Every vote counts

in #downvotes5 years ago

No, based on the title this is not going to be a post asking everyone to vote for our witness although it is important to vote for witnesses as well on our blockchain! Seeing the top witness only have about 20% of (powered up steem or total supply?) in votes should try and get some people to vote more actively though, and more importantly, change them from time to time depending their own judgement.

In this post I wanted to talk about downvotes, something we have been lacking for a long time and something that is now being used more than ever and it's become a daily topic of discussion. With ocdb's stake our main goal in the beginning of the hardfork was to downvote big voting rings that were doing a lot of harm by only "curating" certain authors over and over with the content being generic, farmy and low effort. Not to mention they were constantly powering down, but that doesn't matter much and would be hypocritical for me to say, but I guess my efforts and loyalty for Steem doesn't reflect it as it remains unchanged. It's pretty funny when some people throw that at me as an excuse for being against my opinions or lowering my voice, as if selling at the literal bottom after having held at $6 and powered up 20k steem at $2 is something I really enjoy doing. It's not a race though, it's a marathon and according to current rules we still have a couple decades of "mining", let's see who's still around then.

Anyway, without sidetracking too much, our next target with ocdb was another voting ring that was doing pretty much the same as the previous user. This case was a bit different as it was mainly a few accounts it voted on, and the stake was purchased instead of delegated, nonetheless it was low effort content that even someone not understanding the language could easily spot and with some confirmation from a local we decided to downvote those posts. The user receiving some of the downvotes contacted me and we discussed the reasons such as the EIP, proof of brain, curation rewards increase, honest voting, etc and according to that user they were close so I figured they would discuss what we discussed among themselves. Some time passed and it looked as though the stakeholder started curation so we stopped downvoting.

After we announced going manual we decided to help the other stakeholders who were fighting off bid bots. The point being here is the same as the reasons we decided to go manual with ocdb. Delegators getting higher returns than curators while buyers getting free rewards no matter the content and the bid bot owners taking a cut for doing no curation. Since ocdb was mainly curated authors and the votes they could purchase did not do much for attention, in the way that they could trend with it, etc, we had good odds to be the last bot standing even when the whole platform went against all bid bots. It was not the right thing to do though as it was unfair to all the honest curation and those wanting proof of brain to come back to Steem, so we joined the fight instead. And what a fight it's turning out to be.

There are a lot of positives that have come out of this but we're just starting and I believe many will be attempting to find loopholes to avoid honest curation, good thing is that quality is subjective and once downvotes are normalized it won't hurt to throw a few around just to be safe in case certain votes are bought in hidden methods.

So even though we stopped downvoting this user, and we merely downvoted a small percentage to show them that honest curation is a lot more rewarding now, not just to not make steem look like a scam or basic proof of stake shitcoin, but that maybe it would feel good voting on others for a change instead of showing up daily to write those placeholders they call posts to just vote yourself and friends with. The user has now figured out who was in charge of the downvotes and continues retaliating. It's kind of funny cause here I was about to stop self-voting cause the downvoting from others has caused bid bots to go into curation mode (even though they have no other choice and try to snipe at 5mins for max returns instead of do "honest curation") and overreward my posts. I was not expecting this, at one point I was going to self-vote a lot later to instead reward the users curating me, what annoys me though is that he is also downvoting @ocd posts.

So in case he is reading this, those compilation and sharing post rewards don't go to me. If you want to be a baby and continue retaliating on my account then feel free to, I got plenty of content and can keep posting more often so you can use your free downvotes if you that makes you feel better. If you want to continue hurting the platform and those curating and bringing traffic into the website, then that just means some extra voting power going towards those posts in preparation for your downvotes which could instead go into honest curation. While one stakeholder took our downvotes which are meant to help your own investment with grace and agreed to give #newsteem and the EIP a try through honest curation, you're just making yourself look bad instead.

Free downvotes are the best thing to have happened to Steem, it's a way for the wisdom of the crowd in the future to police themselves and reward content, effort, etc that helps the whole ecosystem. You may wonder why Facebook content is pure garbage compared to the front-page of Reddit, here instead we have downvotes that are accountable, public and anyone is free to judge if some are worth it or are just used because you can't get your way of farming endless Steem. I'm glad they're, what looks like, curating now at least and I hope it'll grow on them, if not, then consider your recent actions to be memorable enough for people to make sure you're still doing that later on.

I'm hoping more people use their downvotes over time and we just rip the bandaid off and realize this is what it is now. We may mostly be focusing on bid bots right now as that's what the general and most known "problem with Steem" is, but I'm sure that once that is cleared up somewhat the next step will be voting rings and farming. When we get to that day where a top trending post has a few downvotes and no one gives a shit about it the same way how some people don't give a shit about a low amount of dislikes on youtube videos - we may be very close to this platform being at it's fairest it can become and others will have a hard time catching up to it.

Feel free to judge people not using their downvotes at all, those saying "they don't want any part of this" are mostly just cowards and not doing Steem a favor cause there is plenty of stuff to downvote and if this sentence doesn't get me any downvotes then I'll be disappointed.

To end this post and cause I'm too lazy looking for a shitty pic I took years ago, here's the new Two Feet song that dropped recently, the electric guitar drops harder than a 100% blocktrades downvote.


grow the fuck up.


every vote counts!

Very nice post. Indeed downvoting is part of the platform now and indeed I think it's a good thing. I have to say that I realy needed to get used to the idea, you know as I am one of the people complaining about it towards you. Again thanks for the given support. But I starting to get it more and more and indeed it's a good way to keep this platform more healthy. Keep up the good work at OCD and all the subs.

I guess the talk is about the account @sigizzang and I am not talking for this account but had been DM'ed before from other Steemians because of it. I think that the owner of the account is not really reading your posts(language barrier). The latest general response about the downvotes can be found here.


Google translate works like shit, but it does it job.

The first reaction after the downvoting started,

The second reaction, which may be positive from your point of view.

If you want to be a baby and continue retaliating on my account then feel free to, I got plenty of content and can keep posting more often so you can use your free downvotes if you that makes you feel better.

You should not assume, but try to talk to each other. Actions without correct communication calls reactions that may not be productive for anybody.

You're right, I apologize for assuming it's just annoying seeing others get downvoted that are impartial and innocent in this. I talked for a long time with @coldsiksu and explained to him why the downvotes and considering his relationship with the main account I figured they would have informed eachother. We are trying to get a native to bridge the gap and help with communications soon. Thanks for stopping by and the links, will read if there is something I haven't read yet.

I find it interesting how some people have reacted to the downvoting when they are parts of voting circles as if what they have been doing all this time is brilliant behavior that helps the platform. I am hoping that eventually there will be some kind of consensus of stake where the vast majority of people recognize that what Steem really needs to grow is their support to help build and attract attention to the platform, not extraction from it.

No matter how you've acquired stake, it does not give you a guarantee of future rewards and better people learn that now than when prices are much higher.

It is going to be interesting how the dynamic changes when Steem is up in the several dollars and a single DV is potentially for hundreds worth.

good read, didn't like the song. will grow up eventually :)

Over the 1,000s of comments and votes I have given … I've never down voted anyone. Maybe that's good or maybe not I just rather debate people I strongly disagree with I guess

I like downvoting people who spam tags and who tag inappropriately. It's funny listening to them complain. "I didn't know that I shouldnt tag this flower picture as reggae music" ...

Posted using Partiko Android

Honestly, there is no accounting for ignorance. The blatant hypocrisy of some is the true show of their character. Now we just need more people to stop supporting that kind of mentality and it will drive them off or force them to change their ways.

Social media and social engineering are not far from each other.

I need to get on a downvote trail since I don't take time to look for things to use them on. Everyone I follow, 99% of the time see no need to downvote.

Lol. The way things are going on this platform is annoying. Some whales who spam, farm comments and self vote those comments heavily get mad when a minnow downvote those said comments or posts. They'll come for your head. Anyways, maybe some thinks that being a whale on steemit translates to be a little "god" who cannot be questioned.

It burns my heart seeing whales abuse the downvote policy. These guys are supposed to be role models here. But some are just hypocrites and dark hearted. Lol, unfortunately for me, I had an encounter with Bernie yesterday who has "turned a new leaf". I was disappointed. He went on a downvote spree on my account @abdex9 😂 when he noticed i flagged one of his account @pornburn for spamming . You can check it out. So some whales can break the rules and expect to get a handshake? Until we all stop leaking whale balls and make this platform great, we will keep moving in circle.

I know there are many good whales out there, I've met a lot. Let's not destroy this platform with unnecessary malice and pride. Downvotes are meant to make us better in what we do.

Absolutely, when I look at what you just talked about. It well said and it beyond just the downvotes. We need more STEEM Police. Well said. @acidyo. Follow me on my #Foodporn to know more about the African Indigenous Healthy swallow Foodies. I promise you. You will definitely give a trial ♨️♨️♨️

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