in #my-niche7 years ago (edited)

STEEMIT CHILDREN XMAS GIVEBACK EVENT : (Spreading Love Through Steemit to Minors)

Hostess: @aderonkemi

steem it.jpg
Fuhadcreations made the graphics for event


Have you ever been nostalgic about Christmas celebrations during your younger days? You would agree it is more fun, more real and more celebratory unlike now that we are grown and Christmas sometimes passes almost like a normal day would.

Is Christmas only a celebration meant for kids?

Christmas is meant to be a season set aside to draw closer to society. One separated to build a community of love, show some care to everyone around you, take a break from daily rigorous lifestyles and spread laughter.

These thoughts brings me back to highlighting Christmas for me in two different phases of my life.....


As a child, i might forget other dates and seasons but christmas seasons are stuck to my head like my life depended on its accuracy.

My life truly depended on it!

I get to wear my brand new Christmas gowns which mum carefully picked out for this occasion. ✔✔

I wouldn't ignore the fact that I make pretty hairs for Xmas sake. ✔✔

Christmas special delicacies too were my favorites.✔✔

It is quite common in Nigeria settings to cook lots of chicken to mark Christmas celebration in homes. As a child, I was entitled to eating 2-3 pieces of chunky chicken because it was Christmas as opposed to the one-piece-a-meal or no meat at all on a normal time.

One thing I loved most as a kid during Christmas was the COMMUNAL CHILDREN VISITATION to other homes.

For this, 6-7 kids of different or same parents gather to visit houses in a bid to receive different sorts of gifts. Sometimes we would be served meals, candies, and mostly monetary gifts. Most Africans can relate to this type of Christmas celebration style. All in all, we do nothing but RECEIVE!


To be more honest, since I have passed the bane of teenage, I couldn't remember when last I took Christmas as a big deal. Rather than preparing family Christmas meals to connote a celebration ongoing, it was nothing other than normal periods or days for me.

Maybe I was past receiving but I never thought to GIVE either!

I never thought I would think to give until I joined STEEMIT!!

With my membership on this platform, I have embraced nobility and civility. I have RECEIVED when I was a kid during Xmas, now as an adult, it is time to GIVEBACK to kids. I can proudly think in this manner now!

STEEMIT has made a new ME!!!!!

Phone selfie


One of the obvious reasons might be because I received as a kid and thought to reciprocate! Correct to some extent

It is much more than that for me.

Steemit has infused every steemian with a sense of purpose and reasoning.

I saw beyond the present and envisioned a future where this kids run the steem block chain even as from today! After all, children are the future of today! I have decided to inculcate the spirit of STEEMIT in these children so as to give them a basic knowledge of the cryptic world. Is it called catching them young?

Even children have talents.

Some more talented than adults. They draw, they paint, most of them have amazing voices for singing and I know of a few other kids who tried tie and dye successfully.

We can equally give children a space in the steem world. Kids are adorable and should be given a chance.

I plan to introduce a steemit children account soon enough. Sharing love is equivalent to promoting STEEMIT. In more than one way, I think the real Christmas is steem.


I have seen many people here organize different steemit meetup this festive season of love to further share the good word about steemit and celebrate with fellow steemians . One of such events is the STEEMUP DELTA. It was enough motivation for me.

Much more than that, STEEMIT has made this year a much more pleasant one for me. It has given bountifully to me. It is time to reciprocate the good deeds. If we are members of a platform and don't represent its goals, we are as good as a nonparticipant!

I am an incubator. I nurture to growth. When fully independent and can scale successfully, I give back!

I hope everything turns out to be a success like I wish it to be.

There are a lot cost budgeted for this Children's Christmas events. Some of which includes:

• STEEMIT crested polo for children

• Balloons and party hats

• Eatables and drinkable for children

• Gifts wrappers and presents, lastly

• The knowledge of STEEMIT!

I would do as much as update you daily on my STEEMIT CHILDREN XMAS GIVEAWAY processes.

Thanks for reading through!!!

I wish you a happy Xmas in advance and a prosperous NEW YEAR!

NB: If you wish to tap into this mission of sharing love through GIVEBACKS to these adorable children (future of the steem blockchain), I am open to accepting contributions and donations. You could send in eatables for these kids if you so wish. They would love and appreciate it!

Don't forget to keep spreading love in this season!!!!


Thanks for your effort in spreading the love of christmas around.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to spread the love. We are the most grateful.

The business of insoiring and motivating young ones to success is for sure one of the most noble acts of man kind. Keep steeming dearie.

I feel honored sir! Thank you

While I was reading, I was having the flash back of how my Xmas used to be when I was young, and like seriously, things has really changed when grown up... I sometimes stayed indoor All through Xmas day, prepare my meal though having chicken prepared is a must, drink drinkable and behold, Xmas just gone by. Though when I was young, We don't really associates, so the best of the Xmas period used to be with my extended family. Like I'm still a kid too (lol), but to be sincere, if they should ask me how my Xmas will be this year, I don't think I have one interesting answer yet.... To the main point.
I love this Idea of yours, and I wish it happens the way you want it to be. Would love to follow the progress. Right now, would start the support by resteeming this post. Let share the Idea around!

Oh dear! I am very grateful for your kind words. I hope we all enjoy this christmas like we really do want to. Cheers 💕💕

wow, am inspired, and so glad to the effect this great steemit platform has done to lots of people, steemit has really bring back people including myself to get inspirations and know the right thing and do it at the right time, am so glad that you are able to plan this, and I pray it become a success and yield more fruits and as such, god will reward you abundantly.

how I wish I joined steemit earlier before the time I joined, nevertheless, I do my best to share love to others too and looking forward to do that in a big way next year by god's grace.

as for the children and their talents, this is the right time to really observe and discover their unique talents so as not to suffer as most of uswho are grown up who has not discovered our talents are suffering now.

I just made a post on my blog about talents since yesterday and today.

so keep up the good work dear.


Thank you so much for your awesome contribution. I would do as much as check your post about talents. Amen to your prayers

You would agree it is more fun, more real and more celebratory unlike now that we are grown and Christmas sometimes passes almost like a normal day would.

This was fun then, most especially when dad brought a fowl home, thats where the party 🎉 started.. Lol

In advance to you @aderonkemi

Some times I want to have a feel of that Christmas celebration I used to have as a child.
Merry Xmas.

It's time I also realize I've grown up and start thinking of ways I can give back to the younger ones in this spirit f Christmas.
God bless you for doing this and Merry Christmas in advance


I really admire your desire to give back. That's life for you. As a kid, it was a joy to expect and collect gifts. Now we're all grown up, it's time to give.

Even life is about give and take as at when due

I'm glad you made this post for children, As the saying goes, “Remember the reason for the season.” make sure you let them know the main reason why Xmas is been celebrated every year and the main background of it The birth of our saviour, This is a time to be grateful and to count blessings. When your family visits a friend or attends a cool event, take a moment to point out to your kids how fortunate they are to have such special people and opportunities in their lives. Go around and give everyone of them a chance to express gratitude for specific people or things they’re thankful for. And remind your kids that not every child around the world is so privileged.

Wow!!! What amazing comment!!! You are an inspirator sir! I would do well to remind them that.... ☺☺☺

Children Today have little or no knowledge on the purpose of CHRISTmas.

But this post will definitely serve as an eye opener for those in this category.

Children are the future and its wise to implant this knowledge in them so they can do the same when the time arrives.

I love the post and i know others will too.

Keep up the good work.

Oh dear!!!! I wish i would properly help children understand the meaning of christmas like you opined. God help me!!! Thanks for your comment.... 👍👍

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