in #bitcoin6 years ago

EDIT: After writing this I've learned that Bakkt has postponed the launch that had been scheduled for January 24th. There has been no mention as to when the company will go live. Here is a message directly from the source:

bakkt delay.JPG


2018 is now over and as a crypto investor, you may have learned a lot during this bear market.

It's highly likely we'll see the end of this bear market during 2019. As an investor, you might be thinking when will the next bull run start? If you do, then we have some good news for you. There are two new players in the market, Bakkt, and Fidelity. These players hold the key when it comes to bringing institutional money to the market. So, how will they impact the market? Let’s explore by learning about them below.

Bakkt: An Introduction

Bakkt aims to create an open market platform by providing users and traders the ability to store and trade cryptocurrencies.

The New York Stock Exchange is managing Bakkt. They’re also working with active partners such as Microsoft and Starbucks to ensure that digital currencies reach the masses. Moreover, Bakkt can play a major role in bringing institutional money to the market. This will open a lot of opportunities for traders and end-users who want to get started with trading.

Bakkt’s key features include being efficient, seamless and secure. All of this will instill trust in the market and enable digital currencies to reach the public. Bakkt is also trying to bring ETFs(exchange-traded fund).


Fidelity: An Introduction

Fidelity is yet another cryptocurrency storage and trading platform. It’s managed by Fidelity Investments who currently are managing a whopping $7.2 trillion in client assets. They’ll manage the investment of digital currencies and ensure that the end user doesn’t have to go through unwanted complexities. Their involvement in the market will also mean that end-users can manage and store cryptocurrency without any difficulty. Unlike Bakkt, Fidelity can only be used by institutions. This means that retail investors cannot use the platform.

Current market challenges

The bear market is an accumulation of many problems and challenges. To get a clear picture, let’s list the challenges that the current market is going through.

● Volatility: The number one market challenge is the volatility. The prices are volatile which makes it harder for small or even big investors to stay in the market.
● Lack of Liquidity: Even though the price of bitcoin reached new levels, there are still concerns regarding the liquidity of most of the digital currencies out there. It will be tough for the masses to use digital currencies if there is lack of liquidity.
● Unregulated: The market is completely unregulated which makes it not an ideal place for an investor.
● Mass adoption: Cryptocurrency is still new which means that it lacks mass adoption. Combine it with a lack of awareness, and it becomes a big challenge for the market to grow and sustain.

Can Fidelity and Bakkt Start A Crypto Bullish Market in 2019?

With all the information in hand, will Bakkt and Fidelity change the market course? We think it can, and below are the list of reasons why we think the market will change in 2019.

Improved liquidity: With Bakkt and Fidelity, capital inflow will increase drastically. As we mentioned earlier, Fidelity managed $7.2 trillion in customer asset. Both Bakkt and Fidelity will bring institutional investors into the crypto market solving the liquidity problem.

Security and stability: The platforms created by Fidelity and Bakkt is trying to ensure that the market stays stable. They are also offering security by trying to get bitcoin ETFs. This will ensure trust and make it more secure for traders to do trading. Fidelity is not new to securing networks, and their expertise can further improve the market’s security and help clients to manage their assets with full confidence.

Mass adoption: Last, but not least, both the platforms will bring mass adoption. This will enable the market to come out of the depression. Bakkt aims to do so by partnering with Starbucks and Microsoft. Microsoft will handle their backend systems whereas Starbucks will enable their customers to pay using digital currencies.



I think that both Bakkt and Fidelity will play a crucial role in market success. They will bring market stability, improve liquidity, start mass adoption and much more. So, what do you think about them? Will they play a major role in 2019 and start a bull market? Comment below and let me know.

For more info visit:
Orignial article: Here

Follow: @altcointrading

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''This will enable the market to come out of the depression,,
and my opinion they will increase probability a lot for the next bull run,and mass adoption. But most important institutions understand and we understood how big and important cryptocurrencies are in our lifetimes and this is one life time opportunity to hodl BTC and other important cyptocurrencies. So my conclusion:
they won't let to slip that opportunity from their hands.
Long Bitcoin short the bankers!
Great content, thanks for sharing, appreciated

I think the market react always in the completely other direction as we think. Nobody knows!

Trends like bull markets reflect the thinking of participants and the trend it self reinforces the thinking further. Self reinforcing spirals (up and down) due to reflexive relation between thinking agents and price bring us boom and bust cycles.

but the price it self is not a democratic/majority vote. Money and other Influence (like hashpower or political influence) is allways power-law-distributed. A few agents hold most of the ressource. A few agents will kick start the trend. Our thinking will be influenced by the initial event. But our thinking has no influence on whether some even X will happen or not. ...

im not interestet in when it will happen but IF it will happen. And if it will happen which technologys can be used as a store of value safe haven. And there is only one (Bitcoin, due to the power of simplicity and redundance) to think EOS or Steem as dPOS Systems can be used to store trillions like in the FX-Markets is lel. Its not about mass adoption but more about custodians and instruments to hedge (becouse obviously most big funds are hedge funds). For every-day-use and micropayments there are systems like Steem, bitshares, Eos and for nano payments maybe the tangle (its like apples and oranges. FX and the Hedgefund industry does not need crypto (maybe as a fancy asset class for their customers) but only the information theoretical - most secure structure human has ever invented which is Bitcoin

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