in #story-300words7 years ago (edited)

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There lived a potter in a village called Amozu, this potter is very good at what he does, and daily he receives request from the villagers.

Nkechi had asked the potter to make her a pot, and had given the potter a specific design, when it was time for Nkechi to collect her pot, she went to the potter, but on getting there it wasn't what she had requested, the design and specification was different, and the potter explained, my daughter this is more suited for you, out of anger, Nkechi broke the pot it in bits, left the potter very angry. The potter exclaimed if only she realize what I'm doing for her and all her life she kept going from place to place looking for a good pot.

Patience came over for her own pot, but the potter explained my daughter the material needed for the pot that would suit your needs most isn't available, please have some patience, Patience was furious and angered, she grabbed a pot that wasn't meant for her and left. The potter exclaimed if only she realize what I'm doing for her. All her life, Patience never felt satisfied with the pot.

Gloria came over for her pot, yet again the potter explained, my daughter this pot is more suited for your needs, Gloria was pleased with the work of the potter and accepted the pot with gladness, and left with Joy. Gloria lived her life with satisfaction and never had to make another pot, as it served all her needs.

Word count here: 258


The Potter in this story can be likened to God, we sometimes ask God what we want, but God in his infinite wisdom knowing that would only lead us to destruction don't give us what we want all the time, he knows the stage and he knows we can't manage that as such He gives us what we need per time, instead of complaining for what we don't have why not give him thanks for what we do have. Think about it.

A song goes like this

Change my heart oh God,
Make it ever true.
Change my heart oh God,
May I be like You.
You are the potter,
I am the clay,
Mold me and make me,
This is what I pray.

Vineyard – Change My Heart, Oh God

Check my other story here, Amaka


A little bit of a moral story here. Be satisfied with what you get and it will make you feel happy.

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