Beer Advent Calendar - December 15th

in #beer7 years ago

I hope you’ve been enjoying the series so far. Today brings a unique entry for our advent; this beer offers something unique and tasty for someone that enjoys a big, hoppy profile.

Perlenzauber Pale Ale

Today's can offers a strange design. Is this woman drowning? Just waving as she passes by your submarine?

Another German take on the pale ale style, this beer exudes an apple juice appearance. Not much of a head develops. Big malts come through on my first sip: biscuit, mild caramel, and a subtle suggestion of apple juice (maybe that’s my brain summoning it through the color). The hops are packed with bright citrus flavors, tart grapefruit being the most prominent.

Hop bitterness is strong. Despite not being a fan of hop forward beers, I’m impressed by the variety of characteristics in the flavor here. If you’re a fan of hoppy beers I think you’d enjoy this brew, and I’m fairly pleased because there’s more on offer in this brew than the typical American IPA.

Hohenthann, Germany

It seems this one may be brewed by Hohenthanner Schlossbrauerei, but I’m having a hard time 100% confirming this. I didn’t find it on their official website beer list, however, I did find the Holzknecht hefeweisse dunkel from day three. As the truth of this beer is lost in the shroud of the H. Egerer conspiracy, it seems we rescue another from the fog.

Since I discussed H. Egerer in day three's brewer section, today we’ll look at the Hohenthanner Schlossbrauerei. It’s quite possible they did brew the Perlenzauber for today and it’s just rebranded for Egerer to export.

Hohenthanner Schlossbrauerei has been in the Rauchenecker family since its founding over 150 years ago in 1864. In 1929 the family purchased and restored an old “castle” that was first documented in 1125, then rebuilt in the late 18th century after being destroyed in the Spanish War of Succession. The brewery now runs a beer garden on the castle grounds.

Hohenthann is a rural town of approximately four-thousand residents.

Beer photographs by me. Pictures of Germany sources: 1 - 2

Previous Advent Calendar entries: Intro - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14


Man, these can designers need some real help. Was that drawn by a guy with a sharpie?

Once again, a cute little German town!

At least it was a little different! Something new... I guess. And really, why's she underwater looking through a porthole? Also, not sure if that's concern on her face?
Yeah, it's pretty bad art. Hahaha.

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