in #story6 years ago (edited)

Image gotten from Pixabay and edited by me.

Rueben was busy with whatever he was doing on his laptop, Samuel and Peter were expecting him to perform a miracle. They kept staring at him at intervals. They were all seated at the VIP lounge of Harmony club, there were three ladies dancing in front them but they cared less. Samuel looked at one of the ladies for the first time and ordered her to come nearer.

“Sit down,” he said.

“Did you see this man here today?” He showed her a picture of Kendrick.

There was a sign of recognition on the lady’s face, Samuel saw it but she shook her head to signify “No” before finally speaking up.

“I haven’t seen this man here before.”

Samuel started laughing but he was cut shut by the sound beeping from Rueben’s laptop. He turned over to his direction and discovered he had closed his system.

“I can’t get a signal boss, I couldn’t get it anywhere too. But, I’m very sure he made the call here.” Rueben said.

“Yes, you are right Rueben. He made the call here and this beautiful lady is going to take us to him.”

The lady became tensed but tried to hide it. She stood up and faced Samuel.

“I don’t know who you are talking about. Please, excuse me.”

She turned around and was ready to leave the lounge only to meet Peter blocking her way. She wasn’t sure how he got there, she could have sworn he was still sitting when she stood up. The other ladies had stopped dancing, they were watching the scene in fear. Peter brought out a small knife and placed it on the lady’s throat.

“What’s your name?”

“Tina,” she replied immediately.

“Now can you kindly tell the boss where Kendrick is?” Peter asked smiling.

He escorted her back to where she stood up from and offered her his handkerchief. She was sweating even in the air conditioned room.

“He was at the bar this morning, the boss ordered me to poison his drink. Some men came to carry him later on. I swear that’s all I know.” Tina said crying.

“Poison? You mean he’s dead?” Samuel asked.

“No, the poison wasn’t meant to kill him. It was made to weaken him.”

“And where’s your boss?”

“He should be in his office upstairs.” Tina remarked.

Samuel gave Peter a signal and the huge guy left the lounge and took a turn to the left. He went upstairs.

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Rachael ended the call and looked at Kendrick.

“I think there’s a problem, a really big one, Samson is dead.”

“Which Samson? The silencer? That should be good news not a problem.” Kendrick said.

“You killed him?” He couldn’t help asking.

“I wish I did. The way he died is the problem. Only one person kills like that and I thought Samson killed him already.”

“Now, I’m lost.” Kendrick said looking confused.

“Only Samson’s body was found in his room, his head wasn’t there. That’s the way Dragon operates. He doesn’t leave his enemies’ head behind. I just hope I’m wrong.”

“Who’s Dragon?” Kendrick was eager to know.

“He led us to the hit I told you about, Samson suggested we kill him and have everything to ourselves and I was there when he shot him.”

Kendrick laughed out loud. His sight was repulsive and Rachael almost hit him.

“So you guys betrayed dragon and killed him. You betrayed Samson and killed him too. Funny enough, none of you died after all. You all don’t know how to kill?”

“I won’t be surprised if I find out the silencer came back to life even with the missing head.” Kendrick tried to control his laughter.

“And who told you this?”

“I sent people to his house to kill him.” She replied.

“Don’t give me that look, you should know I’ll react fast and wouldn’t sit down and relax after knowing my enemy’s place.”

“Alright the silencer is gone, the dragon is our next threat. Who knows what the next one will be called.” Kendrick mocked and lied down on the bed.

The gunshots outside brought him up. They went to the window to peep. Two of Rachael’s bodyguards were dead already. They didn’t see anyone else.

“Where are your guns?” Kendrick asked Rachael who was busy operating her phone.

Rachael dropped the phone and brought out two guns from her side pockets. She had guns with her and Kendrick never noticed. Kendrick had a loaded pistol he picked from his bathroom already. They opened the door and guided themselves out of the room.

“You know how we do this Kendrick. We are stronger together, we’ve never failed in a killing spree.” Rachael whispered.

They could hear gunshots from the sitting room. Racheal had eight guards. All of them were well trained, killing everyone would be difficult she thought. They got to the corridor linking the Kitchen and the sitting room. Three other dead bodies could be seen from there. Two were Rachael’s bodyguards and one was the enemy. They heard a gunshot outside and scattering of glasses.

“They aren’t in the sitting room anymore, they are outside. The sound you heard is the big glass outside.” Rachael whispered again.

They got to the sitting room and quickly hid behind a big chair. Kendrick was able to see the enemy’s face clearly. He knew him. It was Rueben, Samuel’s brother in the lord.

“Can you describe the dragon's look?” Kendrick asked her sister.

“You know this is the wrong time for that brother. He has a big scar on his cheek, that’s all I can say.”

Kendrick sighed before speaking up.

“Samuel is the dragon.”

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Everywhere became silent. The gunshots had subdued, then the sitting room door flung open. Kendrick stood up and shot towards that direction ducking behind the chairs again. The shot hit peter, he yelled out loudly and duck behind one of the chairs closer to the door. Samuel entered and fired four shots to the chair the duos were hiding behind, he duck behind a chair too. One of the shots hit Racheal’s arm. He looked at Peter and noticed he needs serious attention, he was losing a lot of blood already. His thigh was gone, that’s where the shot hit him.

“It’s over Rachael, I’ve always wanted that head of yours.” Samuel shouted.

“Why did you wait this long to get to her?” Kendrick fired back.

“She’s very smart, Kendrick. Every details and whereabouts you kept feeding me were useless. Rachael was like a spirit. She sold every place you thought she had.”

“I had thought of finishing you off. You couldn’t give me what I wanted, you were getting useless but I’m glad I didn’t. I got to know Samson’s whereabouts courtesy of you.” He added.

Rachael stood up and shot all the chairs in the sitting room while running away from the scene. Kendrick did the same and followed suit. Kendrick’s shot hit Peter’s head this time around. He died instantly. Samson stood up and gave them a good chase, he was shooting at them while ducking behind the walls at intervals, Rachael and her brother were firing back too. Just as they were about to enter the room they came out from, a shot hit Rachael’s waist. She fell down and couldn’t move, she was still breathing. Kendrick tried carrying her while shooting towards the corridor. A shot hit him on his thigh too and he dropped her, he struggled inside and locked the door behind him.

Rachael pretended she was dead, Samuel got to her, raised his gun and aimed at her head. He wanted to finish her off, he thought otherwise and brought out his customized machete. The machete is foldable, it was folded in the bag he hung round his neck. He was busy picking it up when Rachael shot him. He held his stomach, where the shot had hit him. He tried raising his machete but Rachael finished him off with a shot on his head.

She couldn’t move, her voice had gone. She tried shouting Kendrick’s name but she could barely hear herself. She looked up and noticed she was surrounded by Policemen.

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The headline Kendrick saw on the newspaper he was about reading made him gasp in shock.


Samuel had introduced Solomon to him as his brother. He had only seen him once, but he could identify him from the picture beneath the headline. The prison warden collected the newspaper from him just as he was about reading the full story.

“You shouldn’t be seen reading a newspaper right now. You all should get ready to work.” The warden shouted.

Kendrick was sentenced to life imprisonment, Rachael never made it, she died on her way to the hospital.

The End.

Previous episodes

The Tattoo - Episode one

The Tattoo - Episode two

The Tattoo - Episode three

The Tattoo - Episode four

@afolwalex writes.

Splendid 😘

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