Swapping Blue for Green and Grey

in #england5 years ago

Almost three weeks have passed since I returned to the UK and I am missing the blue. A couple of images from Nottingham and the road along the way.

The stay at my brothers ended last week as we said farewell to my grandad and the family again dispersed back to the towns and cities they now call home. Some of us, e.g., my mother have a bit further to go and a plane is required - but I had the luxury of a road trip 55 miles south east across the Pennines in a camper van owned by my cousin. I've not seen him since my grandma's funeral a decade ago - life getting in the way and death bringing people together.


My cousin works in these hills often as a volunteer doing mountain rescues. Apparently the weather can get a little bit hairy and people can get lost, but it's mostly lower limb breaks and sprains that he has to attend to.

On a good summers day, the UK can be glorious in places like this. I've camped up here a few times and do enjoy time away from the city, but will this scenery make up for the lack of sun, sea, and sand though, we shall see.


I'm not entirely sure why I took a photo of this building, I guess it holds a lot of memories for me. Below is the Newton building, named after Isaac, and it is the home of the Computing and Engineering department of Nottingham Trent University. I studied and worked here for a total of about 18 years, and I must admit, it's not an attractive building to look at at all!


Those who have been around a while my remember photos and videos of @stephenkendal and @starkerz promoting Steem to students on those steps in September 2017. With the likes of @steemninja, I suspect they would have more success this coming autumn.

Into the city centre now and a view of the Town Hall across Nottingham market square.


More often than not, the square holds some kind of event - fairground rides and places to eat are popular, and next month the paving stones will be covered by sand as the space is transformed into the Nottingham Rivera. Hmmm, well at least the sand will be closer and I won't have to cycle so far, right @meesterboom?

As above, Cleethorpes on the east coast of England is the closest beach to Nottingham. That's about a 100 minutes in the car, and the destination when compared to my old 5 minute walk..... I'm not convinced it's worth the trip as by plane you would be over half way to Mallorca in that time!

There is some water close by though, and you can even go for a dip in parts of the water feature shown in the picture of the market square above. That's not for me, and neither would be taking a dip in the pond at the Arboretum which is the city park not far from the University campus. For many years, this park was a part of my commute to work, and before that, the venue of many lazy days spent 'studying' with friends.


No doubt I'll be paying this place a visit, especially if the sun comes out - end of next week apparently.

Finally, a random photo not far from the place I am staying which was taken the other night on my return home from visiting some old friends. Something to break up the grey and green at least.


So far, no luck on the job hunt but I'm not stressing just yet. There is work, but I'd rather hang on a little longer in hope for something that pays reasonably well and is of interest. Failing that, a pay cut and monotonous tasks await :)

Alright, it's time to get my Mallorca fix by watching Love Island. The show is set about 10 km from Cala Millor and the hills you see in the footage are the other side of the ones I could see from the balcony.

I hope you got home safe mum!




Hey, @abh12345.

I'm sorry you had to trade down in the weather department. I know how that feels. Oregon is quite cloudy for great stretches of the year, but even we manage to have more sunshine getting into June.

I suppose I'm taking a pay cut, too (as boss seven years ago, I could do lowest six figures), which is quite a distance from where I'll be doing what I'm doing right now. But I'm strangely interested in it (it's bound to wear off), even if things are fairly mundane and menial. I haven't had an 'honest' job in a long time. :)

Again, good luck on the job front. Something is bound to turn up.

A massive trade down, but there is apparently more to life than sunshine...

Oregon I hear is lovely!

I doubt I'll ever see a six figure salary, but a 50% cut will hurt if that's how things end up. Hoping its 25% at most. Cheers :)

West side of Oregon (which is basically about a third of the state, maybe a quarter), anything west of the Cascades, is very nice. The rest of the state is high desert, and it has it's moments, but isn't what people generally refer to when they say Oregon is beautiful.

We do have one of the more temperate climates, but that generally means rain for at least a third of the time and clouds for probably two thirds. About four months of solid sunshine sounds about right. :)

The six figure salary is the benefit of owning my own business. Downside of owning my own business is that six figure salary can also be lower five figures or less depending on how the business is doing. :) I've been on both sides of that equation.

Four months of solid sunshine sounds like a fair amount to me - as long as you can get out there and enjoy it of course.

Right, own business can and likely will have those ups and downs, not too dissimilar to the crypto market :)

Uh! I love the grey and green from the UK - I even believe it would bore me less quickly then blue skies and sea - then again I'm a photographer and blue skies are definitely something I avoid at all cost :D I'd rather have stormy clouds and rain and that sunshine right after the rain when the clouds are still there - those are the best.

Anyway, what am I rambling, hope you were able to reflect on things with your family and find a job pronto so you know why you left those blue skies you love so much <3

You crazy :P

I'm aware that sunshine and no clouds don't work so great for photos but that doesn't worry me at all!

Hopefully I can settle into something and find a routine, the grey skies my pass faster that way :)

It has been cloudy and wet over here too Asher. As well as for you, sun is expected only in a few days. Oh well ...

Thank you for sharing these nice photos with us (even the one you took of the Newton building 😆). I also think the UK is dotted with glorious places. Oh, before I forget, your cousin sounds like a very interesting person, what a beautiful job he has.

I wish you all the best with your future projects and plans. May your days be soon coloured with vibrant tones and shades!

Take care.

Well I can take heart in that the rain is being shared around I guess but I'm sure the summer sun over there comes with more of a guarantee than it does here! :)

My cousin is a teacher but has his heart set out on becoming a mountain guide as well as supporting mountain rescue - I hope that he can fulfill that dream soon enough.

Thank you very much for the uplifting words, with a little luck I will hopefully be on track soon enough.


a pay cut and monotonous tasks await :)

We're gonna be colleagues!!!!

Along with another billion or so :)

I guess it's green for you then - Pennines have to get it over the coast if you're in the middle of the country, the drive's not that worth it.

What are the chances you'll end up working back in that same building??? That could be a real mind-bender.

Love Island, please god no!

Really not worth it imo, I would rather go sit in a park.

Slim chance I'll be back at Trent, but never say never.

Love Island part of my hosts daily TV viewing - worth it just to see those hills again!

Aw man, getting your sun fix through Love Island, grim!!

So, as you say, bit far too cycle for the sand in the square!! :0)

Is it not meant to be hot Thu/Fri? It's in the 20s here apparently. I'm all excited! Lol

Grim indeed!

Yep it's looking good for later in the week - I'll believe it when I see it!

My crazy optimism has already led to me taking a half day on Friday!! Woot woot! #tapsaff

Grand! I used to book those almost weekly in the summer - sometimes the stars would align! Good luck!

It does sometimes seem to be a case of if you book it, they will come

If not there is always beer!

There are few things worse than November in Southern Finland. No snow, yet, but very short days. I remember visiting London, ten latitudes south of where I live, about ten years ago around New Year. I spent four days there attending a go tournament. It was very sunny and bright on one day. It felt like mid-February.

I have heard it can be rather rough up there during the winter months and I don't think I could handle that. Wonderful honest summers though?

I have heard it can be rather rough up there during the winter months and I don't think I could handle that.

Maybe not if winters in the south of England have been too dark and dreary for you.

Wonderful honest summers though?

Days are very long. Temperature-wise most areas in the UK experience cooler summers than the south of Finland. Only in the southeast of England are summers a bit warmer on average than in the south of Finland.

Enjoy the sun in England when it arrives - and then enjoy the massive thunderstorm that will follow it!

Hold out for the most interesting work Asher - it might partially compensate for the less beneficial weather!

heh :) Yes the following thunderstorm is guaranteed - even if the sun hasn't appeared!

Holding out is my plan, although as funds dwindle I may have to take something less exciting just to make ends meet. Let's see what happens, thanks!

Is there anything specifically you are looking for Asher - a specific role in a tech department?

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Damn.. I want some green and grey of Nottingham! Wanna trade for a week?

I get you miss the ocean, but you have some lovely things there and you will find the peace and beauty of your surroundings.

Hell just get @starkerz to meet you for a beer, that wanker.. he’s been turning me down for like a year.. he has no excuse for you 😜 You guys could plan a meet up 🙂

I'll trade for a year if you wish :)

I've already told him I'm around, so we shall see re: beer - and I'll take a couple of photos just to rub it in :P

Sounds really crappy and I miss the place, but not the weather. Hoping that something breaks soon on the job front.

Thanks, I could do with some beer money just in case the sun comes out :)

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