Garage Sale. A microfiction / Microfiction Contest (@jayna)

in #microfiction6 years ago (edited)

Dear friends, I leave for the goodness of your readings a microfiction that I have written for the inspiring contest that @jayna organizes (please, see the bases here and participate, I recommend the experience!). For each edition, she proposes a keyword. On this occasion, the word was "sale". So I've written this little story about what we can sell and what we can't sell.
I hope you enjoy it.
I am grateful.


Garage Sale

Miguel hated with all his heart the garage sale his mom was organizing. His skates and his collection of dinosaurs fell during the razzia. Tragically, her mother also found her boxing gloves. Then he did feel mortified, for a burning tremor, light as a butterfly's wing touched his throat and knew he was going to cry. But he was no longer a little boy. He was nine years old. For more embarrassment, his mother noticed (That woman had the nose of a hound!).

"You don't use them, Miguel. You can sell them and pay for things you really need.”

(Typical. She didn't know anything).

"Mom, they're mine! I don't want to sell them!”

"Well, give me one good reason and it won't be "I don't want"!”

"I really like them..."

(She looked at him with sharp eyes).

“I want to be strong and have big muscles and know how to fight so that the kids at school want to be my friends...”
(I couldn't with that woman! I was pulling on his tongue... Again he wanted to cry!)

(He couldn't take it anymore. His pride was irremissibly lost).

Then she did one of those amazing things she did sometimes:

She hugged him very tightly and her vanilla aroma entered his guts with a pleasant warmth.

The crying went to the never-ever and he felt placid.

"All right, the gloves stay on," she whispered in her ear, "but the dinosaurs are leaving.”
("This woman is a case," thought Miguel).

Gracias por la compañía. Bienvenidos siempre.

Soy miembro de @EquipoCardumen

Soy miembro de @TalentClub

¡Que mi país pueda verse pronto libre!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Hey @adncabrera Congrats on your win! ((:

I loved seeing the interactions between mother and son!

Upvoted and followed! (':

Thank you very much, @joeylim. As I said to @jayna, it's a big emotion for me. It is a privilege to receive your reading, comment and support.
I hope that we will continue to read each other in the future.
A hug!
Always welcome!

Je je inesperado final 😄😄, pero, es que eran los dinosaurios, los dinosaurios, nooo

Qué bueno verte por aquí querida Marpa!
Espero que no haya resultado confusa la historia. La revisaré una vez más. Tengo espacio para dos palabras y unas horas antes del límite.
Creo que Miguel de verdad quería esos guantes, pero no había perdido esperanzas con lo demás.
Mamá conoce a sus cachorros!

This is a very sweet story, @adncabrera. You've captured the intense emotions of a little boy!

Thank you very much for your reading and comment, @jayna. When I read it, I was pleasantly surprised to have won the contest.
My emotion is very great. Immense. Writing is for me a complete dimension of existence.
I won't dwell here any longer. I will leave something to comment the post of announcement of results.
A hug!

Nice job on the win.

This story reminds me of all the things I wanted to save, only to be gotten rid of. I've thought of only a few items I wished I would/could have kept. The others have never crossed my mind again.

Awww!! I still have my dinosaur toys. Okay, I was more than 50 years old when I bought them for myself, but nobody touches my T-Rex. Many of the toys of my childhood were sold or cast off by some housekeeping sister. Now I'm almost a hoarder. Get rid of my children's toys? Noooo!
The T-Rex is on my nightstand next to the bed. My husband took my little horse ($4 at an antique store; I had to have it!) and staged a homicide, er, equicide by T-Rex. Now I want boxing gloves too!

That said, I love your story. The 9-year-old boy too grown up for tears. The mom selling off his toys. He is too young to have that happen. This is a tragedy!!!

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