Adsactly In The News - 27/09/2019

in #news5 years ago

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In The News

Welcome to our new weekly series, where we review some of the highlights of events that have happened all over the world. We would also love to hear from you, regarding what topics you would love to see us cover, or maybe there is some interesting news you might have stumbled upon, then please let us know.

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The Impeachment Charade

A week ago, no one had even heard of of the Ukraine story, then all of a sudden impeachment was the only thing mainstream media was talking about, and before you could blink it might already be history. If you're unaware of what has happened, the media democrats claimed Donald Trump apparently threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless Ukraine did something bad to Joe Biden. Once again, the mob turned out to be wrong. The administration released a transcript of the president’s phone call with the Ukrainian head of state, and it says none of the things the news anchors claimed it would. Read it for yourself here. (Click image below to read more...)

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China Harvests Organs From Religious Prisoners

On Tuesday a China Tribunal lawyer Hamid Sabi, spoke at the United Nations regarding how the Chinese government forcibly harvests organs from those imprisoned for religious beliefs. The China Tribunal, is an independent tribunal focused on forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience. Sabi, who has also acted as the people’s tribunal investigating Iran’s alleged mass killings of political prisoners back in the 1980s. The Tribunal said those targeted are “primarily people who practice Falun Gong as well as Tibetans, Uyghurs and House Christians.” (Click image below to read more...)

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China's Economic Slowdown

Staying with China, their economy has been slowing down since the 2008 finical crisis, but things have seemed to escalated rather rapidly over the last few months, and investors are getting nervous. Domestic issues, the US-led trade war, and swine fever are all putting a brake on China's rapid expansion. And you have to wonder how things are actually going when the government starts harvesting organs, probably not all that great. Given China's importance in the global economy, any downturn is likely to have far-reaching consequences. (Click image below to read more...)

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George Lucas Felt Betrayed by Disney

Bob Iger, the CEO of the Walt Disney Company, divulged in his new book, The Ride of a Lifetime, that Lucas basically hates the current trilogy. Back in 2012, when Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion, it included a full outline for the story of the next 3 films, which Disney desperately wanted to be included in the deal. However they ended up throwing it out, and instead we have the hot mess that is Star Wars in it's current format. The story of Star Wars is George Lucas, it's his imagination, his world, he is it's creator, and they should have honored the story, source material and the fans. How dare you Disney, how very dare you. (Click image below to read more...)

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Amazon's Alexa Goes Mobile

Amazon debuted a wide variety of its new Echo branded Alexa powered products, both for the home and for the outdoors. The company is most definitely trying to make its Alexa the household name in personal assistants. Here are some of the top new products that was just launched by Amazon. The Echo Buds, Frames and Loop Ring look like some pretty cool gear to have, but sure they will cost a some fortune. (Click image below to read more...)

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Facebook Libra Could Be Good For U.N.

Talking at a blockchain event hosted at the U.N. headquarters in Geneva, managing director of the Libra Association, Bertrand Perez said the cryptocurrency could help the intergovernmental organization achieve its sustainable development goals in areas such as eliminating poverty and achieving gender equality. I'm still very spurious when it comes to Libra, just because Facebook is behind it (Click image below to read more...)

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Let us know your thoughts on the happenings of this week... What did you think? Did anything crazy or interesting happen near you? Tell us about it in the comments

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This article for ADSactly was written and compiled by MorkRock

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ADSactly

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PERFECT. I love it.

I want to see us talking about the news, finding the news and publishing the news

Thomas Cook a massive leisure and tourism company in the UK went Bust/ Bankrupt! Lots of people stranded or unable to fly out to their holidays now.
On Monday all flights and holiday packages were cancelled...

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Received with much interest this new delivery of news. Three of them caught my attention:
a) The rarefied case of the news about the conversation between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart. Let us hope that the latest version is true, but unfortunately international politics has revealed itself as a very murky terrain, and Mr. Trump as an unreliable person.
b) The horror of what they would supposedly be doing in China with the bodies of religious dissidents (also politicians?). One more horror for the already long list of horrors of that regime and of all the communist governments during its ignominious history. Brave is the denunciation made by this jurist before the UN assembly. Hopefully there will be an international inquiry and condemnation.
c) Regrettable what has been happening with the Star Wars saga. Purely commercial and immediate interests can distort a beautiful and imaginative film tradition, such as the one created by Georges Lucas.
Thank you for your post, @MorkRock. See you next time.

The world was very convulsed this week, especially the media in my country gave enough space to Trump's problem with Ukraine, especially because there was speculation about a possible departure of the American president from power. The chavistas salivated with pleasure at the false news! Other things that caught my interest were Libra and Facebook. Like you, anything to do with Facebook makes me suspicious. The week closed with the good news that Shakira and JLO would participate in the half time of this year's Super Bowl. We Latin Americans are proud that it is these talented and beautiful women who put Latin rhythm and flavor to the great Anglo-Saxon event. Thank you for your summary, @morkrock

Shocking news indeed. I guess prisoners around the world can be the object of the most brutal abuses, especially the ones who may not deserve to be in jail. In the case of Venezuela, those who really deserve not only prison time, but death sentence, are the ones who rule not only inside but also outside prisons. Life is so full of ironies and injustices.
I'll wait some more to say anything about Trump's most recent scandals. Can't trust either side.

Thank you for making this compilation of news stories. it is very interesting to me what you choose to put in these. Trump is always good for a chuckle, but I am very angry at the Dems for wasting time and money on this latest nonsense. I read the transcript of the call and think "probably every president has made many calls like this one".
I am concerned that FB thinks Libra is going to advance "sustainability", whatever that is. I think it sounds like Agenda 2030 talk, and so I will not support the creation of Libra. Thank you for putting that bit in there so that I could know more about it.
And I do not feel sorry for George Lucas! lol.
Lots of interesting stuff to think about this week.

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