Only Love is absolute


Each Quantum particle has the property of Infinity in itself, with respect to time as well as space.

What we call a blessing might be a nightmare elsewhere in the Universes. What we consider a virtue might be considered a sin elsewhere. What we consider as beautiful might be considered ugly elsewhere in the Universes. There surely are worlds where colours exist which we don't have sensors for, while we might have colours other world's have no sensors for.

Quintessentially, we are all just experiencing ourselves, with nothing being more or less true, more or less important, more or less valid an experience, or any sense of one being better or worse than the other, with our perspectives constantly shifting, sometimes major in nature, sometimes minor, but always changing our perception of reality.

When our perception of reality is endlessly morphing, hence our reality experience, is there any default state of reality to begin with?

No, anything that is consistently changing cannot be ultimately real but only a temporary illusion our Soul chooses to experience for a while.

So nothing is real, what then?

All is unreal, hence we are dreaming in its deepest sense. In a dream nothing can happen against you, nor has it any lasting consequences once you wake up.

Only the fabric all consists of is real.

Only Love is absolute.

Much Love and Light,



But why do I dream in a dream?
But cannot dream a dream in a dream?

Posted using Partiko Android

It is possible. The more awake we become and expand our consciousness the more awake we become in the dream state, allowing us to remember increasingly complex dreams. Personally, I experienced several times such multi-layered dreams whereby I was dreaming, and during that dream I went to bed and dreamt of something else, to later wake up from that dream back into the first dream where I was telling my mother about what I just dreamt, and only then after some more time I woke up into my physical body. ;)

But why dream at all?
You have everything out there.

People dream all the time..

Posted using Partiko Android

Life is a dream in ist deepest sense ;)

I agree.

But we were talking about dreaming while asleep^^

Posted using Partiko Android

Hm, you know, just like we enter the dream state when we go to sleep, we enter the dream state when we die. The difference is just that when we go to sleep our energy doesn't leave our physical body entirely but only partially because otherwise our physical body would die.

But do answer your question: this reality experience is quite dense, so dense that our Soul needs some break from it to reenergise regularly. Where? In the Quantum state, the least dense energy state, which we enter whenever we are in the dream world. Our Soul always knows what it is doing in the dream state, and it is always serving our greatest good. It is our conscious mind - which we get back into the moment we wake up from the dream world - that lags behind and is "asleep", which means that our conscious mind doesn't understand what is going on in the dream state and cannot make real sense of what is essentially and truly happening in the dream state. But that is changing on a worldwide scale right now, with ever more people's conscious mind catching up with their Soul's intrinsic knowingness, allowing them to understand more and more "why's", whether in the physical reality or in the dream state (including remembering more and more of our dream experiences, past life and future lives, timeline differences, ET contact etc...) hence enabling more and more to shift reality in a more Soul aligned satisfying way. ;)

I hope that helps a bit. :)


Feels like Ive been training exactly this for 20 years now.. Im also lucid dreaming quite often.

But couldnt express it like you.

Sad that science is trying to exclude knowledge like this by determining it as "no knowledge".. Simultaneously most scientists seem to not know what real knowledge is.

For me it is something which helps to improve your everday life.
Science often misses the mark.

Im also writing about that since a week.

Good to be in a shifting dream. Always some interesting illusions ready to be experienced.

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