Some small progress on the subreddit

in #subreddit7 years ago

In an attempt to rearrange the subreddit a bit better and make it easier to read and filter through posts you aren't interested in without having to read the full title, I started setting up flairs today.

There's been a small hick-up since we realized we don't have full permissions as moderators of the subreddit, which means we can't add more users to moderate it and play around with the css of flairs and since I'm the least technical person for this we will have to figure out some other ways. This also means though that we can't sticky important posts or news on top of the subreddit which would've been really needed for important developments and news such as posts from @steemitblog or @steemitdev for visitors of the subreddit.

What you can do now though is set up flairs, we currently only have 4 user flairs that you can choose from: Minnow, Dolphin, Whale and Visitor.

For post flairs we have a selection of this to make it easier for people to read so I recommend anyone posting on the subreddit to set their flairs depending on what your post is about, here is what you can choose from so far and if you have any more recommendations feel free to tell them here in this post.

This means that when you write a submission to the subreddit you can afterwards click on "flair" under your post title and choose one of those corresponding to your post.

Here on the sidebar is where you can find user flairs to choose your own flair, more will be coming soon and made more pleasing to the eye.

I will soon be starting to curate through posts listed on the subreddit as well to grow some activity on there so make sure to create a Reddit account and subscribe to in case you haven't done so yet!

Thanks for reading!


I don't. Why has it increased so drastically in the past week, particularly SBD?!

Yes mine too has increased and can't understand the reason behind it. Can uh out.

I don't really think anyone knows the reason why it rose so high to be honest.

Seems every alt which was half way decent had a surge at some point over the past week, Steemit just happened to be today.

But why did SBD rise instead of STEEM? STEEM is the much more obvious candidate for such a rise in my opinion.

SBD has the unique property that it is always worth at least $1 worth of Steem so it makes a good place to park some crypto to wait for a ride up or down. That along with it having no fee to send and the speed of the STEEM blockchain I am not supprised it is going to go up even higher. That will attract more people to join steem to try to earn them and then MOON and party blogs galore.

Ah, thanks for explaining! It must be pretty nice for traders to have a currency with a floor like the SBD does.

@blockchainttmft With the massive gains in bitcoin I bet a lot of people are using that new gains to pick up a few other coins and the cycle continues it is indeed an interesting time to be alive.

Korea + Bitcoin moon + altcoin fomo == :-D

hey, very good bby!

yes....good dude

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I have come to Steemit from reddit. Being honest I love the depth of the huge community on reddit but the chance to earn a little bit has made me favor steemit.
It would be cool to have a reddit like interface for steem

I came to discover Steemit via Google search autosuggestion tool while searching for a better alternatives to Minds. From there, a whole new world of blockchain and cryptocurrency understanding opened up to me and changed the way I look at the internet for ever.

Minds looked promising, but, then it went nowhere. It feels to me that they are struggling to monetise their platform. When facing something like Steemit, they can't compete.

I agree! But Minds got a cool and elegant website design which is fresh looking to our eyes though. Several big name intellectuals are using their platform as a blogging service.

My four (4) major concerns about Minds, if they can get a way around it I might consider utilizing their platform for content marketing purposes.

  1. Poorly optimize permalink for blog post which contains generic alphanumeric characters.

  2. Lack of proper categorization in the infinite scroll for blog posts.

  3. Cluttered commenting system which is very user unfriendly to navigate.

  4. Poor font choice and text size particularly in the comment section.

The best thing about Minds is that, it is truly a censorship-resistant platform. The freedom of expression there is miles ahead of Steemit, truth be told.

I would agree with you on all of your points.

Can you please point me to the big names you are referring to on Minds?

I am rather disappointed with the quality of what I see in my feed.

"Minds is truly censorship-resistant", yes, the owners of the site seem to allow people free reign on what they post, however, the platform is still centralised. While internal censorship is not in play, external censorship could shut it down. Where as Steemit is decentralised and thus more resistant to external censorship.

Same here, convert from reddit to Steemit.

I've never been much of a Reddit fan. Steem was recommended and I fell into a great group of folks over at #steemsilvergold. I've been hooked ever since.

I discovered Steemit, by mispelling steam on Google... best typo so far, I reckon

Haha, a typo that could potentially make you rich ;)

Haha, that's hilarious

@constantinep that is the best STEEM discovery story I have heard. Sounds like the universe had a new way for you to pay for your games on steam by leading you to STEEM. If you think about it you can buy a game and write a review about it and share a video of it and earn more in Steem and SBD than the game cost you. Mining crypto with creativity oh Yeah!

hahaha now we are getting creative !

Earning from what is essentially a social media site?!?
What could be better

World peace and all that stuff would be better :P

it would be very favorable for many people, greetings

Crypto will save the world or kill it

This is a genius idea. I think the way Reddit is organized into subreddits is one of the best features. Reddit is my go-to place when I'm interested in how other people feel about different topics.

Yeah, that's true, and I do that as well. I am really looking forward to seeing how things will become here on Steemit once the Communities are released!

They have Communities planned? Can you link to (or offer) more information? I think that's an exciting upgrade.

You can read about it in the 2017 Roadmap at page 9. There is not too much info about it yet, but we'll get it some day ;)

Hello, I am on steemit more than 6 months, and I was posting almost everyday and sharing the link on reddit, who knows why there is no activity there in the steemit subreddit ? not even one comment, no thing. Will this flair help me to have some activity on my shared posts there ? On facebook there is much better activity !

I know I also found it weird how there was no activity there.

It might :) I'm going to start curating posts there more often, especially if you flair them!

I will, tell me please I am not a professional on reddit, did I flair this post there ? : (I changed the flair after posting this)

I changed today a flair to DOLPHIN because I love dolphins from my chilhood. ☺

Will every my post there will be with a flair DOLPHIN or just the new ones ?

You have changed your username flair to Dolphin. You can still flair your posts with another flair. Just go to the link you posted, and it should be an option to flair it right below the main post / above the comment section.

I didn't find that option, there is just sort by, can you make a screenshot please ?

Hmm, I can't really screenshot it, because it should only be visible to the person who posted the link. I could try to submit a post on the subreddit later today to see if I can find it and screenshot it :)

ok, I'll wait thanks

I can't say for sure because we don't have visitor stats, but I'm pretty sure I get a little love from Reddit when I post on the Steemit subredit. The votes are often pretty weak, so they are probably mostly from minnows like me. Still, it's nice to see somebody reading my posts. We all have to start somewhere.

Giving this a try again, hope I get it right Reddit has always been the go to place to find good content and information, not posted much in there.

So thanks for reminders about places to go back to and actually make use of @acidyo

Late to the game as always, didn't know the Steemit subreddit until reading your post! Just got on there and FLAIRED.

Works perfectly, many thanks @acidyo!

Nice ^^ welcome!

I just signed up for Reddit...was always a lurker....subscribed and will get involved over there.

Question: what is the value of having a subreddit for steem/steemit?

I know the crosslinks help to raise the status since Reddit is a high ranking Alexa site...but do you think other people on Reddit will be drawn to it/here?

I think it will be an important gateway to Steem once we get the tipbot up and running as well! :)

Is it acceptable to post our own content over there or is the posting of others preferred?

Reddit is done fam. Bought sold and full of shills and bots at this point. Been there for years now I'm here.

I hope steemit gets a community like reddit has/had. Ex bots and shills

Steemit eventually plants to add Communities, which will be something like the subreddits.

Yeah for sure tony. I think we get there things like that just take time. I would say for how short steemit has been running the progress has been insane. And with blockchain tech in everyones mind moving in this direction is really a no brainer. People are fed up and wise to whats happening/happened to site like fb and rddit. This is evolution and Im excited for it.

I have give up on facebook completely(never got into it in the first place really) I still hang out on reddit mostly because of the size of the community - ANY question answered over there. I have been spending most of my time here now, trying to find where I fit in ; ) Also excited for the future of steemit

Its fine either way! :)

Just try and flair them!

I am a long time Reddit user, and when I first heard of Steem I checked out the subreddit before ever going to the website. It was a spamfest, so that fact made me very skeptical of actually signing up on Steemit. I am very glad that I did, but I think having a strong media presence on other social medias is important if we want to "poach" users from that platform.

Oh, wow. You guys can't sticky posts either? What happened to the guy who created the sub? He just deleted his account and never said anything? That's such a bummer that things have been so difficult with setting it up.

If it wasn't already a decently sized sub, I'd just suggest starting from scratch on another. But, the progress you have been able to make so far is a step in the right direction at least. Also, Happy Independence day, by the way, bro!

I thought attempts at ... well, shilling for Steem and Steemit on Reddit had always been a complete failure. I gave up on it a long time ago, figuring "screw 'em, we don't need them. They'll find their way to us when they see the light anyway". Been subscribed to that particular subreddit for most of this year and it's a dead zone.

I applaud your persistence and determination though, @acidyo. If we can awaken a decent fraction of the folks at Reddit to the awesomeness of Steemit? Wow, that would be a gamechanger 👍

Glad to see it's getting some love. I know the goal of steemit is to not "post" for free, but would love to see the subreddit used as a discussion forum and maybe an idea exchange.

I think the steemit subreddit is extremely underutilized.

Yes, actually when I first heard about Steemit, I went straight to reddit to get more information about it, which didn't work out so well. So at least anecdotally it would have served as a great source of information for what steemit is about (if it wasn't cluttered with post promotion).

On the flip side, I made a reddit account finally after many years as a lurker, so I'm going to see if I can help some folks out on the reddit ;)

I had the exact same experience. I almost decided not to test out Steemit after checking out the subreddit. This is well over a year ago, and it might even have been worse with spam back then.

Very cool idea. I already have a reddit account, but think I'll definitely spend some more time there as well.

I heard about this place from one of my gambling buddies, we all love bitcoin and he liked to post stuff regarding art, when did steemit become live do you know? Literally ive never heard of this place... lol

Heyyy ocho. Welcome- Have an updoot. It's not worth much, I'm new here too, but who knows maybe it will someday. Oh and you like poker and blockchain- check out virtue poker man. I can't wait for it to go live :)

July 4th, 2016 ;) Interesting timing, if I do say so myself.

Once submitted an OCD Daily and got downvoted to zero :P

lol, too bad you can't see who downvoted you for retaliation! xD

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