It's a pleasure for me

in Comunidad Latina2 months ago
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On my way to proclaim God'sname name with my companion.

Just imagine yourself resting your head on a couch, all of a sudden, you hear a deep voice coming down from heaven echoing "My son, Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”- (Matthew 28:19,20).

I'm sure you'll be more than delightful to respond to this heavenly call. I was born into a Christian family, my parents and siblings were all dedicated and committed to our father in heaven. When i was 12 years old, my parents did their own part by teaching me about the sacred book, Bible.

At the age of 14, i got baptized and my father said to me, "Daniel, it's your own turn to respond to the heavenly call, go and seek for friends of peace and make disciples of Christ". This wasn't just pleasurable, but it was the greatest privileged I could ever seek for.

Proclaiming Jehovah's message to a global audience

That heavenly call was to proclaim Jehovah's name and message to the masses, and it's a pleasure for me to work for the wealthiest, happiest, strongest and the most powerful being who has ever lived. To show how I've found this work pleasurable, I've traveled to many villages just to find friends of peace who've showed their readiness to enjoy life on earth forever. These villages are worth visiting because they barely know about their Creator.

Signboard of the first village i travelled to.

Welcome to INEN IKOT OFFIONG, the first village I visited on March 2023 and found it pleasurable in proclaiming Jehovah's name. There's another community inside the village called THE ANCIENT KINGDOM. In this community, you barely see motorcycle and tricycles talkless of motor cars. I covered so many kilometres in search for friends of peace using my two legs. How then did I find this pleasurable? I'm i not suffering? Oh no, I'm not suffering, though i felt tired and weak.

Proclaiming God's name in farmland

The reason why I didn't take this as suffering is because each and every one of them gave me listening ears. It's just like a teacher teaching a set of class and all the students are responsive, it'll motivate the teacher to do more, and such teacher will find pleasure in teaching. That's the exactly where I felt, making the work more pleasurable.

The happiness I felt working for my God

I spent 7 days in this community to make sure i reach out to everyone. I preached from house to house, from farm to farm and from door to door because i didn't want to leave any stone unturned. It's a big village inside orukanam LGA, and the population is just few. You may likely see a house here, then see the next house after walking for more than 20 kilometres, it was indeed a journey i can never forget. I'm a human, so during the quest i get tired and rest beside the bush with my companions.

Proclaiming God's name at the waterside

I can vividly remember what happened on day 3 of that week, i visited almost all the houses in that territory but i found no one. I asked myself "where could they be", maybe at this juncture, I would've gone home, but no I didn't.

Still seeking for friends of peace

I encouraged my team to keep seeking, so we walked down to the waterside, and behold "women, men and children were all doing laundry". If at this moment anyone could pierce through my heart, he or she will find a clay, i was over excited. I did what i find pleasure in doing and i was welcomed with open arms as usual.

There's love and unity in Proclaiming God's name.

You may ponder how i survived throughout the 7 days of doing my pleasurable. It's Jehovah's work, so I'm not in this alone. I met my Christian brothers in that village who helped me a lot in terms of food, shelter, transportation, emotional support and words of encouragement.

Telling the teenager about God's real name

I didn't just travel down to that village to proclaim Jehovah's name to the elderly people only, i also found joy in communicating with teenagers about God's name. Do you know that most of these teenagers don't even know that God's name is JEHOVAH? Hmmm, it's sad at times to hear that, but i was happy atleast i could help with that.

It's a pleasure for me to preach about God's name and his promises for mankindbecause his son Jesus Christ did the same work when He was on earth. He has commanded me to do that, and I'll always find it pleasurable to answer a million times.

I'd be delighted if @eliany @ngoenyi and @goodybest could join me in this challenge.

All pictures are mine

◦•●◉✿Thank You🫂✿◉●•◦

 last month 

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Declaring the good news no doubt gives us pleasure. And taking on additional responsibilities by going to a seldom worked territory gives additional pleasure. We are sure that Jehovah is pleased with what we are doing.

I am happy to see that you are fully involved in the preaching work. It helps save lives as well as our own lives. Keep it up. I wish you success in your entry. I have made mine as well

Thank you so much for your comment, i really appreciate 😊

 2 months ago 

Un saludo amigo que hermosas palabras expresas al ser un porta voz de las maravillas de Dios, es una alegría que esto sea placentero para ti. La mies es mucha y los obreros poco, está ardua labor tendrá su recompensa algún día y se que el trabajo en el señor no es en vano. Cada recorrido fue un granito de esperanza que fuiste a llevar y eso es valioso, sobre todo porque muchos no conocían la palabra de Dios. Espero tengas exitos y bendiciones, hasta la próxima.

Thank you ma'am. I really appreciate.

Greetings dear bro, you're such a powerful child, imagine the type of life that your dad decided to gave to you, he decided to treat you and gave you the best home training to make sure that serve God first, it was a nice decision in which he made and today you've finally take that action to go out to preach to the villagers, wow what a wonderful decision I can see how you reached out to many people in the village bro you're really the best and it is people like you that I normally likes interacting with you've really made a good decision in which your patent will be proud of. I pray that as you're keeping on serving this great God may he have every reason to bless you and keep you going. I wish you all the best in your contest challenge.
Best regards.

Thank you sir, my parents did a great job and I'm very grateful for that. I appreciate your comments.

You're welcome bro.


When you were 12 years old, your father introduced you to the Bible and there is no doubt that the Bible is a book of the community of Christ that was revealed to Jesus (peace be upon him) and there is no doubt that it is a holy book and one of the divine books others no doubt your post is doing a commendable excellent job

 2 months ago 

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