Facebook uses "Unsafe to the community" as censorship excuse for Trump supporters Diamond & Silk

in #news7 years ago

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Zuckerberg is running for president, i've seen his countless speeches from state to state, both party will do their best to stop him from becoming a president, because nowadays if you're a celebrity you can easily win for presidency.

Zuckerberg is merely a child with an idea that was adopted by millions of people. Creating facebook was not genius, it was common sense. Decentralized social media that isn't controlled by children in suits who profit off OUR content is the next step, and THAT is revolutionary.

Soon Zuckerberg will be recognized as what he truly is: the first person to create something that would have been created whether he existed or not.

And you are entirely right, the selection of the president in the United States is nothing more than a celebrity popularity contest and has absolutely nothing to do with who is most equipped for the job.

Follow the money trail. It is obviously bigger than the Rothschilds, but this graphic is fitting for what I am describing here. Our country is ran by men with inordinate resources and our population is so dumbed down they don't even recognize these names. They think Jeff Bezos is the richest man on the planet....ignorance is bliss while it slowly destroys the world.

" the selection of the president in the United States is nothing more than a celebrity popularity contest and has absolutely nothing to do with who is most equipped for the job"

Just curious...What exactly makes an individual 'qualified' to run another mans life?

Come on,fb users,It is the time to switch to Steemit!

I'm glad that you've highlighted the fact that both Democrats and Republicans are both oppressive just in different ways. Many of the major social media companies started to notice the influence that people like yourself an many others were starting to have. So they started shadow banning your content from your followers and making changes to the timeline so people couldn't easily find your content.

1984 and A Brave New World aren't off in the distant future its here NOW.

"I'm glad that you've highlighted the fact that both Democrats and Republicans are both oppressive just in different ways."

illusion of choice.jpg

The worse part where the fake Russian accounts that where pooling together in groups to be incognito. They where forcing propaganda onto unknowing users. Ultimately, interesting case and infringe on a lot of topics.

Actual lyrics from one of my upcoming songs:

"Democrats and Republicans are just two sides of the same face,
and in the hands of the 1 percent who control this rat race."

The way facebook has shared data I think our information is simply not safe with them

You are right thinking.

Thanks for your sharing usefull and important information, facebook have many problem with loss user data in many country also in indonesia, the government of republic indonesia have sent warning letter to facebook, i have upvote and resteem your post to more than 1860 my follower in order to make more people know your post, greeting friendship from me @abialfatih in aceh indonesia, success always for you @adamkokesh

Pentagon kills Lifelog Project 02/04/04

Run by Darpa, the Defense Department's research arm, Lifelog aimed to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does: the phone calls made, the TV shows watched, the magazines read, the plane tickets bought, the email sent and recieved. Out of this seemingly endless ocean of information, computer scientists would plot distinctive routes in the data, mapping relationships, memeories, events and experiences.

The DARPA program was canceled in 2004 after criticism from civil libertarians concerning the privacy implications of the system. The same year Facebook was started.

Hmmmm sound familier..

Look up DARPA LifeLog timing with Facebook being founded...

8 }

FB is as corrupt as most left winged groups. Close those accounts!

Someone needs to invent fakeblock from Arrested Development.

It may be fair to say that since progressives aren't having an impact or more importantly people aren't buying into the negativity or the concentrated effort to take down a sitting President.

Platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have to step in and censor individuals like Diamond and Silk because they are actually having an effect and are influencing people.

Exactly. I've been saying that on blogs for months when people criticize him for not being able to fill post and the high rate of departures. Most of that is the media and democrats behind the witch hunts to bring anybody down that works for him or goes to work for him.

Zuckerburg is toast as far as rumors go that he's running. First he let the Russians influence Hillarys loss..or so they are claiming, then they sold data to that firm for Trump's campaign...which was perfectly okay back when Obama did the exact same thing. When they first speculated he was going to run I was sure it was a democratic ploy to take votes away from Trump because in all due honesty I just don't think people take him seriously after finding out he "stole" his way to fortune. Listening to him kiss up to congress the other day was seriously appalling....

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