"Do not go gentle into that good night" ❤ Interstellar & the Quantum Ascension ❤

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"So listen to me, when I say that love isn’t something we invented, it’s observable, powerful. It has to mean something...

"We love people who have died, where’s the social utility in that?...Maybe it means something more - something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it. All right Cooper. Yes. The tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong..."

"Love is Spacetime. Love is that Fifth Dimension. Love is that thing that travels through time, forwards, backwards, up and down.”



❤ ॐ ∞

I came across this video from the YT Channel Higher Self, which led me to read the original article instead. Upon clicking the article link... It immediately struck quite a few intense chords...

Me thinks that to be the Universe - telling me to share this message ;) ♡

Only take from this write-up, that which resonate with you. But... I seriously think that this may "hit" a few of you, like it did me. I'm still in a bit of awe from it. I think it'll take me a few re-reads for all the layered messages to really sink in.

"2 IN 1: MOTHER EARTH’S BIRTHING WATERS + MINERVA’S MEDITATION" | by Frequency Writer | (Jan/20/2018):

"Dear Ones,

It is Mother Earth here today, with a message from the Crystalline Light in my Heart to the Crystalline Light in yours. Much is swaying, shifting, wobbling, breaking down, accelerating, and truly quantum leaping for all of us.

I am going through the system upgrades with you. In many ways, it can be overwhelming . . . with all of the tasks and shifts we are experiencing.

And yet, it is what souls do!

We Grow.

Source has given us many examples and preparations for the growth and developmental processes we will face. From our very moment of conception, we know that Sacred Womb Space and Experience will culminate in a birth.

Our Birth.

We will grow, develop, and expand into a whole new human being in 9 short months, and birth into an entirely different reality, leaving our Sacred Womb Experience in our past and embracing all of the new that living a physical life in a physical body offers to us.

And then, we proceed to grow and develop from the moment we are born. We sleep, we eat, we grow, and we connect with our heart centers and soul path alot in this early sleeping time. There is a lot of meeting with our guides and opening to the script that we designed for this life. For this growth. For ourselves and the Greater All That Is.

While we don’t arrive with teeth when we are born, we do develop teeth in the journey. Teething is but one example of the preparation and developing we will do in all of the journeying to come . . . to persevere and to birth our power and purpose in the world.

Every aspect of life . . . from learning and teething . . . to sitting, walking, talking, swinging, riding a bike, and reading a book . . . all of it emerges out of our Sacred Light Portal in our Heart Centers and in our Divine Genetic Code . . . that is wired for New Beginnings.

We are wired to Create.

To Birth. To Learn. To Grow. To Transform. And to Birth Anew.

And even though this growth cycle is very familiar to us, we often seem to in some ways fail to fully appreciate it as a template for our journeys here. But it is . . . our Divine Template. It is our Divine Blueprint.

Now we must call in our Sacred Blueprint into our Greater Consciousness. For it is the template and tap root that will help us all . . . as we transition now into Higher Light.

The changes in my physical body mirror your own. The changes in my Light Body also mirror your own.

We are developing into a new, brighter, lighter, more joyful, and more balanced version of ourselves!

This birthing process is occurring through what some might call “chaos”. But what Spirit might call “The Birthing Waters”. This powerful amniotic sac broke for all of us in 2012. Contractions began and have been pulsing ever since.

In 2018, we are now in a deeply productive contractionary phase. We are now being pushed through a birthing canal that seems to have many of our former experiences written on its walls in our consciousness. Its like reviewing an old family photo album. We no longer look the way we once did. We no longer have the same haircuts. We no longer wear the same clothes, think the same ways, or maybe even journey in the same family constellations.

As we ride through the canal, we are given an opportunity to appreciate all of the developmental layerings we are. We get to appreciate all of the layers of our lives that we see here and remember. The Joys. The Sorrows. The Growing Pains. The Triumphs!

And then . . . we see the Darkness of the Void. Which is the Unknown. The New that is rising to meet us.

The Darkness before the Dawn of a New Day. A New Birth. A New “Us”. That we haven’t met yet. But that we do know, sentiently, deep inside.

Our Heavenly Mother/Father God awaits us, along with our Heavenly Earth Mother.
I await my own rebirth, just as you do.

We are in that canal together now.


And I am here today to tell you that I can see the Light through the Tunnel we are still Journeying . . . and it is Rising to Meet Us. It is more beautiful than any colors, sunsets, or paintings than I have ever seen. For the Color in this New Light . . . Is Alive. It is Living, Breathing Frequency. It is Divine Breath from God, . . . in all of the Universe’s Color Codes Imaginable!!!

We are moving ever closer to this New Light. This New Realm filled with Source Breath and Living Light Codes.

We might think that the Birth Canal we are in . . . because it is dark . . . and we can’t see what is ahead . . . is scary. But if we release our fears, we might just see that it is actually warm, safe, comforting, wise, and loving in here too.

We are being given some time to really absorb all of the journeying the previous versions of us have grown through. We get to see our earthly ties, connections, accomplishments, lessons, and lives lived through this special lens, with little or no attachment.

Will we return to these lives? No. Just like the fetus leaves the womb to become a living, breathing baby in a Brand New World :)

We too will leave this canal, this birthing space, and we will become something brand new.

Upgraded in New Light Codes. And High Awareness of our Interconnectivity.

But no, we will not return to these earlier versions of who we once were....This is part of the reason for so much struggle on the world at this time.

Some of us, unaware presently of our Collective New Birth, simply won’t let go. There is a deep holding on, a desperate clinging to an Old Womb, trying to squeeze our New Selves into the Old Body Temples and Consciousness we used to have.

Just as you cannot go back into your 2 or 5 or 10 year old form or self, your Consciousness and Expanding Light Body can no longer fit in your 3rd dimensional, denser, carbon-based consciousness. There’s just no room at the inn anymore, for that level of living.

My Body Temple and My Whole Being now is wired with New Light Codes, that require New Light Codes in All of You, to function as a Planet of Light again in the Greater Cosmos.

My “Inn” invites you in, to this New Birth we are experiencing together.

Even the most reticent souls will be required to accelerate their frequency to get up to speed with mine. Because I am your Living Breathing Host Planet and Divine Mother Consciousness for your next steps in your Soul Journeyings.

We Graduate into this New Light Together.

So, to the souls on your world resisting giving up their dark powers and perceived right to enslave others in order to thrive in a new world they in separation consciousness and darkness are desperately trying to create for the rest of us, . . . the efforts to remain separated and in the illusion of darkness are futile.

Because Dear Ones . . .

At the Core of Every Source Molecule, that you are Divinely Templated With In Your Being, Is In Fact Only Light!

In this past false realm of evolutionary existence, that we tried on and experimented with in this last world age and cycle, in this fake worm hole, of soul experiences, . . . the Light in you only appeared “turned off”, dimmed out, manipulated, controlled, and enslaved by darkness.

But as we exit the worm hole, expanded by a multitude of strange, sometimes tragic, and also fantastic adventures as well, we can see the worm hole for what it was. An anomaly in our soulular development. And adventure we chose to have. And not a birth canal to what truly is.

Today, I welcome you all Home to the True Birth Canal Within a Grand Universe of Divine Light Again!

We are Wired with Light. We are Created In Light. And we are Quantum Leaping Light Years into a Higher Community and World Civilization of Light Beings, here to start a New and True 1000+ Year Golden Age and Evolutionary Experience where Peace and Prosperity reign for all.

Do not fear the quickening. Do not fear the contractions and the movement into the New Light.

All will be purified in the tunnel and canal together.

Any and all still struggling to let go . . . consider releasing your grip . . . because it makes it easier on everyone else to rise when we have less resistance in the pipes.

We are a Collective Body. We are a Collective Light. We are a New Homo Luminous emerging out of a dark void and into a Whole Cosmic Family of Higher Love, Greater Consciousness, and Above All, a Divine Sense of Inner At-One-Ment!

I welcome us all to the Newly Birthing Experience of such Immense Love and Light.

And I also welcome the Heart of the Cosmos to soothe any and all wrinkles, pain, and discomfort in the birthing process to help make us more comfortable in our new skin, in our new upgrades, and in our New Body Temples, Light Consciousness, and Soul Signature Frequencies.

We may still have some bumps in the ride. But more and more, all will fall into the Grand Release from this False Reality and Join the New Living Light Energy that I know is part of my True Soul Signature . . . which is also . . . Your New Earth.

I pray all remember our Light as efficiently and beautifully as possible to assure safe passage and joyful arrival to the New Dimensional Realm of a 5D+ Earth Experience :)

We Are Birthing This Vision TOGETHER.

My heart beats and births alongside of yours. Keep the Faith. Release what no longer serves you and the Greater Whole.

Embrace the Gifts of Unity Consciousness.

Stay Awake. Stay Alert. A New Earth is Rising to Greet Us All.

All My Love"

To view Minerva’s Meditation, please click here.

So... Is it just me? - I kept getting the clear imagery of those famous scenes in the movie Interstellar, when reading this the first time. You know the scenes where...














(but really, you guys should have seen it by now... if you haven't - DO IT!) ;)







...the main character Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) and his team enter the WormHole. . .



And then, when TARS & Cooper encounter Gargantua! ! !



AKA the Black Hole, "The Event Horizon", The Tesseract, "The Machine" . . . - if you will... ;)

Well IDK about you guys... but I'm excited for "this crazy ride"!

Alllllright, alright, alright ;)

Bonus, because this is my ALL-TIME favourite movie:



~ "Transcending Time ⌖ Interstellar's Hidden Meaning Behind Love and Time" ⌖ [17:27]

~ | "Inside the Tesseract" | ~

~ "Across All Dimensions and Time ⌖ Interstellar Extras" ⌖ [9:01]

~ | "The Tesseract" ⌖ Interstellar WikiFandom | ~

~ | "Garagantua & The Tesseract ⌖ Existential Meanings in Interstellar" | ~

~ "(Remastered) Hans Zimmer Interstellar: Landing in Tesseract (Film Version)" ⌖ [4:37] - ( It's a bit loud @ first...)

Do not go gentle into that good night ♡:

"Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

~ Dylan Thomas (1947)

Found from - Esoteric Aspects of Interstellar:

"Those familiar with the esoteric symbols found in the world's sacred mythology will find that Interstellar is chock-full of them -- to a degree which goes well beyond the many other Hollywood productions which also contain esoteric references...

Here goes: I believe a credible case could be made that Interstellar is not, in fact, primarily about the impending doom of the planet earth, or the latest theories about the time-bending properties of black holes -- even though it certainly unforgettably impresses both of those subjects upon the viewer through a two-pronged delivery of breathtaking visual effects and emotionally-charged plot lines.

However, it is very possible that the film's real subject matter has to do with the personal odyssey traveled by every single individual man or woman in this incarnate existence, which at all times can be portrayed as a struggle between the Sun and Saturn -- specifically, the Christ-aspects of the Sun and the Kronos-aspects of Saturn, or the Horus-aspects of the Sun and the Osiris-aspects of Saturn.

The planet Saturn is clearly a dominant player in the movie Interstellar: it is next to this planet that the "wormhole" appears, and thus Saturn is the enormous, brooding, visually-gorgeous "gatekeeper" to the path to redemption or salvation for humanity.

If the Lazarus mission is going to succeed, it will have to "pass through" Saturn first, so to speak.

The main character, Matthew McConaughey's Cooper, says at one point that he doesn't like the name "Lazarus" so much -- and when Michael Caine's Professor Brand asks Cooper why not, since Lazarus came back from the dead, Cooper quips that "he had to die first."

In the extremely important book Hamlet's Mill (1969), we learn that Saturn is in fact one of the most important figures of mythology the world over -- an extremely complex character associated not only with the god Saturn of the Latins but also with Kronos of ancient Greece, and with Osiris of ancient Egypt, as well as with a host of other Saturnian figures including Enki/Ea of ancient Mesopotamia, Jamshyd of ancient Persia (whose name is also Yima Xsaeta, from which the authors of Hamlet's Mill believe the name Saturn may have also derived), the Yellow Emperor of China, and many more -- even King Arthur of the Arthurian legends.

He is a god of grain and of agriculture, and he is a god of time -- associations which the viewer of Interstellar cannot fail to find most significant...

Saturn is a god "who has to die", to descend into the underworld, to be swathed in grave-clothes or wrapped up as a mummy when he appears as Osiris in ancient Egypt, to be laid out horizontally in a coffin or sarcophagus (as Osiris is often portrayed), and to sleep under the waters in the cave of Ogygia in some legends -- or under the Lake of Avalon in the case of King Arthur, sleeping in an enchanted cave beneath the surface, where he lies under the spell of Morgan le Fey.

According to the analysis of Alvin Boyd Kuhn, most notably in his 1940 text Lost Light, the ancients portrayed our descent into incarnation as bondage in the underworld kingdom of Osiris, where spirit beings are imprisoned in a body, coiled within the serpent coils of matter, swathed in mummy-bands, thrown down into the realm that is governed by Saturn, the lord of time, the giver of measures.

When we incarnate, we come into the kingdom of time: the kingdom of Kronos, who devours all his children -- since time slowly ages our bodies and eventually turns them into dust. The famous painting of Saturn devouring his children, by Francisco de Goya, graphically depicts this well-known aspect of Saturn-Kronos.

As the authors of Hamlet's Mill make clear, Saturn is a complex figure: a benevolent god of agriculture and giver of grain, a civilizing god who came and dwelt among humanity and taught them the civilizing arts, ruling over a lost Golden Age -- but also a terrible god, a tyrant who devours his children, the bearer of the scythe who cuts them down like grass, the grim reaper.

Saturn in many ways is the opposite of the Sun itself: Saturn is the farthest visible planet, the dark sun, the underworld sun, the sun as Osiris in the underworld as opposed to Horus who is the sun leaping upwards into the heavens "between the two horizons" like a soaring falcon.

When we incarnate, according to the ancient myths, we fall into this underworld of Osiris, even though we actually belong to the world above -- even though we in fact possess a hidden divine spark, showing that we have more in common with the Sun-god, symbolized by Horus . . . or the Christ within.

And so, in the symbolic language of ancient myth, our incarnate existence is a struggle between the undeniable fact of our imprisonment in the underworld kingdom of Saturn.

The tyrannical lord of time who devours his children and turns them to dust by his inexorable turnings, and the equally undeniable fact of our internal Christ-like nature, this "Horus principle" or "Christ consciousness" within, which urges us to transcend this underworld existence, and tells us that this earthly prison is not ultimately our true home.

However, in order to rise up like Horus, we must first descend into the realm of Osiris: in order to become a Christ, we must descend into the kingdom of Saturn.

That the movie Interstellar is dealing with these very themes could not be more clear, as indicated by the symbols it employs. First, of course, is the situation on earth itself, which is portrayed as a nightmarish Saturnian kingdom in which the Saturnian symbols of corn and dust dominate everything. Cooper observes that "we used to look up in the sky, and wonder at our place in the stars: now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt." We are shown a world in which the "sands of time," another Saturnian symbol carried along with a scythe by "Father Time," are visibly running out.

Second, perhaps, might be the movie's frequent references to Lazarus, the New Testament figure who is called out of the cave where he has been sleeping, bound in grave-clothes or wrapped like a mummy: a clearly Saturnian figure (Saturnian figures such as Osiris or King Arthur sleep a death-like sleep in mysterious caves beneath the earth's surface or beneath the waters of the sea). The name "Lazarus" itself can be clearly shown to be directly related to the name of Osiris. The name Osiris is really the Greek form of the Egyptian name of the god, which was Azar (it is easy to see how Azar became Osir-is in Greek, where the endings -os or -is are commonly affixed to many names).

In the Lazarus mission depicted in Interstellar, Cooper (along with his three companions) must imitate Osiris and Lazarus and King Arthur, by being entombed horizontally in a sarcophagus filled with fluid, in which they -- like all the other Saturnian figures around the world -- will literally "sleep beneath the surface." And, some of the film's most visually-majestic scenes involve the mission's tiny spacecraft against the enormous curve of the gigantic ringed planet.

Just to be sure that we do not miss the esoteric Saturnian imagery, the distant sun itself is depicted in these scenes as having six clear rays of light -- evoking some of the esoteric associations of Saturn with the number six, the number of the "hex" that brings us into Saturn's domain (Saturn is associated with seven, to be sure, which is the number of the sun, moon and visible planets, but also with the number six and with hexagons and six-pointed stars and the six-sided "cube of matter" which unfolds into the shape of the cross upon which we are "crucified" in this material realm).

It is as if, in these scenes showing the sun radiating six points of light, Saturn is depicted as being in control of the entire solar system and everything in it: he has even usurped the role of the sun itself and brought it under his dominion.

Finally, the most powerful aspect of Saturnian imagery in the movie is, of course, the role of time itself. In myths around the globe, Saturnian figures are associated with "giving the measures," both the measures of distance and of time (time and space, of course, being connected -- and units of measure for one being equally a measure of the other, such as the concept of a "minute," which is both a measure of time and of distance, since it is a measure of distance that the earth itself turns in one minute of time and hence can be used to measure distance just as well as it measures time).

If anything can be said to be the real "antagonist" in the movie, it is time itself. Cooper is literally racing against time, poignantly expressed in his relationship with his daughter Murph, who is only ten years old when he leaves on his mission. When we learn that decades have passed for those on earth while Cooper has experienced the passage of only a couple of hours on a planet suspended near the event horizon of a black hole, we experience the visceral anguish of knowing that those brief but terrifying scenes on the planet's surface have actually been agonizing years for Cooper's children. The tyranny of Kronos, god of time may never have been portrayed so achingly in a film before.

But of course, the Saturn imagery is not the only mythologically-rich symbology employed by the makers of Interstellar: the countervailing imagery is the imagery of the triumphant sun, the imagery of Horus, and most especially the imagery of Christ in the New Testament.

Here, the number twelve is employed to evoke the twelve houses of the zodiac and the solar year, in which the sun passes through each of the twelve signs. The ship which Matthew McConaughey's Cooper will pilot through the wormhole to escape the bonds of the kingdom of Saturn will have a uniquely zodiacal design: [twelve pods or "houses" arranged in a ring, which is actually set to spinning around a central module, containing the crew...

The figure of Christ in the New Testament can be convincingly shown to be a sun figure, who can also be seen as a Horus-figure: the one who transcends the kingdom of death, the one who breaks free from the underworld kingdom of Osiris, which is also the kingdom of Saturn.

This is the struggle of every incarnate man or woman who comes down into the kingdom of Saturn, the kingdom of time, the kingdom of dust: to transcend the underworld realm of Osiris by becoming instead a Horus, or a Christ."


"Stepping out into the Universe, we MUST confront the reality of Interstellar travel. We must reach far beyond our own lifespans. We must think, not as individuals, but as a species." ❤ . . .as One ∞


I resteemed this! Thank you so much for posting this. This have me delightful chills. Shadow & Starlight <3

Thank YOU so much! I'm quite excited to hear it resonating with you to this degree :)

❤ ॐ ∞

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