(2018.01.05) ~ "The Big Event You've Been Waiting For" ~ Arcturians

in #ascension7 years ago

Neat little synch I just had in coming across this other Transmission's perspective :)

Seems to have (somewhat) answered my "burning questions" on the "potential timeline for this Ascension/Awakening/Cosmic Event/Whathaveyou..."

Found from - Playful Evolutions

Channeled by Suzanne LeGrande:

✧ The Big Event You've Been Waiting For ~

When people are fearful there is precious little we can do to talk them out of their fears.

We do not wish to traumatize humanity, which has been fed stories of alien invaders. These are really not stories, but memories of what has in fact happened on the earth.

The trauma of these memories has made people afraid to believe in anything other than their fears, as if doubt and skepticism will somehow keep you safe from disappointment.

You may may guard yourself from disappointment by attempting not to hope, but humans, despite their history, are hopeful.

However, often your hopes become circumscribed to that which appears to be “real” or “realistic.” And this keeps energy at a low frequency.

We are planting seeds of hope, visions of an alternative future that is slowly seeping into humanity’s imagination, slowly seeding reality with possibilities that have never been imagined.

When the outer manifestations of this new reality become apparent, humans will have some internal reference points and inklings, if you will, that this might be possible.

Even if someone told you that you were being thrown a surprise party and you should at the appropriate time “act surprised.”

Since you do not know exactly what date the party will occur , so when it does, even knowing it’s coming, you will be surprised. It is better this way. You will have to rehearse nothing.

Just as in your life, you have experienced moments of distinct before and after; so this will be one for humanity.

A watershed moment, so to speak, and though you cannot imagine how it will occur or what will occur, we would say instead of worrying, nurture visions in your own life and in that of humanity, of what else may be possible, of what a world of peace, love, prosperity, true respect, might look like, a world where everyone has the freedom to pursue their heart’s desires and every opportunity and support to make it so.

That is the world that is coming into being, being birthed right now, and just as a mother waits for her child and imagines what it might be like, so you, too rather than worrying, can nurture visions of what this wondrous new reality will be.

We are complete.

We are the Arcturians and we have enjoyed connecting with you

❤ ॐ ∞

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