Aggroed's Antidote, Treating your News Feed Oct 9th 2016 Edition (2nd Debate Night)

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Sharing reports of current events and perspectives that the Mainstream Media simply won't touch.  Better news feeds can create better worlds!  Tonight's debate night edition features strong language and images, which reflects current day politics and news.  Please be aware before you scroll through. 

What all the other news is distracting you from

World's central banks preparing for disaster as the debt bubble implosion nears

US proxy wars in Syria continue

Washington, Moscow nearing ultimate conflict

First Russia, now China warns its citizens to prepare for war

Pentagon warns "WWIII will be very fast and very lethal"

Soldier urges everyone to resist Obama's support of Al Qaeda

Wikileaks: Depopulation of Syria is part of the US strategy

Russian air strike destroy's ISIS bomb factory, command centers

Debate Night

Me watching the debates

@skeptic has his doubts too

Debate prep-


Here's the actual debate

Non Handshake to start

Hillary should be in jail

Post Debate

It doesn't matter which candidate wins they will both support Israel

Clinton spokesman to Trump "Go fuck yourself"


HRC campaign wrote about "elevating" Trump months before he declared candidacy

56 examples of outrageously foul, lewd language by Bill and HRC

Hillary's stance on Disabled Children "Get the Retards Out!"

Apprentice producer: far worse tapes of Trump

Ben Shapiro- "Gary Johnson isn't even a Libertarian."

Team Clinton is illegally colluding with a David Brock super PAC

Gov Rick Scott helps swing Florida election by refusing to extend voter registration for hurricane victims

Bachmann claims Clinton coordinated Trump tape release (duh)

Condoleeza Rice's facebook post (against Trump) backfires

150 elected Republicans don't support Trump

John McCain endorses Hillary


Spain hasn't had a federal government for the last 9 months and people love it

HRC email found showing instructions for killing Ambassador Chris Stevens in Bengahzi 

Wikileaks: Hillary sponsored Arab Spring to destabilize Middle East

James Comey reopens HRC email case (Not sure I trust this source, but it's a data point)

Filipino President Dutarte dared US to assassinate him with the CIA

Obama admin rushes in more than 900 refugees a day into US

USG bans native american tribe from protesting on their own land, send in police to remove protesters


Yemeni capital after Saudi airstrikes

Bill Clinton is being outled like Bill Cosby at public speeches

Prison strike organizer suffers retaliation

Video shows officer face-plant woman- breaks 4 bones, knocks out teeth

Cops announce deputies from other states will be called in to stop protests against Dakota Access Pipeline

Extremely graphic body cam footage shows cops publicly execute unarmed teen

Family whose dog was murdered by cops awarded $202k

Deep web has a big problem

Obama could end the slaughter in Yemen within hours

CIA Siren Servers can predict social uprisings 3-5 days in advance

Washington state threatens to seize baby unless entire family gets flu shot

This is the guy that filmed Eric Garner's death.  The only guy going to jail...


This is because they couldn't buy insurance anymore because premiums were so high so instead the IRS charged them this.

Rich, well educated, white people drive anti-vax movement

Pharmaceuticals work by telling your body lies

Vaccines cause-

Autism and the MMR vaccine: the most diabolical medical scandal of the century

1991 government document confirms Tdap vaccine causes microcephaly


Florida Hurricane Matthew aftermath 

German lawmakers vote to ban internal combustion engine

Science and Technology

Off-grid villages that grow their own food and generate their own power

This robot can build an entire house out of bricks in just 2 days

Bankster Economy

Cancer charaties are a scam run by one family

Year long sting shuts down multi-million dollar IRS scam

Corruption slows economic growth

Media Manipulation

The Onion is owned by a Hillary supporter.  Now it's all propaganda- Debate Moderator gives Trump a chance to explain what the fuck is wrong with him

SNL takes on Trump's abusive language towards women and skips the discussion of Clinton's leaked speeches


CGI errors in 9/11 footage

Internet kill switch was activated for Assange

CIA admits to covering up JFK assassination


Wikileaks' Podesta email leak mentions ET disclosre and zero point energy

Wikileaks releases new emails exposing Podesta's & Clinton's knowledge of ET intelligence

Organized Religion


Teens come home and find overdosed parents

Hypersexualization of children by Disney


Married sex during the week (humor, not naughty)


Kanye West wanted by police for jewelry insurance scam

We miss you colonel Gaddafi, cry troubled Libyans

22-YO muslim journalist poses for Playboy in a hijab (Uh, NSFW dude)


Upvoted and resteemed.
Awesome post yo, I was blown way it just kept going and going. lol
Thanks for the mention and link.

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