Test your entrepreneurial industry relevance.

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

Dear steemit community

Industry relevance? what is that? Many people who are self-employed as their own bosses may have never heard of this term. In fact, for an enterprise, whether your business is a micro-enterprise or you have big ambitions to become a generation hegemon, you need to detect the industry relevance for your enterprise.


What is industry relevance? In fact, there is a certain relationship between the enterprise and the industrial chain. This relationship is very delicate. Very close transition will cause less development, but too far away will cause poor communication with each other. In the end, the enterprise may even be excluded from the industrial chain. How to judge the relevance of your entrepreneurial industry?

We examine ten complex problems together:

  1. Among the objects of your business, the proportion of general consumers is less than 20%.

  2. Your sales channel is also the sales channel of other manufacturers.

  3. There are at least three suppliers that can provide you with the same raw material or the same service.

  4. Huge manufacturers are wanting your your product or service.

  5. When the market changes or related news, you can grasp the news at the first time.

  6. When you are informed of a certain news, you are willing to share and discuss countermeasures with the cooperative manufacturers.

  7. In respect to sustainable management, all are ready to make changes.

  8. You and other peers can maintain healthy competition, and even support each other in times of crisis.

  9. If your business partner expands, you will benefit from it.

  10. You are willing to provide necessary assistance if your business partner is in difficulty.

If the answer to the above ten questions is lower than six questions, then your company is a company with a low degree of connection with the industry. Usually it belongs to this type of company, and the living space is relatively limited. Businesses are also less friendly. If you answered yes to more than nine questions, then your company is a company with a high degree of dependence on the industrial chain. When the overall environment grows, your company's profits are also prosperous, but when the environment shrinks , your business will also bear the brunt. How to get the perfect distance? This is the entrepreneurial wisdom that entrepreneurs need to master.

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hello @adityajainxds,
i believe that most companies in latin america have little relevance in their industries, the most common vision you can find is to work alone and not depend on other industries. from my point of view entrepreneurs in latin america have a lot to learn from entrepreneurs in developed countries, as they always seek to make a positive impact in their industries. this means that entrepreneurs are always looking for more relevance in their industries.

Companies must be able to keep up with the changes and improvements in the market and be able to adapt to these changes, so that their products can satisfy the needs and be an exemplary company that complies with the established rules and laws, as well as help others in their field to develop collectively. Thank you very much for sharing @adityajainxds_.

Entrepreneurship requires constant upskill and innovation, these questions are extremely important, partners will want to get associated with a company that offers regular innovation and increased skill.

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