist system.

There is also the utilitarian theory or morality which I think Wilber espouses. Although I understand there is a certain pragmatism to it I find the scale of possible abuse therein unacceptable. One example is necessary: suppose there are western El-ites who think the world would be much better if Islam was totally marginalized and further that these El-ites implemented worldwide policies which murder millions of Muslims because in the end civilization would be the better for it! Now, of course, this is exactly what has happened since 911 where I suggest that around 6-million people have died since the illegal wars on terror started. This number is based on the notion that the bodycount estimates by western El-ites are fabricated and skewed. So you see, these shenanigans couldn’t happen under the Categorical Imperative which is why I find it the perferable moral theory. 

Now whether morality is ultimately relative and subjective or universal and objective is an issue I’m not too concerned about, although I wouldn’t dismiss its philosophical importance. I just think it’s the wrong area of focus at this time because we now live under institutionalized amorality and this will be civilizations downfall.  

A note that cosmicskeptic and rationalityrules have been debating this issue recently.


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I should note that I am not a leftist sympathetic to Islam. I am a Gnostic theist and find Islam another machination of civilizational control by the archons who look no different than​ a human. It is, however, still morally wrong to murder Muslims as a means to an end​ which in this case seems to be setting up the conditions for the anti-Christ and implementation of Noahide Laws.

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