Hello Steemit! I can help be your guide to China // 老外如何了解和体验真正的中国

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Bringing My Experiences to One Place // 将多元化的经历汇集在一起

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About me:

Hello!This is @abroadlife (real name Brian) writing from Shanghai. I've learned about the Steemit community through my big brother @hansikhouse and the new incubator @sndbox, which I’m thrilled to have joined :)

大家好!我是来自美国东北部的美籍韩裔Brian,目前住在上海。最近我哥哥@hansikhouse和孵化基地@sndbox向我介绍了Steemit这个平台;很荣幸能加入@sndbox的团体 :)

I'm originally from the US but I also have family in South Korea. I've previously lived in several countries, including S.Korea, Japan, and now China. I came here to better understand East Asia by learning the languages and embracing the cultures on my own terms, instead of relying on media accounts or stereotypes.


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(Graduation from my Chinese Masters Program//浙大研究生的毕业典礼)

In the 4 years that I've lived in this region, I've worn many strange hats:

  • WWOOFer and homestay student (Japan)
  • Intensive Language Student (Taipei, Beijing)
  • Fulbright Researcher studying the rural education system (Villages in Liaoning, Gansu, Shaanxi)
  • Dance instructor (Chinese villages)
  • Project Pengyou leadership fellow (US-China)
  • Masters student studying private education agencies (Hangzhou)
  • Outdoor educator/travel guide (Zhejiang, Shandong)
  • Food tour guide (Shanghai)
  • Cheap food blog writer (Shanghai)
  • Product marketing manager for a Swiss anti-counterfeiting/supply chain startup (Shanghai)


  • WWOOF(世界有机农场机会组织)
  • 参加者和家庭寄宿的学生(日本)
  • 速成中文课程的学生(台北,北京)
  • 研究中国农村教育制度的福布莱特研究生(辽宁,甘肃,陕西)
  • 街舞老师(中国农村)
  • Project Pengyou 组织代表(美国与中国)
  • 研究私立留学中介,硕士(杭州)
  • 户外教育者/旅游导游(浙江,山东)
  • 食物导游(上海)
  • 廉价食物博客的撰写者(上海)
  • 防伪二维码的瑞士创业公司的产品营销经理(上海)


(Delicious soup dumplings in SH, and cheap enough for my blog//上海有名的小笼包,价格也不错)

Vid dance 7.2017 gif.gif

(House class in Shanghai//在上海的house舞蹈课)

I have come to love my time here and want to share about what it's like to approach 21st century Asia with an open mind; since I live in China, I will mainly focus on sharing stories and knowledge from my experience here.



(Scenes from my favorite campus in Hangzhou//我最喜欢的浙大校区)

My Steemit Goals // 目的

Steemit has the potential to be a powerful vehicle for cross-cultural learning. Steemit is facilitating global exchange with multi-language posts, and we can drive this forward by sharing content that educates both sides about the issues they're most curious about.


This blog is for readers who want to learn more about China and witness the experience of an outsider (me) learning to understand China from my own on-the-ground perspective. I'll be posting regularly in both English (my native language) and Mandarin (still on the long journey to mastery). Whether it's travel pics of China, a discussion of emerging tech trends in Shanghai (I love this city!!), or the best techniques for learning Mandarin, I am here to share.

作为一个研究中国现状的老外,希望这个博客可以帮助想要了解中国的外国人,通过我在中国的经历学到新的知识; 同时帮助中国人见证外国人如何理解他们祖国(欢迎大家当吃瓜群众)。由于我母语是英语,请原谅我中文的一些怪怪的部分哈哈。不管是旅游照片,在上海新生科技趋势的谈话(我真爱这个城市!),或学习普通话的有效手段,我想和大家分享分享。


(Lucky cats in Shanghai's Tianzifang//上海田子坊的招财猫)

There are 3 main themes I want to cover in my weekly updates:

  1. How can foreigners/non-native speakers effectively engage Chinese culture whether as a tourist or as an expat? What are the tools available to us to learn the language and understand what is happening in China?
  2. What does it feel like to live/study/work in China? What are the most exciting and challenging aspects of life here?
  3. How can we reconsider or reinvent our idea of travel and living abroad? What is the significance behind choosing to pursue "global citizenship"? What are concrete ways that we can build bridges between cultures?


  1. 外国人作为游客或者侨民如何有效地接触中国文化?有什么工具可以用来帮助老外学习中文和理解中国的现状?
  2. 老外在中国生活/学习/工作有什么感受?什么令我们振奋,什么给我们挑战的?
  3. 如何反思游客和留学的概念?“全球国民“有什么意义?有什么具体手段可以用来建立跨文化的桥?


(Mysterious flash storms recently in Shanghai//最近上海的神奇雷暴)

What can I help you learn? // 我能帮你学到什么知识?

Before I start producing content, I would love to hear from the Steemit community about what topics you would like to learn more about. What sparks your interest in China/East Asia? What can I help you understand better? What questions or concerns do you have about the region or visiting here? What are the ideas, resources, or misconceptions that we should shed more light on? Thank you in advance for your input!




Welcome !! wish you best of luck @abroadlife Now am Following You i like your blog

I am Isabella Chloe From El Monte california

I'm wrting post about Animals if you interested! D'nt Forget Follow me Thank you


Welcome onto Steemit!! Finally... =)

Thanks Hyung! Excited to join the community :)

아니... 사진을 보자마자 @hansikhouse님을 생각했는데... 가족이셨군요...

아이작님 맞습니다 ㅎㅎ 제 얼굴과 몸을 포토샵 늘려서 도용 같을 수도 있겠습니다 ㅎㅎ

ㅋㅋ네 @hansikhouse 의 동생이에요.. 반갑습니다 :)

3개 국어를 하시는군요... 부럽습니다. 저는 요즘 중국어를 조금 공부하는 중인데, 부끄럽네요.

저의 동생은 동양학과 언어를 정공해서 일본어 중국어를 합니다.
아이작님이 중국 가시면 제 동생을 만나세요! ㅎㅎ

그래야겠습니다 ㅎㅎ 감사합니다~

I see talent runs in the family @abroadlife! This is an exceptional intro post, and I'm especially interested in learning more about life in China from the "ground". Most of what I've gleaned about China is riddled with stereotypes or simply an isolated extreme story that doesn't tell much about typical life. I like that you give a list of what kinds of jobs you've had while spending time abroad - this kind of transparency is invaluable. Looking forward to more!

Welcome to Steem @abroadlife I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome :) to Steem i am also new! Around :)

Thanks, looking forward to following you :)

Hello abroadlife. Welcome to this great community and I'm very sure that you will enjoy

Welcome to steemit @abroadlife., Keep working well, hopefully in steemit we know each other, to add friends from different parts of the country .. I am so glad you join here, I feel have a friend again, hopefully in this steemit we support each other With the best work we have, best regards @ibel20.

I just wrote a post of introduceyourself, visit this link https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@ibel20/introduction-hi-stemians-i-m-ibel20-a-new-comer-2017813t17227698z

Welcome to Steemit @abroadlife, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

welcome here @Abroadlife ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom

welcome on board ;)

Thank youuu :)

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