Making cartoonish characters. Do you recognize them?

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)


Do you recognize them? I would like to make a test. I am showing you these 3 characters illustrations, at the end of my post I am going to reveral their identity and we will see if I made them well. This characters I made a long time ago for a app game. In this post I would like to talk about one of my favorite work: make cartoons.

Captura de pantalla 2018-06-12 a las 4.53.17 p.m..png

As an illustrator is a challenge take a characterize aspect of a person face and make it as a cartoon, but on other hand when you reach the right shape to show how its look her or his, it is really greatefull. Everybody have a particular an unique face, someone can be has a round face, another one rectangular, other person can be have a big eyes and another small. It is need only exagerate some aspects that allow to recognize him without doubt.

Captura de pantalla 2018-06-12 a las 4.09.41 p.m..png

As a tip for whose would like to improve in this field I suggest first, check the style of drawing of some artist that you like most and try to take this style as a reference. Find some pictures that you like to characterized as a cartoon and make it. Dont be afraid if the first drawing does not looks nice, make as more as you can and at the end of this exercises you will see that last drawing is going to be better than initial sketch. Try to push yourselve to improve your drawing skills.


Other exercise that you can take as a challenge is for example, make one illustrations per day for one month. Remember the phase of Leonardo DaVinci Master: “Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction saps the vigor of the mind.”. So is necessary hard work, is the only way to reach our goals as an artist.


The cartoonish artwork I am showing here some of them have been made like a gift, some as a commisioned work or also just as a digital practice. The meaning of this post is not only showing my work, is also encouraging you to improve your drawing skills in this field, try to go out of the comfort zone and draw some famous person that can be recognizable at the end.

The characters at the top of my post are Hulk Hogan, Will Smith and Jackie Chan. If you identificate them that means I made a good job. What do you think?


If you would like to support me you can Upvote me, or follow my work at instagram, or only make a comment, I will really appreciate any feedback from you everybody. Also I remember I have open commisions work if someone are interested.


To finish my post I would like to make another hard test. Would you recognized him? jejejeje! Have a wonderfull day to everyone!


PD: Some characters have been done with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator as a vector illustrations.

Copyright @abrahmatan - All Rights Reserved
Media: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator


great post. I thought Will smith at first, but I second guessed myself and also thought it could be Chris Rock, but I got Hulk Hogan and Jackie Chan right!

It is funny to see if someone can recognize this characters. Thank for your comment :)

Great work. I couldn't recognize Jackie Chan, but I recognized the other two.

Great! Well it is still an experiment. I like to see if my drawings can catch the essence of a person. I keep working to improve this drawing skill. Thanks to write me. I have seen your feedbacks in another of my post and I really apreciate it :)

You're welcome!

Wow! You very talented!
I'll follow you, and I will be happy if you follow to my blog. I hope we will be friends;)

Thank you. I am following you too. I like your drawings, has a plenty colors. Really fascinating. Sure! We can be friend and support each other in this interesting process art! :)

Thank you so much again for your support! :) I keep working to improve my art!

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