Processed food for happy meal / 楽しい食卓のための加工食品

in #education6 years ago (edited)

Japanese Curry

In Japan we have a term "Shokuiku", which means food education especially for kids to eat well. I like this notion and want to tell my daughter balanced diet, seasonal regional food, variety of dietary habits etc in the future. Recently I found a quite different point I want to tell.

It's "processed food for happy meal." As having a good meal is as important as having a balanced meal, I shouldn't sacrifice good time bring my stress of cooking to table. Instead I can use processed food such as frozen pizza, ready made pasta sauce, canned soup ... in a modest amount and frequency. I gradually learned to use processed food spending few months after delivery. That's right, pasta itself is a processed food too. Hahaha.

It may sound nothing new. But I wasn't taught to use processed food in household classes at school (it's common to have this subject in Japanese school to learn household related topics such as food & cooking). Only cooking and good balanced nutrition were taught. And as I saw my mother working as a translator caring my grand parents and maintain house diligently, I had a feeling I wanted to or I had to do so.

Nonetheless my body craves balanced meals with full of vegetables and it's fun to choose food and cook them as my mother and grandma taught, now I want to tell kids a good balance of being lazy and diligent for food and cooking.


Since I'm enthusiastic to food education, I had started a project named Gohan Power (power of meal. Gohan means rice, meal, food in general in Japanese language) supported by Social Impact Lab Leipzig. It's been in remodeling phase in my head to fit more to reality as it was more like a dream plan during my pregnancy ... I'm happy to see food education related posts with #gohanpower tag. I plant to compile the posts in one and introduce your idea :)

More detail about the project I written on Steemit:
Food Education Project "Gohan Power"


タイトルの「楽しい食卓のための加工食品」です。栄養のあるものを食べることと同じくらい、楽しく食卓を囲むことも大事で、「私はがんばって作って・・・」と料理がストレスになって楽しい食卓が犠牲になってしまうのであれば、たまには冷凍食品やパスタソース、温めるだけのスープなど加工食品に頼ったらよいのかもと産後数ヶ月かけて思うようになりました。そもそもパスタ自体加工食品です ;)



今週末は天気もいいし仕事もあるし手抜きかな ;)


食育については以前から何かしたいなと思っていて、Social Impact Lab Leipzig のサポートで Gohan Power というプロジェクトを始めました。ただ妊婦時代の頭の中がお花畑な時のアイデアで、Steemit で食育について書きながら再考できたらと思っています。もし何か食育に関する投稿をされる時タグに空きがあったら #gohanpower を入れてもらえるとうれしいです。定期的にまとめて投稿していけたらと思っています。

食育プロジェクト Gohan Power




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